Will Firefox read' your browser history now?
Mozilla often keeps on testing new features and extensions fro the Firefox browser. Most of these experimental features are available to users beforehand by manually signing up for the project in beta mode. One of the latest one in the pipeline is the new Advance extension, which aims to make it easy for Firefox users to discover content on the Internet.
Advance is an extension and will consist of two sections — a ‘Read Next’ section, which will recommend articles based on the content on your current tab. The ‘For You’ section will recommend articles and content base don your browser history. For example, Mozilla says that if you have been looking for restaurants recently, the section will show recommendations related to eateries around you. All the recommendations will be personalised for an individual.
In order to study the user’s browsing habits, the Advance extension will rely on machine learning algorithms developed by a startup called LaserLike. If you are worried about your privacy, you should know that Firefox will let users exercise complete control over when the extension is running, which link form the history section has been referred to for the recommendation and more.
If you are eager to test out the extensions, you can sign for the Test Pilot Program.
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