People ‘Take A Call’ On Mealtime Basics

Many Indian families are adopting a ‘No Gadgets’ policy during meals to promote connection, mindfulness, and healthier eating habits. (Image by arrangement)
A family that eats together, stays together! In most households, the most cherished memories always revolve around food – eaten in the company of your loved ones. Whether it’s your favourite food or a rustle-up of leftovers, every morsel tastes like manna from above! But mobile phones, TVs, laptops and 24x7 connectivity have messed up mealtime bonhomie in most homes.
To solve this problem, many families have now banned the use of mobiles, TV and all kinds of electronic gadgets during mealtimes. Real conversations, simple anecdotes and small joys of life are back at the dinner table during mealtimes.
Luke Coutinho, an Integrative Lifestyle Expert says, “Indian families have a rich tradition of mindful eating, deeply rooted in practices like saying prayers, expressing gratitude and sharing meals as a family.” He believes that these rituals have since time immemorial historically emphasized the value of connection, presence and thankfulness during mealtimes. “Many Indian families are becoming more mindful about keeping gadgets away at the dinner table,” says Madhuri Ruia, a Health & Wellness Expert from Mumbai. The reason for this shift could range from good eating habits to building stronger connections with each other.
Social Media Maze
Social media is a double-edged sword. Luke says, “Social media gives us the illusion of being more connected and social, but it often pulls us away from relationships that truly matter.” The lack of boundaries with technology often then leads to unintentional overuse even during mealtimes. Madhuri shares how conversations around mindfulness and mental health are making more people rethink their habits. She adds, “With everyone’s busy schedules, mealtime often feels like the only chance to sit together and talk.”
Social Media Maze
Social media is a double-edged sword. Luke says, “Social media gives us the illusion of being more connected and social, but it often pulls us away from relationships that truly matter.” The lack of boundaries with technology often then leads to unintentional overuse even during mealtimes. Madhuri shares how conversations around mindfulness and mental health are making more people rethink their habits. She adds, “With everyone’s busy schedules, mealtime often feels like the only chance to sit together and talk.”
Hence, many families have a strict ‘No gadget’ during mealtime policy today. “More families are wanting to return to ‘traditional practices’ where meals were simple yet served as a place to connect and bond,” she says.
These lifestyle changes are small but have a significant impact on the well-being of a person. Ditching phones, TVs and laptops during mealtimes works wonders. You are not distracted. You eat mindfully, digest better and enjoy the food.
These lifestyle changes are small but have a significant impact on the well-being of a person. Ditching phones, TVs and laptops during mealtimes works wonders. You are not distracted. You eat mindfully, digest better and enjoy the food.
Luke reminds us of how mindful eating during meals helps one to focus on the body’s hunger and fullness cues. He says, “Such mindfulness allows us to eat at a pace that suits our body, reducing overeating and promoting a healthier approach to food.”
It is interesting to note that the “No Gadget” rule during meals is usually spearheaded by the senior members of a family – grandparents, and parents. These elderly folks have lived in a time when these human connections and values came naturally. Today, they’re simply trying to share them with their family members. So, the next time, you are tempted to check some silly message on social media, remember there is nothing more important than a hearty meal and the warmth of your loved ones. After all, a family that eats together, stays together!
"Indian families have a rich tradition of mindful eating, deeply rooted in practices like saying prayers, expressing gratitude and sharing meals as a family.” — Luke Coutinho, Integrative Lifestyle Expert
"Many Indian families are becoming more mindful about keeping gadgets away at the dinner table” — Madhuri Ruia, Health & Wellness Expert, Mumbai
( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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