
Weekly Astroguide

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)()

You are going to get an unexpected offer of love-take it! Most of your energies will be directed towards your work and you will evaluate and make necessary changes and improvements. You won’t unite with someone on a real level because your heart belongs to another. Don’t be intimidated by doctors. A new romantic beginning or rekindled affair is at hand.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)()

A social event will provide a buffer for a romantic situation. A new venture or residential move can be exciting. Health needs watching as you can be mentally stressed and emotionally vulnerable, especially. You extend love, care and hospitality to family, and loved ones. You are relaxed at work, content at home, receptive to new people and open to opportunities.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)()

Profits and enjoyment are restricted and the loss of personal belongings are indicated. You are likely to suffer from some chronic illness. Your progress will not be up to the expectations. Financial prospects are just average. Avoid impulsive purchases and have a tight control over expenses. Take only calculated risks while investing. However, you may develop many new useful connections.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)()

Be extra careful, when you deal with your loved ones. Participation in some group activities is also highlighted. The females in your family may require medical attention. Be careful while on wheels. Someone close to you could be in trouble and you would be in a state to help him out. Improper food intake could cause health problems. Business people will do well.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)()

There are chances of promotions in job. You may be successful in whatsoever you do. Work hard to get desired results as time is not in your favour. Your this week is really trouble some for you in respect of your business and profession related matters. Whatever you do now, will not yield any result. Beware from enemies, as they may try to trap you.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)()

Be careful while dealing with superiors at place of work. You will prove to be responsible in your home and also in the society. Relationship between your friends and relatives will be hormonal. Do not argue with any one. You will get mixed results. You will be successful in every task, which you will initiate. You may get favour from your relatives and friends to accomplish your pending projects.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)()

Relaxation, enjoyment and pleasure are emphasized now. You would feel like socializing and being friendly. You would be drawn to a spiritual movement and feel the need to be part of it. Fortune would be favourable despite of your fluctuating income. Domestic harmony is likely to remain the cause for concern. Some of you would feel tired and drawn. Think twice before making any sort of commitments.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)()

Failure in trusting your inner being comes in the way of making right professional moves. The chances of coming up of a new romance are bright. This is an appropriate time to make some purchases. Romantic prospects look up and you would find your mate to be receptive. Determination and hard work would help you out to pull off some big coups.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)()

Not a good time for romance since you might find your personal magnetism is on the downswing. A religious discourse or a discussion with an elderly person would provide mental satisfaction. Do not get indulged in arguments. The time would be full of love and laughter and you would have the feeling of warmth in the company of your partner.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)()

You may be in a mood to pay visit to a close relative. You need to keep a tab on expenses otherwise you may suffer from financial constraints in the immediate future. You are naturally affectionate and this would reflect well in your relationship at this point of time. You are likely to find a sense of well being in the company family members.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)()

Time to spend money on not a vacation but a luxury vacation. Overindulgence in affairs that don't concern you at all will disappoint you later on. Work worries are likely to create problems. You fail to listen to the advice of a colleague, trying to help you. You will have to be little careful in health matters. You fail to reorganise work schedule to get the desired results.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)()

Don’t get surprised if domestic peace is marred by frequent arguments & confrontations. Sincere efforts to harmonise relations with other family members will see the clear light. Don't forget overindulgence in negative emotions could make you vulnerable to various ailments. You miss the opportunity to try your hand at some creative activity. Make sure you avoid lying to love companion otherwise it might ruin your affair.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)()

Even developing contacts with influential persons will fail to give you respite from personal problems. You find it a difficult to maintain a distance from petty politics at work. There will be little tooth problem. You are likely to be misunderstood for your helpful nature. Time now to realise ones thinking has reflections on ones health. Investment in property would fail to bring profit as per expectations.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)()

A friend's assurance to introduce to an eminent lawyer is not likely to materialise, which might disappoint you. Unlimited responsibilities at work are likely to make a great demand on your time. Action or harsh words could harm the sentiments of your close friend. At work you are likely to support seniors expansion strategies. Smile would act like antidote for partner's unhappiness.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)()

Chances of backache or neck pain could trouble especially later in the week. Your wish to get rid from a long pending legal battle might not end. You are likely to earn monetary profits through most unexpected sources. Circumstances could force to postpone signing long-term plans for another week. Long-awaited meeting with romantic partner could get postponed.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)()

Lately your personal life has been the focus of major attention. Cash-flow would be reasonably good, through not consistent. Be careful as the week is full of unexpected expenses and it would be difficult to retain the money. Quarrels and misunderstandings result from stubbornness. You will have to work hard for success. Still, luck favors you and you will be able to steer your plan through with influential peoples’ support.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)()

Avoid your erratic emotions. Do not make any fresh investments. Instead make long term deposits. Disappointments, aimless traveling or working without seeing the desired results may be the scenario. You could have health problems caused mainly by too much anxiety. All of your efforts and talents may not be recognized. Relationships with your office colleagues and subordinates may not be stable.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)()

Control you mood and temper. Avoid harsh speech. Although progress will be moderate, you must practice remaining patient. Unexpected problems arise from nowhere and plans go awry. A time in which you must try your best to avoid confrontation with enemies or those who do not agree with your views. Try to change the environment is the advice. Be patient and take decision after giving a long thought.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)()

Back stabbings and nasty legal problems are quite possible. Females will outperform males. Post pone journey to far off places. Some obstacles or financial miscalculations are likely to occur. Hard work will payoff immediately. Some may switch over to better jobs, even overseas assignments may come to you. Those who are in business will expand their activities. However, avoid extravagant spending.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)()

Maintain personal hygiene. A period in which you have to be both defensive and aggressive at the same time. You need to keep a low profile, but should not bow out of the scene altogether. Success dose not come easily. Wait for better period. You may love to deal with unhappy changes, debts, romantic problems or family troubles.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)()

Not a good time for you to travel or make investments or long-term commitments. There may be fluctuations in your career prospects also. So do not allow others to ride on your shoulders. Money will just trickle in. Look at the long-term effect some indulgences will have. Your relations with opposite gender may create some problems in your married life. This is a time of success.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)()

The desire to possess the luxuries in life, here and now, prevails throughout the week. Be careful since someone at your place of work is working under cover to tarnish your image. You may not be good and successful in work field. May have to borrow money for some urgency. You may not get success in routine office works. If un-married, you may get an appreciable spouse.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)()

You may be involved in good works it may give good name in society. Students may fair well in their studies. There may be some beneficial fluctuations in your business. You may be unable to remove you financial problems. You may find your own creativity and financial status a little unsatisfactory when thing don’t quite open out as you’d anticipated and friends don’t live up to your hopes of them.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)()

You will have stress diet-related health problems. You will spend some cozy and passionate moments with your loved one. The emphasis will be on career and business activities, your ability to generate income to cope with the demands of modern times. Financial transactions will be prosperous. You will be pleasantly surprised when your work brings an opportunity to mix business with pleasure.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)()

Right time to develop good understanding with partner. Good growths of the finances fulfill your desires. You may interact very compassionately with people around you. Visit to a place near water is on the cards in the second half of the week, which is a good chance to collect a good set of memories of your good times that you always loved.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)()

You have to cross hurdles at work place. A week of good ideas converting it into practice. Projects which have had to be delayed due to financial constrains, will be started today. Chance of seeing someone to share the ecstasy of love is on the cards. Journeys world carry appreciation and rewards. It’s advisable to work alone.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)()

Your romantic and cheerful mood would give immense happiness to the partner. Your daring acts would carry appreciation. New opportunities of work and investments would come your way. Your thoughts may lead you in right direction. You might desire to start a new venture but only after thinking over it for a long time. On the personal front, it’s comparatively relaxed week.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)()

You may think of inviting friends or relatives and enjoy dinner with them. You are more observant and insightful and thus easily affected by what is going around you, particularly the feelings and emotional currents of the people near you. On the other hand your financial issues need to be taken care of. Your taste buds will find piquant variety of food items.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)()

During the course of the week, your helping tendency will dominate and people around you will benefit out of it. You may receive good news from a friend or about a friend. Your life partner’s moral support will double up. You may be sentimental about many issues. Your flexibility will make things simpler and easier. This is a good week for acquiring knowledge on variety of subjects.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)()

Some relaxation or entertainment is likely to cheer you. Research work will take most of your time. You may make the most of the information gathered in the process. For a change, you will devote your evening for the family. Besides, you may also invite friends over and celebrate a get together in the evening. Intellectual stress is on the cards.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)()

Your mind may be engaged in a particular issue and deadline devil likely to haunt you. Your stomach may be sensitive in the evening therefore, it is advisable for you to keep control over your eating habits. You have scope of meeting someone special in such social gatherings. You will get positive rewards of your hard work by the end of the week.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)()

People worried about their career have to be careful. If you are waiting for any bustle in you life, you may be sorry. Avoid unnecessary arguments with life partner or lover as the week progresses. This may invite negative reaction from the other end. This week will be constructive for those willing to apply for visa. Those aspiring for new projects are well aspected by planets.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)()

You may achieve a lot with your sincere efforts. Go for meeting friends in the evening. You may get success in general knowledge competitions. Don't get upset with difficulties. You may get success in new innovation. This may be a week of dissatisfaction. Yours friends may increase your troubles. You may achieve your goal for which you are crazy for a long time.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)()

Second part of the week is highly auspicious for those into divination and spirituality. You will be able to see good progress on the career front. You will be socializing with relatives in the second part of the week. In short, it’s a constructive and progressive week. Don’t evade important issues. Social activities will work to your advantage. A family get-together will put everybody in good mood.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)()

Try to attend job on the basis of priority. Students may not have inclination towards study. Imbalance, argument and conflict in business or personal partnership are pain full but clear the air for a healthier relationship. It’s important to stay firm with your decisions at work and not keep vacillating. Make plans with regard to health needs. Problems related to finance, contracts and partnerships will be resolved in your favour.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)()

You may feel a strong to make new beginnings at work and chance your lifestyle this week. You will be separated from the one you love and feel that the most important part of your life has been taken away. A more positive, creative and relaxed attitude at work enables you to achieve phenomenal tasks and complete unfinished projects.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(1 Dec 2024)

Your generous nature will still prevail and will help you in getting the love and support of your near and dear ones. Anxiety may grip you this week. Words may not find ventilation to come out. Your belief in moving forward without looking back in the past may become stronger than ever. You will pull out all stops which hamper the growth of your popularity in society.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(1 Dec 2024)

You will be much talked about for your donations and contributions. Your past actions will sow the seeds for your future achievements. The week is divided into two parts. Morning hours are better and post noon hours are difficult. Devote full time for your family. You may have to earn money by hard work.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(1 Dec 2024)

You may have some new friends in your work area. You may achieve desired satisfaction in your work field. You may get fame and reputation from the society. You may get comforts of vehicle, children and wealth. You may be putting in lots of effort to balance out your problems. In other words, you are seeking stress-free personal life. This may happen provided you are ready to compromise.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(1 Dec 2024)

Your generous nature will still prevail and will help you in getting the love and support of your near and dear ones. Anxiety may grip you this week. Words may not find ventilation to come out. Your belief in moving forward without looking back in the past may become stronger than ever. You will pull out all stops which hamper the growth of your popularity in society.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(1 Dec 2024)

Something good will happen at the end of the week which will cheer you up! Understanding your beloved well would be healthy and joyous. Team work would pay. Health might brother you a little. You will be caution in all the financial transactions. There are strong chances that you may meet some one at some party. Some spiritual advice may work well on you.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(1 Dec 2024)

Communication systems will feature in daily business. Bright chances to take the romance on stride. Don’t take on too much. Financial will improve. Go out for dinner or outing with the partner. Do some de-stressing exercise to ease out your stress. You could have strained relations on the personal front. A change is to be expected in joint financial dealings.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(1 Dec 2024)

Some of you may find excessively stressful situations coming out of the blues but this is only momentary, don’t let difficult situations unruffled you, hang in there, good times are round the bend. You may get success in new technology. You will find stressful situations easing out gradually, look at the brighter side of things and celebrate life instead of suffering it.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(1 Dec 2024)

Financial gains through unexpected sources are likely and some of you may take off on a trip abroad be it for business or pleasure. Finally your dreams are taking the form of reality and your hearts deepest desires are to be fulfilled. On the personal relationship front, try not to be overly dominating, unfeeling or indifferent, try a little bit of honey instead of the vinegar you tent to serve.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(1 Dec 2024)

Acquisition of a new property is indicated. You may suffer from emotional problems. It is not a time to start collecting your dues from others. Domestic commitments may demand a lot of your time but you take on responsibility with a smile as you love to make your loved ones comfortable and happy. Financially its a great week with unexpected wins and windfalls.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(1 Dec 2024)

Speculate but with caution and you will come out a winner. You are advised to wait more to get over your financial tightness. Do not neglect or take personal relationships for granted, sometimes it is safer to let your heart have its way instead of rationalizing everything. Career wise, a lot of good things will happen to you with new projects literally falling into your lap.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(1 Dec 2024)

Some of you connected with the fine arts will be in the limelight. You may be in a position to win over your enemies. Make sincere efforts to complete tough task in hand. You are on a high right now so make the most of this favorable phase, reconnect with old and lost contacts, meet new people and keep an open mind. VIR: Love will come knocking at the doors of your heart so welcome it in. Financial gains are due and your popularity is peaking so enjoy! You may not get result according to your own wish. You may find some health problem. It may take some extra effort for you to stay on the top of things but with determination you can do it.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(1 Dec 2024)

Good tidings are indicated that will bring monetary gains and good will from people in places of power. Writers, poets and artists will perform exceptionally well in their respective fields. Innovative ideas will keep flowing like a stream in your mind. There are strong indications that your calculations may prove wrong this week. Repetitious failure might cause disappointment for you. You might get annoyed on petty issues.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(24 Nov 2024)

Intoxicants must be avoided if you have think rationally and to take control of your life. Tune in with your ‘Higher Self’ and reach out to the universe and help will be at hand. A recent loss may be very difficult to handle and come to terms with but life has to go on, look ahead and move on.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(24 Nov 2024)

Do not go shopping, as you are likely to get tempted to overspend. Be careful with whom you spend time. Get out with your friends and do things that you enjoy the most. Don’t push your luck with your boss. You need to make friendly relations with a good partner and spend time to know & understand each other.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(24 Nov 2024)

Outing and social engagement for some. Expensive purchases will strain finances. The week is favorable for you to be more open and straightforward in all of your dealing, but especially where finances are concerned. You are advised to take rest after a week’s hard work. Its time to let go of people and things that have outlived their utility in your life.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(24 Nov 2024)

Weigh the pros and cons of every situation and relationship and reassess its value and worth. Unless you empty spaces inside that are filled with useless thrash, nothing new and beautiful can come in. You may enjoy evening with your family. You may be benefited with land and property related works. You tend to get into depressive states ever too often and must realize that only you can help yourself.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(24 Nov 2024)

People will get attracted to you like bees to honey. On the work front, you will be exceptionally practical when it comes to applying your skill set. Good times, fun and glamour will make a comeback. You will also flirt with the idea of falling in love or romancing with somebody. Good advice from family members will decrease your mental pressure.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(24 Nov 2024)

Children may be somewhat sluggish and require more encouragement. Your spouse or sweetheart may give you a surprise one of these weeks. Single natives might receive marriage proposals that are likely to be accepted. Ensure that you spend most of your time in the company of the people who mean a great deal to you. Enjoy the company of relatives.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(24 Nov 2024)

New ventures and projects may bring about huge possibilities at the work front. Of course, you’ll be putting in your best efforts to prove your worth. The week will usher in gains in terms of recognition, position, additional money and even prestige. Moreover, you will also strive to establish good interactions. There is scope of falling in love. A great phase for you, which you’ll enjoy to the hilt.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(24 Nov 2024)

Join your hands and thank god for the wonderful time ahead. Your brilliance in handling interpersonal relationships? be it love, marriage, conferences, collaborations or one-to-one dialogues? will also shine forth. Enjoyment levels will reach its peak. Money matters seem to be looking up. Capital, loans, legacies/inheritance, insurance and documents, even acquisitions may come your way. You may even switch jobs, or pursue a new line of work altogether.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(24 Nov 2024)

Love seems to make a comeback in your life in a way you would not have expected. This period favours passion, physical closeness and reunion. It’s a week full of significant gains. You will be charismatic, confident and armed with an intuitive sense so sharp that it will guide you through troubles that may seem insurmountable at first. A pleasant sense of harmony will prevail thereafter.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(24 Nov 2024)

Your public image will improve manifold and you will be surrounded by well-wishers. Any major decision taken during this phase will see the light of week. Family issues which were put on hold for some time will be resolved satisfactorily. You will experience all-round progress. As a result, your confidence level will climb up several notches, thereby enhancing your productivity.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(24 Nov 2024)

Things will be rather smooth on the work front. The week will bestow you with some hard-won and well-deserved rewards. The prize may be in the form of citations, bonus options, awards, more perks and privileges. You will immerse yourself in work with greater fervor and enthusiasm. In fact, the workaholic in you shall gain prominence and get kicks out of all the slogging.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(24 Nov 2024)

You may script a beautiful love story, which will be both passionate and mature. Additionally, you eye new horizons, which will turn out to be an enjoyable surprise. And remember, it’s never too late to be the person you always wanted to become. Efforts of the past will be rewarded. This will encourage you to put in your best endeavours, which will soon bear fruit.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(17 Nov 2024)

You will be able to succeed in your endeavors and your dignity will also be maintained. All activities and concerns will be replete with energy and vigor. All sorts of financial restructuring brings about positive implications. Make sure you treat health problems even minor as soon as possible. Excitement for a vacation is not enough, planning is also required. Make sure you don't develop eating disorders.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(17 Nov 2024)

At work you are likely to teach subordinates about how to collaborate and communicate directly. Environmental pollution and smoking could contribute in wrinkles therefore better to maintain a distance from them. It is advisable to be careful regarding your safety, while traveling. Making investment in real estate is not a good deal to focus on. You find personal life free of any hassles at home.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(17 Nov 2024)

Banks love to finance those, who invest in properties, which are underdeveloped. Don't blame your faith for self-created problems. You take the help of ‘appreciation tool to save romantic bliss. Protect your skin because the sun can be extremely damaging to the sensitive skin especially around eyes. Self-motivation brings professional success. Traveling fails to bring immediate results but will lay a good foundation for future benefits.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(17 Nov 2024)

Managers are likely to learn to maintain the quality as a way of life to succeed in business. Sound financial position will enable to make investment on innovative ideas. It always is exciting to begin looking at homes for sale in your area. Lot of recognition and fame is on the cards at personal front. Personal property transactions can be postponed to a further date.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(17 Nov 2024)

Time to invest on schemes, promising safe & timely returns. You will enjoy the time spent with family members and friends. Time to act on romantic partners fantasies to enjoy the pleasure of love. You will have to make some changes in your lifestyle to prevent enjoy a healthy life. You are likely to plan a nice meeting with lover/beloved at a lively & serene place where nobody could disturb you.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(17 Nov 2024)

It is time to realise increased or overuse of painkillers could lead to dependency. You might deal in some ancestral property or any other parental property. You will be highly benefited by making full use of your communications skills at professional front. Avoid hurt or anger on your partners. There are chances of being enjoying the company of partner by sharing a long stretch of lively environment.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(17 Nov 2024)

Planning a trip for your love will embrace you and your spouse. It is high time for you to do something new in love affair. You would eagerly wait to meet lover/beloved. A failure to learn any lesson from past failures is likely to create professional problems. Don't get surprised & dishearten if romantic partner pretends not knowing you at all.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(17 Nov 2024)

Time to enjoy the company of person, who makes you smile because only a smile can make a dark week seen bright. Make sure you don't disagree with influential people unless looking for some trouble. You should keep love journey moving without making new innovations. Your expenditures may increase. Most of them may be for costumes and cosmetics for someone in the family. Try to avoid misunderstanding with mother.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(17 Nov 2024)

Try to understand your children. Promotion or increment or recognition like awards and rewards are likely to be there in your field/ workplace. Your love will be successfully fulfilled. Your mother will have a change in her routines. Children would bring happiness in home. However there would not be regret about it as the earning would be through more sources!

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(17 Nov 2024)

He/she will get new job/promotion/increment. Things were slow all these days. Now you will see the speed in improvements especially in your career. Still things have not reached 100% perfect position and so you have to be still careful for few more months. Remuneration would increase. Spouse will have improved remuneration/career. You are likely to get foreign income. You should be highly careful while deciding major matters.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(17 Nov 2024)

Financially your tough time is gradually getting over. You will have many types of incomes. You have to be careful while shedding words. You may have some tensions with your spouse. Sudden incidents may happen to take you by sweet surprise. You are likely to shift to a new job of your interest. You are likely to develop blood pressure problems.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(17 Nov 2024)

Think twice and consult knowledgeable persons. You will get your dream job with high remuneration. Children will bring happiness in the family. You will get income from abroad. Be careful with Hippocratic persons. You may have to travel a lot. Children will have good benefits. They will prove themselves among their peers. You may have to compromise about your comforts.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(10 Nov 2024)

Career wise it promises to be a rewarding week. You may decide to go on a holiday along with family for a few days. This is not a favorable situation; you may have to earn money by very hard work. The week sees you free form all health related issues as you will have been given a clean medical chit by now.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(10 Nov 2024)

Double check whatever anyone tells you and then only believe what they say. You will generally want to meet with family and close friends or perhaps take off on a much deserved and needed holiday. Partnerships will be enduring, and will have positive influence not only in your professional life, but in every other aspect as well. Your family life also seems to be peaceful, calm and composed.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(10 Nov 2024)

The work front seems to be the most energizing, as fresh collaborations and joint-ventures are also on the anvil. A sense of accountability seems to capture you, at work, at home, in the extended and immediate family. You are all set to make a difference in all areas. There is a feeling of oneness with your spouse/mate/lover. You realize your duties and commitments and actually enjoy fulfilling them.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(10 Nov 2024)

Quick changes in the work place doesn’t de-motivate, but stimulates you. Thinking deeply about the work place helps you find solutions to problems that could otherwise lead to difficulties, snags etc. A time for hope and confidence. The actual realization of long term dreams gives you a sense of greater fulfillment. In the short term, few projects and targets may get accomplished.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(10 Nov 2024)

Your spouse is more than a mate for you who likes to walk along with you in all the trials and tribulations of your life. So you will really enjoy in the company of your spouse. However, don’t fall prey to anxiety, worry and stress. Decorating your home is on the cards. So you will get things of utility and beauty for your home.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(10 Nov 2024)

In the long term both personal and professional fulfillment, is on the cards. Giving birth to children, creating a safe home for yourself, and making a mark professionally, are all part of this wish list. There is quiet a lot of confidence within you, sans any bragging and show. A time to enjoy with the family, as well as with close friends, associates, parents/children.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(10 Nov 2024)

You won’t be lacking in resources to pay for them. On the contrary, you may find yourself spending a lot on luxuries, comforts, new gadgets, artifacts; all expenses that are oriented towards home. Glitz and glamour is back in your life-be it in clothes, jewelery or accessories. Money is not much of an issue. It may come through buying and selling, through contracts and commissions and even dealerships.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(10 Nov 2024)

Obviously, you’ll have to shell out a lot, for all the new stuff that you buy. Consequently income generation also needs to be taken care of. You even concentrate on your family life, creativity and productivity at work. You’ll break free from all sorts of worries, trials and tribulations that comes your way. Some of your near one may feel jealousy from you and may try to trap you.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(10 Nov 2024)

All sorts of troubles that you were surrounded with, seems to be finally lessening, leading to the easing of tensions between you and your family. You’ll will get engaged in socializing and entertainment to a great extent. Blossoming of far-flung contacts, especially with friends not only brings pleasure and excitement, but also helps in fulfilling your ambitions. You will have good money inflow and your bank balance will increase.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(10 Nov 2024)

You'll especially adore meeting new people with radically different perspectives. The week is favourable for upgrading professional skills further. The week is very rewarding for you as good money inflow will swell your bank balance and you may further enhance your business. You will be respected everywhere in family and in the society. Unexpected financial burden will be shouldered with friends help.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(10 Nov 2024)

Relations in the family will become more hormonal. Your long pending projects will get momentum. You will be satisfied with the results going in your favour. You may get a new contract, and have to work very hard to implement it. You may go on a long journey related to your business. Your enemies and opponents will not be able to harm you.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(10 Nov 2024)

There is revival in your confidence level. Money and financial matters appear really good, both in the long and short term. For the first time, you give into temptation to shop, travel, and even go on business trips that you may had to put off earlier due to other responsibilities. Avoid being finicky or rigid in your behavior, as your inflexible nature will affect your gains.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(3 Nov 2024)

Beware from your opponents and enemies, as they may go to dupe you. You have to think it twice before speaking as your harsh language may harm your professional dealings. Avoid entangle in any sort of confrontations. You will gain monetary and administrative achievements after trying your best. It will be better if you settle your disputes amicably. You will shine like sun in whatsoever you do.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(3 Nov 2024)

You will be successful in your Endeavour to make benefits and enhancement of your business. Huge expenditure will put you in tensions and the situation will change from good to bad. Victory in legal cases is possible. You will be praised in your social circle and in your relations. Yours ancestral property maters may be solved out. Your slow going projects will get momentum.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(3 Nov 2024)

Do not be egoistic, as it may damage your own interest, but you will be able to take care of your opponents. You may achieve new heights in your business. The atmosphere around you at your workplace will favour you. Nothing you do seems to go wrong and you excel at whatever project you take up.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(3 Nov 2024)

Do not travel, as it will prove to be the worst journey for you. If you are going to start anything new, think twice before that or take some expert opinion for that. New entrants into the property market should be careful of the fluctuating tendencies. You devote some much needed time to yourself. Make sure you know a person well before trusting them blindly.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(3 Nov 2024)

You will get success in all aspects of life with the co-operation of your friends and relatives. Do not invest in speculations. Insurance is going to be fruitful in coming future. Even your trusted persons may try to dupe you. Good time for students those pursuing for higher studies, also they may get success everywhere. It's nothing insurmountable, but this change of perspective may have you reconsidering your plans.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(3 Nov 2024)

You do have to take care of your children. Family atmosphere will be harmonal. You will get full co-operation from your life partner in all fields. You may receive some sort of good news from some where else. Planning is very much necessary to accomplish your long pending projects. If possible then postpone your important tasks. You may suffer from seasonal disease, so take care of your health.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(3 Nov 2024)

Your all property related disputes will be sorted out. You will be delighted to see the money inflow from all sides. You will be praised in the society and in your relations. Better you do not clash with any one; otherwise you may face some dire consequences. You may be injured in an accident. Journeys made relation to your business/profession will prove to be quite fruitful in coming future.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(3 Nov 2024)

Do not be familiar with strangers. You may be trapped in a conspiracy, which will be fabricated by your opponents and enemies. The week is very much romantic for you. You may meet your old beloved one. You will success in new love affairs. You will be happy to see the things moving in your desired direction and you will be satisfied with that.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(3 Nov 2024)

Enhanced money inflow will makes you more energetic. Before you travel examine yourself and your partner, to determine what you expect from your vacation. You tend to sell a property, be cautious and sure when money matters are concerned. A week when misunderstandings at family front are sorted out with ease. Keep yourself away from health irritants like smoking & alcohol.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(3 Nov 2024)

You may face some false allegations. Health of some relative may get deteriorated and incur some expenses in hospital on your relative’s disease. You may receive some good news about your ancestral property. Your vision of the future has always been vivid, but this week you start to identify obstacles you hadn't noticed before. You're a social butterfly!

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(3 Nov 2024)

Make sure you don't take romantic partner for granted. You will have to remain very careful as far as financial matters are concerned. Don't forget travel etiquettes, it might create hurdle with the person you are traveling with. You are likely to share your relevant experiences with subordinates. A rash behaviour would upset romantic partner. Blindly following others coupled with taking hasty decisions would compound personal problems.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(3 Nov 2024)

Planning a vacation, keep an eye on your expenditure before you travel. Rethink before you invest in a disputed property. You try to change others thinking that you are too old to learn new things. From today onwards you will make a beginning to set aside at least an hour each day for physical exercise. A cautious approach would be needed as you embark on romantic journey.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(27 Oct 2024)

Your obviously keep application to the job at hand will win them over. This is not to say that there will not be time for pleasure and entertainment. Give your loved ones a special treat such as a trip to the movies or the theatre. This is especially important if you have not had the chance to go out for same time.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(27 Oct 2024)

The week should be happy and an important one, to boot. You can win the respect that you so richly deserve. It is right time to change your life style to permanently keep them a bay. You and your mate of partner will be lifting it off well. Some of you will be bothered by financial problems. Borrowing money is not recommended, however, unless it is absolutely vital.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(27 Oct 2024)

You appear to have had a fairly promising start. Loved ones will be expecting you to pay more attention to home and family life. This may mean that you are delayed from getting on with some important work at your work place. Influential people will show little sympathy for the problems that you are facing. Leave them out of your calculation.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(27 Oct 2024)

It would be best to keep to yourself and not share any secrets. Don’t be lazy. Do not allow yourself to be put off by the doubters of this world. If you have been unemployed for some time, you may find the very job you have been looking for. Business persons will see progress. Students will feel energized and deeply immersed in preparing for the forth coming exams.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(27 Oct 2024)

You may not enjoy good health. You will begin to realize the importance of self-esteem and wonder how and why you let it take a chill pill for so long. Your confidence will resurface and you will begin to feel more in charge of your own life. A trip out of town is indicated and this is exactly what you need.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(27 Oct 2024)

Even house and property aspects needs to be given due consideration. Loved ones will boost your confidence to go all the way and aim for the top. This will be a favorable week for romance or meeting someone new. Your well-developed mental abilities can bring you to the fore. Be forthright with close family members, especially students may win commendations from teachers or professors from their study endeavors.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(27 Oct 2024)

Business people will have a pleasantly successful week. You may feel like on a holiday along with your family. You will feel highly involved n the family. You will encounter new opportunities of work that world bring gains too. Your family’s support would be with you. You appear dedicated in both your work and family front. You are advised to invest your money cautiously.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(27 Oct 2024)

There is a high-probability of you mistreating people, given your high stress levels. So, it is suggestible for you, to keep from spreading bad and negative vibes. Learn to be detached from surroundings, when there is work to be done. Moreover, you should focus on calming heated feelings around you. Therein lies your actual success. Moreover, you look to be an absolute believer of work-work concept.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(27 Oct 2024)

You take a more positive approach towards work, when you feel that your chosen goal is close at hand. Your wishes for someone you love, also your family or children/parents come true, too. You make most of the every given opportunity. Difficulties don’t discourage you. Instead you have this rare quality to look squarely into the eyes of difficulties and getting bigger than them.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(27 Oct 2024)

Your work sphere seems to be full of energy and vigor. You will achieve your targets, if you are associated with big marketing networks. Responsibility and accountability are the two definite terms defining all your activities. However, you don’t intend to make your worries apparent, but deep down in your heart you are pretty concerned about a whole lot of commitments, especially in terms of family and household commitments.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(27 Oct 2024)

Your financial chart seems to show an upward climb. Loans and finances seem to be easily accessible. You maintain a fine balance between work, responsibilities, finances, duties on one hand and home, family, love and children on the other. You pour in equal amount of attention in all these spheres of life. How do you manage so much and that too with so much adroitness?

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(27 Oct 2024)

Overall a wonderful time for you, which might even stretch on for a longer duration? However, be careful of money and love matters. You may feel tired at the end of the week. You may be able to win healthy bonuses from your client. New contracts can be won that will mean more money in the bank for you.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(20 Oct 2024)

Family tensions would be settled. Unnecessary bad name is inevitable unless you are highly careful. Now you will find more time to concentrate in fine arts. Spouse would have more benefits. Auspicious things may get postponed. Your speech/talks may bring you benefits. You may have some tensions about job which would vanish soon. Mother would take part in auspicious incidents. Your spouse will become alright.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(20 Oct 2024)

Kaleidoscopic scenario would be there in office and home. Job would be sound in spite of your fears. Self dependant achievements would be there. Expenses would come to control. Many types of income would increase the bank balance and the width of your smile too. A pat from boss would keep you agile. Change of job and change of country would be as per your wish.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(20 Oct 2024)

You may have a tough time in office, which would be overcome soon. Multiple incomes would be there. You will witness unbelievable improvements in so many aspects of life. The slow pace in work spot would be overcome. Students may have to work hard. There would be some auspicious occasion in the family.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(20 Oct 2024)

Students would excel others. You will get a good sum of money through your career even though it may cost you some hard work. Patience would give you a grand reward. You might get new vehicles. Job searching will come to an end positively. You have a sound career improvement. You may have to spend money for auspicious reasons. You are likely to gain fame, name, luck and wealth!

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(20 Oct 2024)

Career would be flourishing in spite of the recession others are suffering with! Pleasant relationship would prevail with children and spouse. Unexpected benefits and profits would be there from many directions. You are likely to buy gold for yourself. Clouds of possessiveness may overshadow your personal life today. Business and marketing guys may kick start new venture today. However, the venture may not be fruitful for you.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(20 Oct 2024)

Argument with spouse may be avoided. You may have to do some sacrifice for your family. You cannot expect much from your siblings. You are performing with excellence at work. If you use your basic abilities of proper planning and scheduling, you will surely succeed. Domestic matters can demand your attention. It is a beneficial day for business matters. Children would achieve things for better prospects.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(20 Oct 2024)

You may regret having walked into a situation from where it is difficult to retreat. A little flattery gets you nearer the cherished person. The mid-day has a lucky streak and yet it starts on a discordant note. Things could turn out many betters tomorrow to make you dynamic about your love life. This may be a brief spell of doubtful success with the opposite gender.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(20 Oct 2024)

Family would be highly amicable. Some quarrelsome force may try to disturb your mind. Friends will come to your aid and bring mental solace. This is a warning - a member of the opposite gender may withdraw favour as a punishment in the cold war. You are told something in confidence which raises your spirits high. But nothing is back and waiting for rewards to fall in your lap.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(20 Oct 2024)

Don’t make a total commitment if somebody draws you to games of chance or skill. Something may happen in the course which may upset you without any compensation. Be careful not to put yourself into a position where people blame you for others performance. You may want to steer clear of the maddening crowd, your nerves need the rest and you need to spend quality time with yourself for a bit.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(20 Oct 2024)

You continue to be inactive and indecisive, also strained and anxious about health, and earthy details. It may indicate a happy, supportive working environment, expect positive changes in financial affairs. Love, candlelight, romance and all the trimmings have great impact on the one you love. You still carry a flame for an old love. You’ll be tired because you are slaving at work.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(20 Oct 2024)

Loosen up and you’ll find that love is everywhere. Do not bother yourself, rather try to concentrate your work. Give up smoking or your health will deteriorate! You hold off on an idea because you are not ready to commit, feel the time isn’t right or think there’s too much hard work involved. You wait and watch a lover will do. Romance will flourish through travel.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(20 Oct 2024)

Someone who made tracks out of your life long ago may just about make them back in once more and isn’t that what you’ve wanted for a long time? Clarify financial negotiations before you start, to avoid misunderstandings. You get unsolicited attention from one who really piques your romantic interest.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(13 Oct 2024)

It is a balanced time for romance and health. You are shrewd, careful and responsible when dealing with money and business. You work and play hard but need to maintain balance in all areas of life. It is a good time for romance: emotional stability is on cards. You are a valuable and popular person in any work outfit. A romantic involvement flowers into a happy and lasting commitment.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(13 Oct 2024)

Don’t allow emotions to influence professional and business matters. Celebrate life and adopt a playful attitude! You are diplomatic and gracious when you have to be in a difficult work environment for a special project. Your heart is tender, loving and caring in personal relationships. You are prudent, mature, dedicated, tenacious and a perfectionist in professional and business matters.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(13 Oct 2024)

You can be obsessive in love and have intense personal relationships or romantic involvements. You can be materialistic, hard working, enduring yet discontented. You are able to express frank opinions at work and true feelings in relationships this year. You are loyal in family situations and business partnerships. You will make significant progress in your field, aided by good networking skills and with the backing of some inspiring and committed people.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(13 Oct 2024)

You may indulge in extravagant spending. Socializing, partying and entertaining activities, may keep adding to your expenditure. But since it and too late now, you may find it difficult to curtail them. So what you can only do is, tackle them head on - professionally, socially and emotionally too. Fresh inspiration may come your way. This strengthens your nature, and even the sensitivity and sensitiveness that you have.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(13 Oct 2024)

The day may help you in following your life mission, irrespective of the snags and difficulties that life throws at you. Many good things come to you, but the most precious will be faith in yourself and hope for the future. You believe in giving your entire self in whatever you do. But, the activities that demand your undivided attention are countless.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(13 Oct 2024)

Travel seems to be on your priority list, and so do catering of tourists and visitors. You are generous, friendly and outgoing while dealing with them. Also an important time of the year when you may feel like helping out the needy and distress. You want to reward you for your dedication. Rewards follow, in the form of fine results as well as fine interactions.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(13 Oct 2024)

You may have some tension about mother. Your new efforts will surely be fruitful after some efforts. Some of your long time dreams would be fulfilled. Sibling may not be able to adjust with you. Anyhow income would overshadow expenses! Chiming of Weddings bells would be heard. Mutual attraction with spouse would increase to make the family boat sail smooth.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(13 Oct 2024)

You may have to devote more time to domestic issues and this could add to your stress. You may probably listen to your mind and not heart. At work, your approach would be highly professional. You will only be frugal and spending wisely. Students will also try to relax in the evening by meeting their friends. Those who are parents might see their expenditure on rise due to their children extravagance activities.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(13 Oct 2024)

You will fare best if you keep yourself busy and yet cheerful. Your hard work will reap rewards for you as the influential people or superiors are watching you carefully. Investment and negotiation is likely to do well. Gathering with your friends will help you make feel fresh. It might be good idea to take family members to a special tour.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(13 Oct 2024)

The day conversely, is an ideal time to use for resting if you have temporarily run out of steam. You may have an ego problem in front of your best friend. No auspicious function may be performed. Matters have been moving steadily and successfully in the recent past, make sure you do not topple the applecart with your stubborn and dominating attitude, working with co-operation is the best way to success.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(13 Oct 2024)

Minor health problem due to exhaustion and stress cannot be ruled out. Be careful what you say to your lover. Relations with important people are likely to improve. Friends must not be allowed to interfere in your personal matters. Keep in mind that in a relationship an individual should not be repository to one's desires and needs. You are very much in the mood for helping your fellow as well as yourself.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(13 Oct 2024)

Laughter, relaxation and more recreation may be in store for you. A time for de-stressing, relief and lots more. Being a Piscean you may be quite imaginative in nature, helping you make most of this joyous phase. Health would show sign of improvement despite a busy and hectic day. Avoid jealousy. The day is good for all dealings with people or places at a distance.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(6 Oct 2024)

You will have an upsetting time looking at expenses. Politicians will be the chief guests of the programs arranged by welfare associations. Students may have a tendency to host an unlawful get-together. Artists will find it difficult to adapt them to the new situation of life. A nostalgic feeling will make them unhappy now. Real estate agents planning to shift to new house will find it taking indefinite delay.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(6 Oct 2024)

Do not waste your time with friends. Physical ailment will force the artists to stay away from their work now. Children will be the highlight of this week. Their mode of enjoyment will bring delight to the whole family. You will have an intense desire to travel and see some famous lands. You will commence scheduling your duties as per to begin your journey as early as possible.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(6 Oct 2024)

After the days of tight schedules at work, it will be a time of refreshing for those in the legal field. Dinner or a lunch with your dear ones is advisable. Teachers will have a busy week attending seminars or workshops which will later assist them in their profession. Chances are there for minor misunderstandings with the friends.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(6 Oct 2024)

Politicians will chart this week giving more priority for interaction with the public. A person who used to appreciate your talent will criticize the artists on one of their favorite work. This will present you with a gloomy week. It’s a time to do away with of all troubles that you have been facing lately. You may be self confident now.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(6 Oct 2024)

It is not wise to pay too much attention to rumors even at the best of times. Students must take care while talking to the friends or classmates. The gossip that is going around now should certainly not be taken seriously. A greater sense of confidence in your mental abilities gives you the ability to prove exactly what you can do in preparing written information.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(6 Oct 2024)

Don’t borrow money or start any important business transaction. Financial gains most likely through speculation. Speculation and affair of the heart will not be favorable. Focus on your earning power, special collection, residence or marital status. Avoid mischief mongers who will cause problems with near ones. Avoid making new investments now as you may incur more losses than you already may have.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(6 Oct 2024)

You will be in an introspective but peaceful mood; you are a deep thinker and now is one of those days when you need to think. If you want things to move, you need to get more active and forceful than you've been for some time; make yourself heard loud and clear. There maybe some disappointments and delays in the plans you’ve made.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(6 Oct 2024)

Hold on to your money. If you are looking for a new job or a better position, you may receive positive signals from your boss this week. Nothing venture nothing gain being impulsive is a no-no but taking verified chances sure can be profitable. Someone from your past may contact you now or you may receive some kind of a gift from a pleasant and unexpected source.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(6 Oct 2024)

Plan your weekend today and get away from the maddening crowd for a bit, your nerves need the rest. Enjoy a good day. Wrap up the work and get ready to take off for the weekend with family and friends. Those related to the medical field planning for constructing their own hospital or dispensary will proceed with the further steps in regards to that.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(6 Oct 2024)

Try to have patience while dealing especially with your officials. Proposals for new business tie-ups will come in search of businessmen and industrialists. This isn't the best day for arranging travel plans. If unavoidable make sure about the arrangements. Today the person you feel close to will let you down; as a result your romantic mood will turn out to be fully tensed.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(6 Oct 2024)

Students will find themselves detached from their friends. Try not to loose your confidence. You are inferior to none. Your creativity is not up to the mark today, don’t get surprised if your mind and body feel weak. Those who are married better to draw a line on your emotions, otherwise you will have to regret it later. Burden of work will make singles short-tempered today.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(6 Oct 2024)

Youngsters awaiting results will not come up to the expectation of themselves and their parents. This day will be full of expenses for politicians. You will never come to know how your wallet got empty. Education of children will be of great concern to you today. Hard work done earlier may pour in profit now.