Know what 5 Digit Train Numbers mean

Know What the 5-Digit Number on Trains Mean

Know what 5 Digit Train Numbers mean
First two digits
Indicate the year the train was made.
Know what 5 Digit Train Numbers mean
Last three digits represent the class or type of service:
Know what 5 Digit Train Numbers mean
001-050: AC First Class
Premium air-conditioned class offering maximum comfort.
101-150: AC 3rd Class
Air-conditioned third-class with less luxurious seating.
151-200: AC Chair Car
Air-conditioned coaches with cushioned seats, ideal for short-distance travel.
201-400: Sleeper Class
Non-air-conditioned class with basic seating for longer travel.
401-600: General Class
Non-air-conditioned class with basic seating and higher capacity.
601-700: 2nd Class Sitting
Non-air-conditioned sitting arrangement for shorter travel.
701-800: Luggage
Reserved compartments for storing luggage and freight.
801+: Pantry, Mail
Coaches dedicated to serving meals and handling mail delivery.