This laptop cleaning scene from an Indian serial will mentally scar you
The clip features Gopi, an innocent or rather totally stupid TV bahu who wants to show her love for her husband by cleaning his laptop.

Even as you thought that Indian daily soaps couldn’t go anymore senseless, this particular scene from a popular TV show might just shake off whatever little faith you have left in humanity.
The clip features Gopi, an innocent or rather totally stupid TV bahu who wants to show her love for her husband by cleaning his laptop. But this is just the beginning of the horror that will unfold in the poor husband’s life. The video could make your belly ache with laughter or desire to bang your head on the wall. However, in both scenarios even the most cold-hearted of you guys will feel sorry for Gopi’s husband.
So, here’s the clip of the epic scene. Don’t tell us that we didn’t warn you.
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Posted by • Zura's Page • on Friday, 8 January 2016