
The 4-6 Hours Elite Sleepers

New study claims 1 in 1,000 who sleep 4-6 hours are gifted with a sleep gene have better psychological resilience and are at less risk of cognitive decline

Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. While some people need 8-10 hours of sleep, there are a few ‘elite sleepers’ who need just 4-6 hours of sleep. Despite less sleep, they can pull off many tasks with the same energy and gusto with less sleep. A new study by a team of San Francisco researchers has revealed the role of the ‘genome’ in one’s sleeping patterns. The researchers have identified five genes that probably are only found among a minuscule number of individuals, one in every few thousand. The study claims that ‘elite sleepers’ have better psychological resilience and are at less risk of cognitive decline (dementia).

The Gene Way

Neurologist Louis Ptácek MD, one of the senior authors of this study defines an ‘elite sleeper’ as someone who, for their entire life has felt refreshed and energetic after just 4-6 hours of sleep. “There’s a dogma in the field that everyone needs eight hours of sleep, but our work to date confirms that the amount of sleep people need differs based on genetics.” Suggesting it’s all in the genes. This study ran for more than a decade only to confirm Ptácek and Ying-Hui-Fu’s (co-author) hypothesis that the sample they have been studying identified with the Familial Natural Short Sleep condition- a rare condition linked with five genes present in elite sleepers that allow them to sleep less yet work more.

Elite Sleepers

“An elite sleeper is someone who naturally requires significantly less sleep than the average person- typically around four to six hours of sleep each night yet feels fully rejuvenated, alert and functional” explains Shiromi Chaturvedi, Founder & Counselling Psychologist, The Social Therapist.

Elite sleepers are high-performing individuals who wake up refreshed and show no negative effects on their health or cognitive abilities. The characteristics (thanks to their genes) vary from being highly energetic during the day to having enhanced focusing abilities, an ounce of emotional stability and the ability to maintain layers of productivity, come what may.

Shiromi adds, “Many elite sleepers also report being naturally early risers with their wake and sleep cycle being highly consistent and ticking like an inbuilt alarm clock.”

Shruti Shah, Psychologist & Founder, of Holistic Mind Therapy shares insights into specific mutations in the DEC2 and ADRß1 genes that are believed to regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Shruti says, “While these findings are yet in their stages of being explored, it’s fascinating how genetics can influence something as fundamental as sleep.”

Quality Vs Quantity

Given the conventional ‘eight-hour must sleep’ notion, this new study is quite an eye-opener. “It’s always about quality of sleep over quantity,” says Shruti Shah. Explaining that high-quality sleep involves reaching deeper stages of sleep such as REM and slow-wave sleep that are crucial for physical repair and cognitive processing. This is achieved naturally and effortlessly by elite sleepers who reach these restorative stages way more efficiently and faster than others.

“Elite sleepers are strangely an exception to commonly held notions of the ‘eight-hour belief’ as their bodies can achieve the same restorative effects in a lesser time frame naturally,” says Kanan Tandi, Psychotherapist, Body Speaks Better from Goa.

Don’t Push it

While elite sleepers are a rare breed, less sleep for many individuals could lead to inefficiency at work and relationships. “For most people, chronic sleep deprivation leads to reduced cognitive performance, emotional regulation issues and even physical health problems,” says Tandi. For non-elite sleepers, it's more about the quality of sleep without which their bodies simply can’t perform efficiently. Shah says, “The key difference here is that elite sleepers may experience no cognitive setbacks or physical deficits despite sleeping less, whereas most people might.”

Sleep This Right

It’s not just the amount of sleep that determines if you’re an elite sleeper or not, but your environment, job or school schedule along with your diet and certainly your personality. Dr Ptácek in his study points out that those who obsessively consume coffee or tea during the day to keep themselves awake do not fall under the elite sleeper category. So, whether you are a ‘morning lark’ or ‘night owl’ what’s important to remember here is that you can’t train yourself to be an 'elite sleeper'. It’s all in the genes!

Elite Sleeper Checklist

• People with an inbuilt, consistent sleep-wake rhythm

• Presence of a genetic predisposition- the DEC2 gene mutation

• Individuals having consistent energy levels throughout the day

• Individuals who display better emotional regulation and adaptability

Elite Sleeper Benefits

• More productive hours at hand

• Enhanced Cognitive functioning

• Greater Adaptability in terms of juggling between demanding schedules

An elite sleeper requires just 4-6 hours of sleep each night, yet feels fully rejuvenated, alert and functional.” — Shiromi Chaturvedi, Founder & Counselling Psychologist, The Social Therapist

It’s fascinating how genetics can influence something as fundamental as sleep.” — Shruti Shah, Psychologist & Founder, Holistic Mind Therapy

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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