Indian students protest Oxford union’s Kashmir debate

Indian students at Oxford University organised a protest outside the Oxford Union to express their disapproval of a recent debate on Kashmir. They claimed the event presented a one-sided narrative, focusing mainly on international concerns and criticism of India’s policies in the region while overlooking the historical complexities and India’s perspective.
Protesters gathered with placards reading slogans such as "Kashmir is India" and "Say No to Bias," calling on the Oxford Union to ensure balanced discussions that incorporate the voices of Indian nationals and Kashmiris who support integration with India. They argued that the debate reinforced negative stereotypes and neglected India’s efforts in Kashmir, especially in areas of infrastructure, healthcare, and economic development.
One student spokesperson said, "We believe that such debates should provide a platform for all perspectives, rather than selectively representing only one view." Protesters stressed that Kashmir is a sensitive issue, intertwined with geopolitical concerns, but that discussions should respect the sentiments of the Indian population.
This protest follows a growing trend of Indian student activism abroad, with similar concerns raised at other international institutions over what they perceive as an imbalanced portrayal of India in global forums. The Oxford Union has not issued a formal statement addressing the protest, but organisers of the debate reiterated that it aimed to foster open dialogue on complex international issues.