A fun combat game
Jump Force is an exciting crossover that lets you play as your favourite characters from a variety of franchises.

Jump Force is a fighting/action-RPG that features characters from famous Shonen Jump universes including Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece and many more. Sadly, due to the sheer number of franchises involved, there is no English dub in the game.
In the story, humanity is facing off against mind-controlled invaders, which leads to the formation of Jump Force — a band of superheroes that are our last hope. Players follow the story through the eyes of a custom character.
If you have played the Dragon Ball Xenoverse series, the structure and style of Jump Force is extremely similar. It even has a hub world with stations that let you play all of the content it offers. Battles are played in 1v1 encounters in 3D, although you can switch between up to three characters. Rapidly pressing light or heavy attacks lead to easy combos while holding one of the triggers allows you to access your abilities. As expected, you can charge your character and utilise dash, block and a quick dodge.
Combat is extremely flashy and feels good. Although, I would’ve preferred if the game ran at higher frame rate due to improved responsiveness. The game’s art style, character models and the complete presentation is a big concern though. It tries to combine realistic with anime, and the end result is odd looking characters that are fighting in even more bizarre locales. There is no consistency in the visual style of Jump Force. Thankfully, the fighting, abilities and finishers all look good on screen. Aside from the story, there are many different missions you can choose to play just like In Xenoverse.
Presentation aside, Jump Force is an exciting crossover that lets you play as your favorite characters from a variety of franchises and pair them up or against other notable heroes. The combat is fun, but other aspects of the game bring it down.