Tag me, find me!
It beeps loudly when interrogated from your mobile phone, revealing the item to which you have attached it.

Yoky has an added function as a fitness tracker. Using the Yoky Tag app, you can measure your steps taken, the distance traveled and the calories burnt.
Every one forgets -- not just the geriatric. We misplace phones, keys, spectacles. Now a simple solution is at hand -- the Bluetooth tag. Te just-launched Yoky Tag is a finder -- and more. In its main role, it will beep loudly when interrogated from your mobile phone, revealing the item to which you have attached it. It will even warn you when you stray away from the tagged item.
Yoky has an added function as a fitness tracker. Using the Yoky Tag app, you can measure your steps taken, the distance traveled and the calories burnt. The tracking works up to Bluetooth 4.0 range -- which is around 15m and the replaceable battery works for a year or so. Yoky is designed and manufactured in India and costs Rs 99 from www.yoky.io
- IndiaTechOnline
( Source : IndiaTechOnline )
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