
John Abraham slams star fees and entourage

Says it’s bleeding Hindi cinema, actors need a reality check

John Abraham minced no words, as he accused stars for bleeding the industry dry. In an interview to Hollywood Reporter, he lamented on the exorbitant star fees, their burgeoning entourage and how it’s affecting business in the film industry.

A producer himself, John said star stylists charging Rs 2 lakh a day was mental, and requested his colleagues and counterparts to introspect on the same. “It’s already hurting Hindi cinema. At this point of time, we shouldn’t be paying people to act in films because we don’t justify those huge budgets. The huge fees that we get paid, and we can’t load a film with entourage costs as well. It’s ridiculous. Don’t know if actors are thinking this way or is it their agent making them think differently. I understand you are put in a bubble, but you can’t be so daft. You need to see the real world. If people are blowing sunshine from your backside, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. As an industry, we are really suffering,” he said to Hollywood Reporter.

He suggested fees cuts were imperative and actors should accept that sometimes they aren’t worth the price they quote.

The actor’s statement won him support as several industry insiders feel star tantrums and their self obsession with their image often costs the film. “They should be paid as per the performance of their film. But there are actors who charge a large amount and want profit shares as well. That’s only justified if your film is a hit. But when your movie flops should your fees not be cut as well?,” asks a trade analyst.

John also called out producers spending copious amounts of money on stars, and promotions, and compromising on creativity “Make films, don’t make proposals. Today no actor can get you any opening. Get your content right and cast actors according to the script.”

Actors should be paid as per the performance of their film. But there are actors who charge a large amount and want profit shares as well. That’s only justified if your film is a hit. But when your movie flops should your fees not be cut as well?,” asks a trade analyst.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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