Weekly Astroguide
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2020-02-15)
Forthright, intrepid, courageous, bold, resolute and determined. That's you in a nutshell. Well it's certainly what you'd like other people to think about you. Actually, it's a pretty fair assessment of your characteristics. I'm sure you don't want me to burst any bubbles and tell you that these qualities are on limited supply this week. So I won't! You don't need to worry! You're being blessed with cosmic assistance that will enhance your gifts. If you're facing a challenge, you can easily rise to it.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2020-02-15)
If you're feeling as if you're being stretched as far as it's possible to be stretched, then you're in a fortunate position. You're being given a very timely reminder that something in your life needs to give. You're being shown that things can't continue in the same way. Your priorities need to change. This week, the powerful planetary forces enable you to renegotiate a promise and reschedule a commitment. You're about to discover that the future has a delightful and different plan in store.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2020-02-15)
This is going to be a week to remember! As Jupiter, your traditional ruler, links with Neptune, your modern ruler; and the Sun enters your sign. So the cosmos is blessing you not only with the creativity and insight you've been waiting for, but with the energy to take positive action. Even though you have a difficult issue to deal with, you won't need to focus on it to the exclusion of everything else. Look out for a bright new, hopeful vision of your future; because you can set out to achieve it.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2020-02-15)
Since you set such high standards for yourself, it's hardly surprising that you don't always manage to live up to them. That's nothing to be ashamed of. It's much better to only just miss an optimistic goal than to set your sights on something that doesn't make your heart sing. Although you haven't quite managed to achieve what you'd hoped to achieve, you're not yet fully aware of the effects of your efforts. Good news is on its way. At the very least, it brings a chance to use the experience you've gained.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2020-02-15)
How are you supposed to react when people tell you to put your feelings aside and focus on the logical thing to do? Don't they have a heart? Do they go through life like robots impervious to feelings and ignoring their impulses and desires? How can you turn down the strength of your passions and your emotions when they're a fundamental part of who you are? You can't! Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. The powerful planetary forces encourage you to follow your heart this week.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2020-02-15)
While lots of food is instantly edible, much of what we consume needs to be prepared before it can be digested. Whether it's peeling, cutting, boiling or baking, it has to be processed before it becomes appetising. The same can be said for the events lining up this week. If you apply a flame of inspiration and a blade of brilliance, you can cut your problems into bite-sized pieces. The planets are most encouraging. Take one step at a time and you'll get further than you've dared dream of.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2020-02-15)
The trouble with trouble is that it never takes a holiday. It's always waiting for an opportunity to make its presence felt. Yet, even though it rarely takes time off, it's prone to the occasional snooze when, if you take great care, and tiptoe past, you can get to where you want to be without disturbing it. Although I can't guarantee that there won't be the occasional creaking floorboard to navigate over, or that you won't be overcome with a desire to tweak trouble's tail, if you go gently, you'll go far this week.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2020-02-15)
Although you feel as if you lack certain resources, and are feeling underwhelmed about an aspect of your emotional life, all is not lost. In fact, there are reasons to celebrate the fact of your disenchantment about a particular situation. It's providing you with the right reasons to motivate yourself to implement important and necessary change. You've been aware, for a while now, that something can't continue in the same way. This week, the powerful cosmic climate shows you what you need to do.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2020-02-15)
Is there anything wrong with being happy? As far as I'm aware, there's no law against it. It's not taxable. Nor does laughter (which is often a by-product) cause damage to the ozone layer or contribute to global warming. Sadness, on the other hand, often produces tears as a side effect which don't help rising sea levels. Seriously! This week's cosmic message couldn't be clearer. It's time to treat yourself to people and things that make you feel good. Give yourself the favour you deserve!
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2020-02-15)
We like to have a strategy that leads us towards success. And, we want to have a plan that we can fall back on as insurance. That's why we spend so much time thinking about things before setting off on a plan of action. Yet when we think too hard, and look at all the angles, it can cause confusion. You know this scenario well; you're extremely good at seeing all sides of a story. This week, the cosmic climate encourages you to use your ability to adapt. It will enable you to take great strides forwards.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2020-02-15)
Although there are an infinite number of excuses, few of them count for very much. No matter how successful we are, we all have a sense that we could be doing better. We're also aware of the fact that we can't undo things that have already been done; or go back in time and do things that we didn't manage to do. Yet, it's never too late to put something right. This week, under a powerful cosmic climate, you have an opportunity to make peace with something from your past. Healing is possible.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2020-02-15)
Before I explain the details of what's happening in the sky, I thought I'd find out how much detail you require. Do you want to know all the intricacies? Do you need facts and figures, or are you happy to put your trust in a more general explanation? Right you just need to understand why something you're trying to achieve still remains elusive. In that case, you just need to know that under this week's encouraging cosmic climate, determination, and trust will turn things around in your favour.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2020-02-01)
If your life were free from challenge, it would be dull. If you seek adventure, exhilaration and passion, you need to have a few difficulties to deal with. What's more, there will be times this month, when you're so concerned, that you'd be prepared to take the kind of action you'd never consider if things were simply coasting along. Even though, with Mars in your sign, there will be moments when things seem too much'; they're creating opportunities for you to respond and plan for positive, innovative change. In your love life: You have to think and act differently when chasing an objective. Show someone you care by proving you can be vulnerable.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2020-02-01)
You didn't come to planet Earth to fit in'. You're not one of those people who like to conform to everyone else's expectations. You naturally question convention and seek possible alternatives. Your refusal to accept what's expected inevitably irritates those who prefer life to be comfortable and predictable. So, in order to achieve success in February, you'll need to be kind and gentle as you explain yourself. But don't compromise your integrity by going along with something you need to stand up against. In your love life: Show your vision, and people will want it to be their vision too. Trust your heart. It's to everyone's advantage.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2020-02-01)
If some things are meant to happen', what about the other things that come into our lives? When things feel right' we don't question them. We don't waste time wondering whether they were wrong things in disguise. Even when they turn out to bring difficult moments, we tend to take these on board and put it down to the fact that challenges are an inevitable part of the process. This month, which sees the first of three significant meetings between Jupiter and your ruler, Neptune, what feels right, is right. In your love life: Words make things happen. Be adventurous with your chit-chat. You're about to see how exciting life, and love, can be.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2020-02-01)
It's not easy when you feel as if you're caught between a rock and a hard place. It's so much easier to push than to shove especially when you're unsure about where you want to be. Yet, instead of wondering what you have done in order to deserve so many demands on your time, try not to take anything too seriously or personally. Everyone goes through times like these. And, we all come out feeling happier and more positive. This month, you can trust that everything's working out for the best. In your love life: Unions not glued together positively with love, loyalty and inspiration can come unstuck. True dedication can't be broken.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2020-02-01)
Not even the most influential and powerful people find true satisfaction when their domestic life is unhappy. When we feel misunderstood by our nearest and dearest, not even a lottery win will soothe our souls. Yet, it's easy to overlook the things that really count we often need to be reminded to sort out our priorities. This month, you can expect to do well at almost every level you focus on. But, if you prioritise the people and situations closest to your heart, the benefits will be long lasting. In your love life: Interesting ideas will connect you with a side of yourself you know exists, but which you usually conceal. Don't be shy.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2020-02-01)
Some people think that love makes the world go round, while others say that it's driven by money. Yet, for many of us, fear is the underlying force that drives us onwards. When you picture a world that holds no fear, you imagine either heaven or hell. If we were completely free to do what we want, would anyone ever choose to curb their excesses? A small amount of fear is healthy and necessary. But a big amount, is unhealthy and unnecessary. This month, you can shake off a big worry. In your love life: Did you ask the cosmos to help, only to think your request was going to be unanswered? Think again. It's good news.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2020-02-01)
If your life were reasonable, rational and reliably smooth, you'd be bored senseless! We all need a little bit of chaotic unpredictability in our lives; it brings colour and contrast, danger and depth to our existence. What's that? You've had enough of being pushed to the limit by a series of ridiculous situations? That's hardly surprising. Fortunately, February brings events that enable you to satisfy your desire for more order and structure. If reassurance is what you're looking for, that's what you'll find. In your love life: Be your natural, brilliant self this week. The right person will cotton on and you will be happily surprised at the outcome.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2020-02-01)
If you're planning on telling a lie, it's best to stick as close to the truth as possible. At least, that's what the experts tell us. Rather than creating an intricate web of deceit, you only need to modify your story where necessary, so that you end up with a slightly altered version of events. But what's wrong with telling the truth? The only reason for not telling things as they are, is that you feel as if you'll hurt someone's feelings by being honest. This month, you gain power by being true to yourself and to others. In your love life: Jupiter and Neptune are lining up to lend you a hand. It's a rare opportunity. Everything is in place for you.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2020-02-01)
What signs and signals are you being sent by the cosmos? Do you need to read between the lines, as you keep an eye on the horizon and decipher the smoke signals? Should you be wary of anything obvious, and focus on solving cryptic clues? Not if you want to make the progress you're being offered this month! You're naturally blessed with integrity and common sense. Since February offers opportunities to nurture and trust your instincts, you don't need to overcomplicate anything. Simplicity is key. In your love life: You don't need to engage in trickery to catch a certain someone's attention this week. Lucky stars are on your side.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2020-02-01)
The world used to be split into restrictive groups and associations. Everyone belonged to a sector of society; and moving from one group to another was challenging if not impossible. These days, in theory at least, we're able to chop and change more easily. We can switch our political allegiances and climb up and down the social ladder. We're less easily defined by our sexuality and our ethnicity. This month, as questions arise about what you belong to, take your time over any decisions. In your love life: Come out of the shadows; do something different and do it with feeling. Enjoy deeply heart-warming experiences this week.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2020-02-01)
Skilful marketing teams turn design faults into successes. So, if a toothbrush handle is very short, it will be marketed as a travel toothbrush'. These people are able to make a drawback sound like a bonus feature that makes their product better than the rest. As Jupiter and Neptune align this month, your creative abilities are enhanced. If you needed to sell coals to Newcastle, you could! Even when situations seem to be against you, if you look hard enough, you'll be able to find hidden advantages. In your love life: Focus on how to benefit a cause. Be committed and you'll see how making others happy radiates positivity into your life.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2020-02-01)
Suppose you were to say out loud what you really want? Clearly express your intentions; and then do everything in your power to reach your objectives. What kind of month would you have? Well even if you can't get exactly what you want, exactly when and how you want it, there's no harm in reaching for the best. As Jupiter, your ruling planet, links with Neptune, they encourage innovative ideas and creative endeavours. February could be the stepping-stone to a much happier future. In your love life: This week, Jupiter and Neptune are shaping up to give you a wonderful boost. You can break with the past.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2020-01-18)
When everything's going our way and we feel good, we think that everything's 'as it should be'. We're happy to accept the events that unfold, and trust that all is well with the world. It's when we're not feeling good that the doubt and unease start to take over our thoughts and our lives. Yet there are times when it's okay not to feel good, and right to find something wrong. Although you're in the middle of a challenging drama, a helpful change of scene is due this week. And the ending is happy.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2020-01-18)
Let's take a moment to consider your start to the New Year. Are you further down the path you'd set out on, or are you back where you started? It's not always easy to tell. You can travel for ages, without getting anywhere, or step through a door, and find yourself in another world. This week is filled with celestial activity. As the Sun enters your sign, your priorities will be reshaped. As long as you pick the right goals, for the right reasons, there's no reason why you can't make the right kind of progress.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2020-01-18)
This week, the celestial forces gift you with the ability to influence a difficult situation and diffuse underlying tension. You can help others find the middle ground in a stressful scenario. But, if you're tempted to take sides, or fight anyone's corner on their behalf, you risk losing your objectivity. Then, how will you know what's for the best? Although you're being asked for your support, rather than piling in, your best option is to offer your wisdom. You've got lots more of that than you think.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2020-01-18)
They tell us that leopards don't change their spots. But are you sure that you've got such a wild beast on your hands? Someone has behaved in a disappointing way and a situation has become uneasy. Yet, even though it would be impossible and unrealistic to expect you to forget what's happened, you can find a way to forgive. People do change. But even if they don't there's little point in holding on to your feelings of resentment. This week, letting go will change a situation, and heal the hurt in you.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2020-01-18)
It seems that this week's cosmic events are conspiring to create situations you don't quite know how to deal with. You're not sure what you're supposed to do and feel; as if you're being taken out of your comfort zone to a place where you feel vulnerable. So, suppose instead of worrying, you decide to give everything your best shot and see what happens? As the Sun enters Aquarius, there's a good chance that you'll make a breakthrough that will change your approach to what's possible.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2020-01-18)
There are times when improvising gets us into trouble. When we've thrown the metaphorical map out of the window, we can start to wander into unknown territory, going further and further from our original destination. To make things worse, we often think that we're on the right track when we're not. That's why we like to make plans. Yet this week, you have no choice but to think creatively and make spontaneous decisions. Just trust your intuition. It's going to take you exactly where you need to be.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2020-01-18)
You're feeling as if you've been turned inside out and upside down. Although your world might look very similar to the one you were in last year, 2020 is starting to feel very different. Your perspective is changing. As you view a key relationship in a new light, you're seeing yourself differently. While this might feel discombobulating, it's very promising. This week, the cosmos brings revelations that will reinforce your recent discoveries. These will give you the peace of mind you've been missing.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2020-01-18)
The great poet Kahlil Gibran said that 'generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need'. Of course, as a Leo, you know that pride and generosity sometimes bring challenges. You also understand life's paradoxes; that when you give more than you can, you receive more than you need; and, that when you take less than you need, you're not doing yourself any favours. This week, as your ruling planet, the Sun, enters innovative Aquarius, trust your instincts.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2020-01-18)
They tell us that when one door closes, another one opens. Life is full of positives and negatives, and in an ideal world, we'd be able to see the hidden side to every situation. If only we could feel optimistic in the face of every challenge, and careful when faced with an opportunity. Yet it's usually the case that gloomy folk are always gloomy and vice versa. This week, as the cosmos presents you with an innovative opportunity, take it! It opens doors that have been locked for too long.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2020-01-18)
Could your life be more chaotic than it is right now? Yes! Although you're dealing with several crazy situations, there's always a chance that more surprises lie in wait. As the Sun enters Aquarius, you can afford to stop worrying about an issue that seems to have spun out of your control. Try to take the time to step back and allow it to keep spinning. As it turns, it winds a situation forward to a place which you'll be perfectly comfortable with. The pressure is about to be relieved in a very good way.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2020-01-18)
They say that 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'; and although the circumstances you're dealing with may not be ideal, they're better than nothing. Remember this week, to appreciate what you have. As the Sun moves into innovative Aquarius, it brings the promise of better times ahead. It's just that you can't have everything exactly when you need it; and that's frustrating. Yet as you wait, the choices you're forced to make will become the stepping-stones leading to your ideal future.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2020-01-18)
I was thinking about giving you your forecast upside down today, or in secret code. Or filling it with obscure suggestions and vague insinuations. But I've changed my mind. You've had enough of feeling exasperated this year. You're ready for some lucidity and minimalistic advice. Your sense of frustration has been complicated by someone who you suspect is going out of their way to confuse things. The way to gloriously emerge into clear sunshine, is to stick to what makes sense to you.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2020-01-11)
Although we're all pretty good at doing the things we know how to do, it can take us a while to learn new methods and procedures. And learning curves are often painful experiences; we don't like the idea of looking as if we're not capable of doing anything. Yet sometimes, we get the hang of a new concept in a light-bulb moment, and are able to implement positive changes immediately into our lives. As your ruler Saturn conjoins with mysterious Pluto, you're about to have an inspiring revelation. In your love life: Our hearts are our own dominion, not fertile lands ripe for conquest. You may feel vulnerable, but relax. An alliance can be struck.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2020-01-11)
They tell us to 'be here now'. Rather than dwelling in the past, or dreaming of the future, we need to be enjoying the present. Well, that's the gist of it. That's what the Age of Aquarius is all about, and, as an Aquarian, you're naturally good at doing that. What's that? You're worrying about the consequences of a recent decision? You're caught in a world of maybe's and couldbe's? The powerful cosmic climate brings reassuring news. Trust what you feel rather than what you think you should be feeling. In your love life: As the power of the Full Moon workis its magic, here comes a chance to do things differently... and start getting different results!
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2020-01-11)
Do you know how much you matter? How important you are? We all have more influence on other people's lives than we realise; but you, with your positive approach to the world, would be sorely missed if you decided to withdraw from your social sphere. You've been feeling more shy than usual recently. Yet there's no reason to feel reserved it certainly doesn't suit you or serve you in a positive way. This week's powerful astrological climate brings a boost of confidence. It's time to be proud of who you are. In your love life: Soon you'll see somebody's true colours; they'll reveal their intentions. Much can be made of these insights this week.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2020-01-11)
You find yourself facing changing circumstances that are forcing you to re-evaluate and reassess. The good news, is that this is profoundly positive! The powerful Saturn/Pluto conjunction brings an opportunity to make a long-held dream come true. Of course, in order to follow a different path, some of the factors that fill your life are going to have to change. But when you know, in your heart, that you're following the right path, you'll be happy to trust that you're on the way towards an exciting destination. In your love life: Difficulties are only temporary. If you're tempted to pursue change, think about new beginnings, not endings; you'll be fine.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2020-01-11)
When we're confronted by a challenge, we tend to react by making insignificant changes to our lives, or by staying calm in the face of drama, whilst overreacting to trivial matters. This week, the rare Saturn/Pluto convergence indicates that if you find yourself seemingly overreacting to a minor issue, you're probably having an appropriate response. A small problem holds the key to a larger one and by solving the lesser one, you'll be able to find the way to easily sort out the more important issue. In your love life: You can make a breakthrough about how you much you value yourself. It will change the way others feel about you too.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2020-01-11)
Imagine that you're having people round to dinner. Don't worry about what food you've got in the fridge; just set the table for six guests. Now, here are your guests; Doubt, Fear, Worry, Anger, Confusion and Resentment. When you've served them up a feast of negativity, you can slip out the back door, leaving them to wallow in their angst. You're heading out somewhere else for your meal! A fine menu awaits you this week. You'll be able to appreciate your favourite tastes, with company you enjoy being with. In your love life: A period of self-doubt is how the cosmos compensates you for your talent. There's no point in being hard on yourself.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2020-01-11)
The fact that we have short memories is a blessing; it's how we're able to forget things that cause us pain. Even experiences that have been truly upsetting are eventually filed away in the back of our minds. It's also why we're prone to repeating mistakes. Yet, there are times when we have no choice but to do difficult things over and over again. This week, following the powerful link between Saturn and Pluto, you get to enjoy a well-deserved reward for the determination you've shown in dealing with a difficulty. In your love life: Open your heart and be sensitive to someone else's emotional needs. Give up a little now; you'll gain much in the future.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2020-01-11)
Just imagine how different life would be if you'd made other decisions. Actually don't do that! Instead, try imagining that everything is perfect, just as it is; that you're meant to be exactly where you are, and that every choice you've made has brought you to this moment. The powerful cosmic message to you this week, is that there's something absolutely perfect about the situation you're facing. Even though it has aspects that frustrate and upset you, they're enabling you to make the very best choice. In your love life: A brave conversation can help you overcome unnecessary stress. It's a time to prove your generous spirit.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2020-01-11)
Most people would run a mile at the thought of being able to communicate with one of their ancestors. Even the notion of a ghostly presence makes us feel nervous, let alone getting a message from someone. Yet no matter how good or bad those who have departed may have been, they only have one message for us; to enjoy living our lives to the max. The Saturn/Pluto link brings you the same philosophy. You're being presented with a special moment. Seize it this week, and make life magical. In your love life: This week you can put a little trust in mystery. You may learn more than you expected.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2020-01-11)
We go to school to be taught the lessons we need for life. It's only later that we realise that we need to unlearn some of what we've been taught and that we're embarked on a never-ending process of learning, which will be punctuated by astonishing discoveries. You're concerned that you lack the qualifications to deal with a current challenge. Yet you're being too hard on yourself. The Saturn/Pluto convergence brings confirmation. You have all the skills you need to make this a good week. In your love life: If there is conflict in a relationship now, or if you just wish you were closer to someone, there is only one thing you need to do. Let more hope into your heart!
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2020-01-11)
Day-to-day existence on our planet demands vast quantities of patience and determination. After all you've been through recently, it's hardly any wonder that you feel as if you're starting to run out of energy. Doubts are undermining your sense of purpose; you're no longer sure about who or what to believe. Yet this week, as Saturn and Pluto (your ruler) converge, despite the uncertainty, a delightful, lasting improvement is beginning. You're about to see positive signs leading to a better future. In your love life: The cosmos is about to dress you in elegant celestial garb. You can be the belle of any ball that you desire to grace!
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2020-01-11)
Red? Blue? Green? Yellow? Although these are simple colours, there's a whole range of different shades covered by these headings. D-I-Y shops even stock a vast range of shades of white paint! That's why you need to be specific about what you want to achieve this week. Since your perceptive skills are being enhanced by the powerful cosmic climate, you're absolutely right to hold out for what you want. If you bide your time and stay focused, what you need will come your way. In your love life: Mars in your sign makes intriguing angles with Saturn and Uranus soon. Where peace is possible, reach for it and you will get it.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-12-22)
Isn't it wonderful when everything falls neatly into place? When you can stand back, and allow events to unfold, confident that if you intervene, you'll disrupt, rather than improve the process. Of course there are other times when well, we don't need to think about that right now! Not when the Solstice brings the assurance that you're never going to be far from serendipitous moments this Christmas. If you think of yourself as being the recipient of lucky cosmic gifts, that's what you'll be.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-12-22)
Welcome to 2020! I know! It's not here yet, but with Venus, the planet of love and creativity settling into your sign, you're being blessed with the energy and enthusiasm to begin to make a break from an aspect of your past that no longer serves you. As we move into the festive season, you don't need to wait until New Year to start making your resolutions. Christmas or not; here comes the potential to create positive change in your life. Events will show you just how much hope your future holds.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-12-22)
I'd like to sing a seasonal tune to you, but I can't get an old song out of my head; I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood'. At this time, when you have so many different needs to cater for, whilst trying to decode all the nuanced and subtle messages you're receiving, the words seem appropriate. It's a miracle we ever understand one another! Yet, the Solstice brings you the gift of perspective. With it, you can create a delightfully calm Christmas.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-12-22)
You've already checked out all the available options and asked the questions you needed to ask. You've shifted through your memories and drawn on past experiences. Now, at the Solstice, as we move towards Christmas, it's time for action. Even though you'd like to have everything in place before making your move, you need to put your shoulder to the wheel. It's not going to be easy; but as long as you put your heart and your soul into what you really want to do this week, happiness will be yours.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-12-22)
An early Christmas present is on its way. Although it doesn't come gift-wrapped in shiny paper, tied with a ribbon, it represents a generous act and it's something you need and want. Get ready to welcome the Solstice gift of an emotional blessing and a well-deserved reduction to the source of stress you've been dealing with. The only requisite, is that you need to show your gratitude by being kind and generous to other people in return. The week brings a large dose of Christmas spirit.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-12-22)
There are times when life feels as if we're walking through lakes of treacle. At others, it's as if we're sailing gently down a flowing river. What creates the difference? Well, it's not about finances there are plenty of miserable rich people around. It's not romantic love either; that's all well and good when it starts, but even the best relationships have their stresses and strains. It's having hope that gives us reasons to celebrate. The Solstice brings you an abundance of hope, in perfect time for Christmas.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-12-22)
Will the festive season bring trouble your way? Is there a battle on the horizon that needs to be fought? Or are you just preparing yourself in case you need to put up your defences? The Solstice sheds insight into a growing source of tension. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. In fact, the only person who really cares about the point you're trying to make is the person reading this forecast right now! If you take some of the pressure off yourself, you'll have a much more enjoyable Christmas.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-12-22)
Being covered from head to toe in cotton wool might make life difficult. But at least it offers protection against life's knocks and bumps. We often find ourselves donning the psychological equivalent of extreme protection, especially at this time of the year. We enfold our hearts and heads in specially constructed attitudes in an attempt to keep raw emotions and memories at bay. You're an open-hearted Leo. Your emotions can't be hidden for long; which is why Christmas is set to bring such joy.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-12-22)
As the festive season moves into full swing, we find you fast approaching a place where you have to make an important decision that involves a big commitment. Despite the frenetic festive preparations, you're mulling this over and over in your mind. Fortunately, the arrival of the Solstice brings a welcome change of perspective. The good news, is that you already know the answer you're seeking. You just need to recognise that you know it! Then, what you really want for Christmas can be yours.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-12-22)
How powerful do you feel? It's easy, as we move into the festive season, to feel a bit like the victim of circumstances rather than the person who's calling the shots. Yet the Solstice brings a much-appreciated boost to your self-esteem. The cosmos is conspiring to help you find ways to gently, yet boldly assert yourself, so that you have more control and influence throughout Christmas and beyond. If you act as if you have greater strength and confidence this week, rather magically it will be so!
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-12-22)
Selective memories are an essential part of our survival kits. Sometimes, being able to conveniently forget things that cause us pain enables us to see the future as an open book into which we can write our happy-ever-after endings. Maybe that's why people find it hard to predict what will happen in their lives. The powerful Solstice reminds you about a reality you've put to the back of your mind. If you can find a way to appreciate it, it will turn out to be a very special present indeed.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-12-22)
Something appears to be holding you back. It's as if you're stuck in traffic, impatiently waiting for something in the distance to be cleared so that you can get on your way. The Solstice indicates the availability of an alternative route. It might be more convoluted, but you're a bold Sagittarian; you enjoy complications! If you take the less obvious road this week, you might encounter some criticism, but you'll arrive at 'destination Christmas' in such good spirits that you'll bring much joy.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-11-30)
Do we arrive in this world with long lists of tasks we need to do? Do children tell each other that they'd like to play, but don't have time'? Stress is something we seem to grow into. It's part and parcel of being grown up and sensible; almost a badge of honour that comes with responsibility. Yet, in December, as Jupiter enters your sign, it brings you the ability to see life from a less serious perspective. Give your inner child the space to grow and the festive season holds the potential to be full of very good cheer. In your love life: Wow! Jupiter is in your sign. If you've been waiting to make a move - in love, career or finance - now's the moment.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-11-30)
Although there are times when you feel as if you're up to your neck in water, you're wearing the psychological equivalent of a state-of-the-art wetsuit. Even when things go pear-shaped, you have the power to put them back on track. In fact, therein lies this month's challenge. Having so much power can be tiring; calling all the shots involves a lot of responsibility. Yet when the cosmos is sending power your way, you can't ignore it. Your enthusiasm and good spirit can make this a Christmas to remember. In your love life: You should never settle for less than you deserve. Balance in a partnership requires redressing. Don't sell yourself short.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-11-30)
This month, although there will be times when you feel as if you're pushing a loaded shopping trolley up a steep hill, you have the strength to get to the top. As Jupiter moves into a new home, in complete contrast to the usual pattern of events, life becomes less stressful as we move further into the festive season. You have powerful resources available to you; both emotional and material. As you draw on them, you'll be able to generously share the Christmas spirit so that everyone benefits. In your love life: Jupiter's change of sign, shakes things up in a benevolent and helpful way. Make the most of this cosmic gift.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-11-30)
At times like this, as the preparations for the festive season begin, it can be hard to know where the adults are when you need them. How are you and I supposed to know what to do? When even politicians and leaders exhibit infant-like attitudes, it's hard to know where to find the help you need. You're left with no alternative but to dip into the deep well of wisdom that lies within you! Your ability to make good decisions is being highlighted this month. When you share your insight, everyone will enjoy the benefits. In your love life: Don't tell someone how to be or demand they accept all your views. Lead by example; you'll be graciously received.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-11-30)
December doesn't only bring sleigh bells and reindeer; it brings the chance for you to heroically ride to the rescue. But do you really feel inclined to sort out everyone's problems? Why does it always come down to you to clear up the mess and save the day? As we approach the festive season, it's time to step back and allow other people the space to create their own messes, and to clear them up again. If you define your boundaries, you'll be in a much better place to share peace and good cheer. In your love life: You once gave up hope of reaching an emotional goal. But, now that Jupiter moves into a new home, it's not a lost cause.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-11-30)
This month, your perceptive powers are being boosted. Not only can you discern the wood from the trees, but even fallen Christmas tree needles give valuable clues! Just be aware that as you gain understanding into the more mysterious aspects of people's lives, your clarity may place a relationship under pressure. When we see more of people than they want us to see, they feel vulnerable, and their defences go up. So, over the festive season, be sure to use your wisdom for the greater good. In your love life: Does someone share your feelings? There are two sides to every story. This week you can write yours how you want.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-11-30)
When we find ourselves in situations we don't want to be in, we're all capable of pretending. It's easy not' to see someone. As long as we're aware of what we're doing, there's no harm in this. The problems start when we try to convince ourselves that we haven't seen something that we have seen. As we enter the festive season, it's important not to create a story you don't believe. If you respect your integrity, you'll keep your honour intact, and be free to enjoy the social delights that December brings. In your love life: There's passion to be found in the most mundane of experiences this week. You just have to be creative in summoning it.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-11-30)
Victory comes with a priceit involves someone else suffering the pain of defeat. This month, as we enter the season of good will; although your compassionate, big-hearted personality will benefit anyone who's suffering from the usual dose of festive anxiety, you will be especially valuable when it comes to finding compromises and avoiding conflicts. We don't need winners or losers. You can help find creative ways around potential disputes, so that everyone has the peaceful Christmas they desire. In your love life: Romance is not the same as economics. Be generous with what you have, and you can accrue the love you desire this week.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-11-30)
If we want to learn how to act, there are plenty of drama schools to go to. Yet we don't need to learn how to be melodramatic. Our lives are full of chances to create emotional maelstroms of anxiety, passion and fear. Oh, and Christmas is the very best time for that. Luckily, this month, as Jupiter moves into a new home, it brings an ability to understand challenging situations (and people), so that you respond rather than react. Make this a season of mellow dramas instead. Everyone will benefit. In your love life: Past experiences have made you what you are. Don't regret your past. It drives you towards a beautiful future this week.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-11-30)
Despite the frenetic way you're leading your life, there's a feeling that you're going over familiar ground. Is there a lesson you need to learn? Have you overlooked a vital clue that you must find in order to succeed? No. The similarities with a past era of your life are superficial. As Jupiter changes signs, it brings the courage to return to a matter that needs to be dealt with, and the enthusiasm to rise to the challenge gloriously. An inner glow of confidence is the cosmic gift on offer to you this December. In your love life: Jupiter moves into a new home. There's something you can do. Whether it's big or small, do it.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-11-30)
With Mars in your sign, you're moving so fast that the scenery is blurred. As the power planet will be in Scorpio for the entire festive season - with the heightened pressure and excitement it brings, we need to put boundaries in place; you don't want to run out of energy. Fortunately, Jupiter's move into a new sector of the sky offers opportunities for contemplation and illumination. It brings the insight to make decisions about where to focus your enthusiasm so that the right people benefit (and that includes you!). In your love life: This week, you can shout it's my turn'. It IS your turn to get what you want. You'll find someone happy to help you take it.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-11-30)
With perfect timing, as we enter the festive season, your ruler, Jupiter, leaves your sign and enters Capricorn. This heralds a significant change of focus, and the beginning of a new era for you. It offers a chance for you to renegotiate a vitally important aspect of a plan, and make an insightful adjustment that will bring a welcome sense of equilibrium into your life. As you recognise the opportunities hidden beneath a problem you're dealing with, you'll be able to relax, and add joy and enthusiasm to the festive mix. In your love life: As Jupiter moves into a new home, you have a rare chance to learn something valuable about yourself.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-11-16)
If we don't know what the rules are, it's impossible to know whether we're living by them. This is important, because whilst some rules were made to be broken, others are meant to stay in place... and if you're ignorant of what the rules are, how can you tell which ones can be flouted, and which ones need to be rigorously maintained? This week, as Mars changes signs, one or two of the rules and regulations that have been stifling you can be (gently) broken! A new sense of freedom is possible.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-11-16)
It's easy to overlook the obvious; we're drawn by whatever appears to be most demanding and urgent. That's why it takes such an effort to stop... and take a moment to reflect, rather than be dragged into drama. You've been coping with several different crises recently. You certainly don't need any more plates to spin. So, this week, as Mars settles into a new sign, if you can find the discipline to calmly contemplate what's taking so much of your energy, you'll find a way to set something impossible right.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-11-16)
You have a list of what you need to do. Some things are under the heading marked possible' and some are filed in the impossible' drawer. Yet you've overlooked an important category; it's called things I might be able to do'. As Mars changes signs, you can uncover a talent you'd pushed to the back of your mind. You're about to discover an ability you need, but thought you lacked. It will enable you to navigate round the obstacle that's been preventing you from moving ahead with your plan. It's time to move on.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-11-16)
While some people spend their lives seeking the secret of eternal youth, others search for the key to happiness. Yet they share the same objective; if we want to stay youthful in spirit, we need to be happy at heart. And if lasting happiness is our goal, we need to keep mentally, physically and spiritually active. Growing older doesn't need to come with a jaded approach to life. As a dynamic Aries, youthfulness is part of who you are. Enjoy the adventures of the week, and you'll grow wiser as well as older.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-11-16)
Cooperation is the buzzword of your week. I say that, even though I know you've done very well by yourself, and that you're embarked on a project that is highly personal. It's true that you could carry on carrying on... and probably get quite a long way without needing any help. But if you can find a way to compromise on the idea that no one else can do it quite like you, you'll make greater gains at greater speed. You don't need to sacrifice your integrity either. Being gracious will take you far this week.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-11-16)
One of the most famous lines from the Western marriage service is Till death do us part'. Interestingly, the vows don't extend to consider the concept of reincarnation. Yet if, as some people believe, we keep coming back to work on our karmic relationships, we could end up with an awful lot of partners and spouses on our hands! With your empowered ruler turning direct this week, you'll be relieved to know that a challenging phase you've been going through with someone close is coming to an end.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-11-16)
Since today is the first day of the rest of your life, what are you going to do with it? The problem is that we spend too much of our time doing what we feel obliged' to do with our days, rather than what we'd like to do with them. Under the current, positive cosmic climate, this week presents you with possibilities to actually find ways of enjoying doing things you're obliged to do. And, if you want to make the right thing happen, you've just got to make sure that it involves doing something that makes you happy!
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-11-16)
They say if you can't do the time, then don't do the crime'. But they also say that if you can't stand the heat, you should get out of the kitchen'; which is useless if you're somewhere you can't escape from. You've recently realised that you're in a situation you'd rather not be in, and can't find an easy way to extricate yourself. As your ruling planet, the Sun, moves into enthusiastic Sagittarius this week, the situation will unfold in such an innovative way that you can move onwards, and upwards, with ease.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-11-16)
We're supposed to have something put aside for a rainy day. But what if there's a huge deluge that lasts until the end of the year? Maybe you should save a little bit extra just in case the weather turns. How about the people who are indebted to you? Should you be checking to ensure they're going to honour their intentions? When we feed our insecurities, they grow so big that they destroy things that are secure. This week, focus on what's going on in the here and now. It's much better than you think.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-11-16)
Mysteries fascinate us because they're so intangible. As soon as we understand something, the enigma that surrounds it completely evaporates. Likewise, once we can see behind a problem, it loses its power; and when we recognise why someone is behaving in a certain way, we know how to deal with them. This week, as Mercury changes direction, it blesses you with exceptional insight, and reveals the way to make sure that what you discover works to your advantage. Keep an eye open for treasure.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-11-16)
As we come to the end of your birthday season, we find you adjusting to a new situation. Whilst you've been expanding your horizons, and investigating new possibilities, the process has left you feeling slightly discombobulated, and uncertain about what to do next. This week, as Mars enters your sign, it brings a boost of confidence that will help you to process all your recent experiences, so that you're more relaxed and clear about the direction you're heading towards. Things are about to get better.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-11-16)
It's that time of the year when it seems as if the leprechauns have been at the wine, and the fairies have been so busy polishing their wands that they've had to take time out to recuperate. So, this week, if you want to summon cosmic assistance, you'll have to be clear about what you need. Remember too, to be careful about what you wish for. As the Sun prepares to enter your sign, magic is heading into your world. Be sure to use it wisely... and enjoy the early birthday presents the week brings!
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-09-28)
Your world doesn't need any extra confusion. So, it will come as a relief to learn that life, in October, is going to be less bewildering than it has been. Phew! Yet it's not just clarity that you seek; you're looking for something to inspire and excite you. That's what you deserve too. You haven't had enough of that and it's time for a change. As Pluto changes direction, it brings a chance to transform your approach to your plans for the future. Be ready to welcome in good times and wave goodbye to the bad. In your love life: Worry less about what you are looking for. If you can focus on being who you are, what you are looking for will find you.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-09-28)
It's time to fold it up and tidy it away. Find something else to do and focus your thoughts on something else. Anything else. As long as you allow yourself to be distracted, it doesn't really matter what you choose to focus on. This month, as Pluto changes direction, it offers you a chance to change your perspective. Since you're too close to a highly sensitive situation, this is exactly what's needed. You'll be able to find the objectivity required to work out your priorities. Then, you can move on to a path towards a triumph. In your love life: October brings an opportunity to change the game, even if you don't know the rules. You can reach your goal.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-09-28)
With your sensitivity to others it should come as no surprise to know that some people admire you so much, they'll go miles out of their way to give you a helping hand. They know that if you're in a good position, and feeling empowered, your ability to influence things will benefit them, as well as others. In early October, Pluto's change of direction brings an opportunity to maximise your powers. You're being encouraged by the cosmos. You can effect the changes you desire and make a difference to the world. In your love life: The solution you seek is not yours to find. Let go of the problem you are so fixed on solving, you will find you can move on.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-09-28)
Things are improving. If you're unable to see any evidence of progress, it's because the work is going on behind the scenes. It's as if the curtain has come down at the end of an act, and you're in front of it, performing to the audience. Meanwhile, the stagehands are rushing about, moving the scenery around and creating a different landscape. If you peered behind the curtain, it would still look messy. But disorder is just part of the process of sorting things out. Act with confidence in October, and all will go very well. In your love life: Luck is on your side. Not the jackpot or golden ticket kind of luck, but something unexpected - and good - is on its way.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-09-28)
When there's something you want, what stops you from getting it? Is there something standing in your way? Although October doesn't quite bring a road paved with gold that will lead you to a long-cherished dream, it does offer insights into why you've struggled to do what you want to do, and what you can do to get where you want to go. As mysterious Pluto changes direction, it brings a shift in attitude and a deepening of your understanding. Commit to a plan, and you can take steps to make it come true. In your love life: An unequal situation has reached its tipping point. This week, the see-saw tips your way. Your patience pays off at last.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-09-28)
Although your mind is clear about what you want to achieve in October, your ruler's change of sign, at the start of the month, indicates that the planets have other ideas. And no one wants to get into an argument with the cosmos! This is a month when your skills of diplomacy and adaptability come to the fore. You don't need to accept what's being foisted on you. Neither should you enforce your ideas. As Pluto changes direction, go with the flow; the outcome of the drama that's playing out will benefit you. In your love life: Time to say goodbye to self-pity. October brings a fresh start and will make you want to get up and go'.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-09-28)
What are your plans for October? Would you like to bring peace to the world? Save our high streets? Negotiate helpful international discussions? Abolish poverty? Find homes for the homeless? Educate the ignorant? Get rid of prejudice? Find a cure for cancer? Abolish modern-day slavery? Tackle food waste? Or you could do what everybody does, and just carry on with your life as usual. The world is full of good intentions. Yet this month, if you really want to make a significant difference, you can! In your love life: Deep down, you know you need to make a move. Trust your instinct; the move you need to make is easier than you think.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-09-28)
There's a decision to be reached this month. If you find the choice difficult to make, it won't be due to things not being as good as you hope they'll be; it's that they're going too well. You may even find yourself wondering if you can allow yourself to accept what life is offering, because it seems too good to be true. So, ask yourself if it's what you want and then, when you remember that it's what you're working towards, as long as you're prepared for the consequences of being happy, you can have it. In your love life: October brings a chance to build foundations based on a recently discovered truth. You have all the tools you need.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-09-28)
When you first arrive on a beach, it's not easy to tell what the tide is doing. Even if the sea seems to be a long way out, you can't be sure that your towel will stay dry if you head in for a swim. Waves look the same whether they're rolling in or out. You need to observe them for a while before you can work out which way they're heading. Similarly, you need to wait for more evidence before being able to assess a situation properly. As Pluto changes direction this month, you'll discover all that you need to know. In your love life: If you can identify your emotional needs this week, there's a good chance you'll attract what you need to fulfil them.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-09-28)
Is there anything different about being a year older this time around? Well, with mysterious Pluto changing direction around your birthday, it seems that you really are getting older and wiser! As Pluto symbolises rebirth and transformation, this is a perfect time for you to reconsider your priorities and take charge of your own destiny. You're not a victim of circumstances. You have the power to make happen what you want to happen; and to change what you want to change. A new era is beginning. In your love life: Let go of something. Lighten your load. With more space in your suitcase there will be room for the gifts that lie ahead.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-09-28)
You can be almost too smart sometimes. Some of your ideas dazzle with such brilliance that people are unable to see the power of your insight. Even you can be overwhelmed by the depth of your awareness. Which doesn't mean that you always get it right. Just like the rest of us, you're capable of making errors of judgment. As your ruler, Pluto, changes direction, it enables you to pick up the pieces of a past decision and use them to build a new and exciting vision of the future. Your brilliance is back. In your love life: There are times when things seem to fall naturally into place. Your time is now. Here is an opportunity that's perfect for you.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-09-28)
Some people use complicated words to increase their status. Other folk find power-dressing helps them to feel more important, and gain prestige. You, on the other hand, don't need to use props in order to get the respect and attention you need; just being yourself is enough. In the first days of October, as Pluto changes direction, you might find that you feel more vulnerable than usual, and need a defence mechanism to protect you from harsh reality. Self-confidence will do the trick.That will be easy to find. In your love life: Feel as if you're stuck inside doing your homework while everyone is out having fun? Join them. Play is important too!
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-09-21)
You have a weakness for something. Whether it's an activity, an experience, or a person, just the thought of it is enough to make you feel excited. So, does that mean that it's affecting your judgment and causing you to make poor choices? Well, that depends on how honest you're being, and your ability to self-criticise. If you try to fight yourself, you're never going to win. The Equinox brings the support you need to convince you that you're doing the right thing. Self-encouragement is the key to success this week.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-09-21)
You're an independent soul, and are adept at managing your time. You face challenges with resilience, and rarely seek help outside of your well-maintained support network. Yet, right now there are several ways in which you're trying to resolve an issue, none of which seem to be suitable. Don't jump into action just because you want to get things moving. This deserves an outcome that you can be happy with for some time to come. The Equinox brings an opportunity to take the pressure off. It's okay to ask for help.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-09-21)
There are plenty of kind people. They're not given money to be kind, and they're under no obligation. Nor are they pursuing an ulterior motive. It's simply in their nature to be helpful. Other folk are well, probably, deep within, they're kind too it's just that on the surface, they seem quite the opposite. Although it's very hard to make someone act with kindness, it's quite easy to make someone kind do something unkind. The Equinox encourages you to be your very best. You'll be rewarded by life's kindly response to you.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-09-21)
The Equinox brings the promise of change. This process occurs every year at this time, when the Sun's position creates days and nights of equal length. Although alterations don't need to be dramatic or major, they always involve a shake-up of some description. Messes can be sorted out and dust can be blown away. Since there are several situations in your life which would benefit from this kind of transformation, seize the moment! This week, you can take something complicated and stressful, and simplify it.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-09-21)
The Equinox is the perfect time to review and re-evaluate. It brings a chance to look at any factors in your life which may have slipped out of balance and to do something to redress them. That's why you're focusing on the various situations and relationships which seem to demand your attention and pull you in different directions at once. It's time to look at the compromises you've made. If you've settled for something that's less than ideal, this is an opportunity to subtly change it so that you feel much happier.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-09-21)
It's not as if there's a complex formula that you need to follow. You don't have to spend years studying and searching for the right information. The only thing you need to acquire is a way to apply your common sense. You're surrounded by people who are making a lot of noise, talking and airing their opinions. Yet, in your heart you can see a simple way to resolve the issue they're so worked up about. The Equinox shows you the way to cut through the complexities and confusion. You know what to dogo for it!
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-09-21)
Shall we just forget about your forecast for this week? I could give you a prediction for some other date in the future? Since you're so preoccupied with what might' happen, and so keen to move a project onwards, you're almost seeing the present as getting in the way; a waste of time that has to be endured until you get to where you want to be. Yet the Equinox signals the value of concentrating on where you are. If you take a moment, stop and take a look, you'll see that there's something (or someone) worth focusing on.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-09-21)
Some people make things complicated. When you ask them a question, rather than replying, they ask another one. When you suggest a plan, they think of a way to improve it, or suggest something different. This week, it's time to look at a situation you're feeling uncertain about so that you understand what lies at the root of your qualms. Is there a real reason for a recent change of heart, or has someone undermined your confidence? The Equinox helps you to see what's what, and decide what to do for the best.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-09-21)
You are a perceptive Virgo. Not only do you have a clear picture of what's going on around you, you also understand what's going on behind the scenes. That's why you find it so frustrating when you're baffled by anything. Recently, you've been making good progress and managing to find time to do some of the things you enjoy. Yet a situation has developed and you're struggling to work out where the truth lies. It's making you feel stressed, and clouding your judgment. The Equinox brings the clarity you need.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-09-21)
Welcome to a very special time of year. Here comes the Equinox; the moment when the days and nights are of equal length and the Sun moves into your sign. It's a special moment for all Librans no matter when you were born; an opportunity to draw a line under the past so that you can turn to meet a brand-new future. You've made some sacrifices recently. Here comes a tangible reward for all the work you've done. Yes, there's another challenge too, but it promises even more of a reward. If you need help just ask.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-09-21)
Life sometimes seems to be full of idiots. People who are full with air, but have no substance. Fools with heads full of sawdust; no experience and little brainpower. Yes, I know this is supposed to be a prediction for you; I'm not supposed to use this time to express the blindingly obvious; so here's your forecast: no matter how justified you feel, don't lay the blame for an exasperating situation on anyone else. By taking responsibility, you'll be able to rise above the stress and achieve something very satisfying.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-09-21)
Sometimes, no matter how fast we run, we stay in the same place. At other times, with minimal effort we make satisfying progress. Fortunately, you're entering the second of these two phases. You're about to feel guided by a powerful inner radar towards a date with destiny. If you can sense a growing feeling of excitement, it's because what's about to happen is long overdue. If it's making you feel anxious, stop worrying. The Equinox signals a happier attitude and more successful route to the future.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-09-14)
Imagine that you've been driving, for some time, in an old car. You've got used to the heaviness of the steering and the amount of pressure you need to apply to the accelerator. This week, as your ruler Saturn starts to move forwards, it's as if you find yourself in an upgraded vehicle. The merest touch of the steering wheel will take you in a new direction. A light presssure on the pedals will cause you to hurtle ahead or screech to a halt. Your cosmic climate is changing. Progress will be much easier.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-09-14)
How deep do your convictions lie? What are you prepared to sacrifice for them? Would you be prepared to swim an ocean, or climb a mountain? As Saturn changes direction, it asks you to look closely at your most precious beliefs. As the horizon of what you imagine to be possible expands, you're going to need to reset your ideas and review your obligations. Although this might entail letting go of established ideas, the benefits far outreach the challenge. New, bigger dreams are possible.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-09-14)
It's finally here! What took it so long? Surely you know what I'm talking about? Don't say that you don't know. Just have a look around you it's everywhere! The future you feared would never come has arrived. No matter that it closely resembles the recent past; if you look at it more closely you'll be able to see the potential it holds. This week brings an opportunity. Here comes the chance you long for and deserve. The Full Moon in your sign brings a gift. Be ready to enjoy a positive approach.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-09-14)
It's confusing when you're yearning for change yet you'd like things to stay the same. You're craving exhilaration, yet seeking constancy. You want action, yet aren't sure if you're ready to make a move. No wonder you feel pulled in different directions. There's a good chance that you're looking for a cake that you can both eat and save for another day! Yet, as Saturn changes direction this week, it grants you the ability to create a balance. Don't stop striving to improve your life, but do stop worrying.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-09-14)
When we have too many options available we often tend to become embedded in what we know. Having lots of choices and alternatives open to us makes us feel overwhelmed; so we hold on tightly to the familiar. The result is that we're likely to ignore the opportunities that float by. The same thing happens when we're feeling uncertain; when we don't understand something we cling on to what we're sure of. Keep an open mind this week. As Saturn turns direct it will open your mind to valuable new potential.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-09-14)
Few people have any real idea about the amount of effort you invest in what you do. They don't appreciate the care you take or the work you put in. You value perfection, and strive for it, even if it means exerting more effort than anyone realises. If you don't put your heart and soul into everything you do, you can't see the point of doing it. As Saturn turns direct this week, recent efforts you've made will start to gain momentum. Carry on being determined and diligent surprising success lies ahead.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-09-14)
Roll up, roll up! Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime offer! Two problems for the price of one! Cancerians are in the process of letting go of a lot of their issues and troubles! Grab one before they change their minds and decide to hold on to them.' The Full Moon, empowers you to rid yourself of a difficult situation, or to adjust the dynamic in a challenging relationship. Don't be afraid to allow change into your life. This week, you really can be free of something you don't want or need. Be brave!
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-09-14)
Are those people who just 'go with the flow', who just take life as it comes, to be admired or deplored? It depends on what they're prepared to accept. Some issues need to be challenged; being uncooperative and difficult can slow processes down and ensure that better results are achieved. Although you're feeling relaxed about most things in your life, there is an issue that you need to fight for. Even if tension is a by-product, Saturn's change of direction is a guarantee that it will be worthwhile.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-09-14)
Hi, how are you doing?' I'm good thanks how about you?' I'm good too.' Right, I'll be on my way then'. Such are the pleasantries we exchange as we go about our lives. We don't care very much and don't want to know the details about most peoples' lives; we just focus on what needs to be said to keep everything ticking nicely along. But who really cares about you and how you're doing? Saturn's change of direction brings a meaningful connection with someone you know of old. Don't miss the moment.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-09-14)
My son's favourite cartoon involves a character who whizzes around at great speed and to whom Incredible things happen. Perhaps that's why children's stories and films continue to delight grown-ups; they defy life's limitations. The idea of being able to be in two places at once is appealing because it enables us to gain power over situations. Saturn's change of direction means that you can at least think on your feet with much greater speed. It will get you to exactly where you need to be.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-09-14)
It doesn't always take a bolt of lightning to create damage. It's possible to burst a huge bubble with just a pinprick. In fact, you don't even need a pin a bubble will eventually burst all by itself. This week, you could wait for that to happen. But you'd be denying yourself the chance to choose the moment that change comes into your life. Saturn's shift in direction brings you the opportunity to control the speed of events to your advantage. Use it to clear the scene for a delightful new arrangement.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-09-14)
Although humility is a quality to be admired, false modesty is something to be wary of. Being too self-effacing is never positive. Saturn's change of direction brings a clear reminder that you have nothing to apogise for. Your judgment is sound and the decisions you've taken were made with the best intentions. If you're still feeling anxious about the repercussions, you can let go of your concerns. The more assuredly you act this week, the more reasons you'll have to feel confident and relieved.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-09-07)
No matter how hard life seems, there's always someone worse off than you. Which is just as well, because knowing this helps fend off anxiety. You're the kind of person who enjoys helping others to feel happier about their life. It's harder, though, when they've become grumpy folk who moan about their lot. You understand that sometimes you really do have to be cruel to be kind. Yet, even though you might appear tough, you've got a generous heart. This week, someone will benefit greatly from your kindness.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-09-07)
I'll tell you my secret if you'll tell me yours. You need to share yours first though. What's that? You don't want to start? In fact, this entire conversation is making you feel awkward? As the world of shared confidences creates feelings of intrigue and concern, I shall say no more in this forecast and we certainly don't want other readers to know what we're talking about! Secrets can be difficult both to keep and share. This week, be sure that you want other people to know your business or be very discreet.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-09-07)
For some reason we seem to hold the Greek and Roman myths in high regard whilst overlooking the tales of gods and goddesses from other cultures. The UK, for example, doesn't pay much attention to the story of Arthur and his knights of the round table. Yet such figures and fables weren't created as amusing distractions. All of these ancient tales of bravery, with their visions and adventures, are meant to inspire our lives today. It's time for you to embrace your future: your story is developing in a new way.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-09-07)
People who know about guardian angels say that our celestial helpers are free-spirited beings who watch over us through choice rather than duty. They refuse to take orders, hate bossiness, and are broad-minded enough to be able to cope with the trials and tribulations we put them through! Although they can't communicate with us through speech, they're always dropping hints to help us along the way. Follow your heart under this powerful, positive astrological climate; it's following heavenly advice.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-09-07)
It's not easy possessing information that you're unable to express. It takes effort to repress knowledge when you know it could be useful. Yet you're anxious about volunteering something; worried that you'll hear a reply you don't want to hear or end up saying something you don't want to say and that your clarification will create more confusion. Yet sometimes, a risk needs to be taken. In such a positive astrological climate, once a conversation has begun, you'll be in a much better position.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-09-07)
If you find yourself wrestling with a complex conundrum this week, consider approaching it from a different angle. Something that seems perplexing and mystifying is more straightforward than you think. The plethora of powerful and positive astrological influences acting on you will help you see exactly what you need to do. You have (or are about to have) a practical opportunity to make a successful move. If you're clear, calm and sensible, any obstacles can be circumnavigated with surprising ease.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-09-07)
Some of the wealthiest people on the planet are collectors of precious stones. They are excited by the idea of owning a tiny piece of perfection. Yet it's the imperfections on our planet which offer the most fulfilment. How can anything exciting be on the horizon when there's nothing to work on or improve? We need challenges and controversies; they stimulate us and inspire us to make changes in our lives. This week, be glad of everything in your world that is less than perfect. It holds hidden jewels.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-09-07)
As long as you get one thing right, it doesn't matter how many mistakes you make this week. Of all the different situations you're dealing with, only one of them holds real significance and only one of them needs to be addressed. The question, is which one? Is the most obvious challenge the one that needs to be prioritised or is it distracting you from what you should be focusing on? The positive astrological outlook encourages you to listen to your heart. If something is making you anxious or fearful, you can safely ignore it for a while.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-09-07)
You need to be careful what you wish for because there's a good chance that you'll get it. You're facing drama in a situation that's very close to home. You would like things to be different then you'd be able to take up some of the offers which hold potential for relaxation and enjoyment. Are you just dreaming impossible dreams? No! Things are altering and your guardian angel is paying close attention this week. Consider carefully and then make a wish. What you're secretly hoping for can come true.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-09-07)
The world's billionaires often find it hard to sleep at night. Their worries grow with their fortune. Where should they keep their wealth? Have they made good investments? You and I find it hard to take such concerns seriously; we're more likely to wish we had their kind of problems. When you're stuck in a difficult situation, it's hard to imagine that someone might be looking at your life with envy. Yet you have an advantage for which you should be very grateful. You can put stress into perspective this week.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-09-07)
They tell us that leopards don't change their spots; but it's not always easy to know if you're dealing with a leopard or a tiger. You've recently been left to pick up the pieces following someone's bad behaviour. The situation was so uncomfortable that just thinking about it makes you cringe. Even though it would be unwise to forget it, you need to find a way to forgive. People really do make significant changes. And the only person who will be hurt by holding on to anger is you. You can move on this week.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-09-07)
Of all the habits that humans struggle to give up, the only one that's really hard is breathing. Since that's the last thing you need (or want) to do, what should you let go of? The positive astrological climate is ringing in the new; which means that you should make some space in your life. We're a long way from the new year, but this is a good moment to reset your resolutions. If you embrace potential changes with your usual enthusiasm, and are ready to do things differently, the future is prepared to be different for you.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-08-31)
One of the good things about feeling as if other people are talking about you is that you don't have to pay attention to what they're saying. That's not to suggest you need to be concerned about anyone's opinions. In fact, the more you're able to banish any worries about what other people might be saying, and focus on what's important to you, the more successful the month will be. Don't allow yourself to become overly serious either. With a subtle change of attitude you can both deepen an emotional bond and overcome a fear.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-08-31)
Just as the oceans are filled with water, and the skies are filled with air, the minds of human beings are filled with ideas and opinions. It seems that we find it easy to focus on what's wrong with our planet rather than what's right. Yet just as we can't swim in the sky, or fly in the sea, there's nothing to be gained from such negativity. Watch out, this month, for a feeling of condemnation which creates a separation between you and someone else. Focus instead on the world's infinite resource; the love within all of our hearts.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-08-31)
You seem to be desperately lacking something. Or, could it be that you've somehow managed to convince yourself that everything would be improved by something you don't seem to be able to get hold of? It's worth being clear about this because, with Venus in your opposite sign as we start September, you may find that you receive what you desire. Nature abhors a vacuum and fills up space when it senses a need. So if you're uncertain about what you want, embrace and enjoy the sense of spaciousness.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-08-31)
You've learned a great deal recently about the value of your friendships and what works best for you in life. As you enter into September, a time in which new projects are possible, you're making new discoveries all of which can be of great benefit. You've been considering making a significant change to the way you conduct your day-to-day life, but have found yourself hesitating in an uncharacteristic way. Any doubts are about to be replaced by a certainty that will make the month surprisingly pleasing.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-08-31)
Although it might feel as if doing nothing gets you nowhere, there are times when it's the best option. Sometimes, we intervene in situations that are best left to run their natural course, and interrupt a natural process; getting in the way of forces that ultimately have our best interests at heart. Whilst it's true that you may need to take action eventually, for the moment, your wisest move is to leave things as they are. Let the dust settle. When you know what you need to do, you'll have the tools necessary to achieve it.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-08-31)
There's something delightful about feeling at home'. As we enter September, astrological forces encourage you to consider the whole planet as a place where you feel comfortable. In order to maximise the effects of a kindly sky, your ideas about life need to be even more open than usual; then, you'll be able to act with more freedom. If you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll find your vision becomes clearer as the month progresses. Then, as you appreciate your life, you'll find more reasons to be grateful.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-08-31)
September offers you the potential to make several important realisations. The work you've recently done on yourself has altered the impact of an emotive situation so that what once felt like a big obstacle is now almost paper-thin. As the month progresses you'll see your way towards achieving something that once seemed impossible. These are powerful times for you; so use your influence with wisdom. If you take hold of each opportunity with care, you'll make progress and find happiness in the process.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-08-31)
The last thing we want to hear in the midst of a stressful situation is someone telling us to take it easy'. It's not an easy thing to do! The more we feel as if we should' be doing it, the harder it becomes and the more stressed we feel. Yet, you don't want to be taking it too easy this month. Not when September brings you the energy to achieve so much. Being busy and being under pressure are very different experiences. As long as you're enjoying responding to life's challenges, keep going. All is going to be well.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-08-31)
You and I are complex creatures full of contradictory ideas and feelings. While we love innovation, we're also creatures of habit who value our traditions. Although we treasure individuality, we also love commitment. Without this confusing medley of emotions, life would be very dull. So, just because something you're tempted to embark on doesn't seem to make much sense doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it. Starting September with Mercury, Venus and Sun in Virgo, you need to make room for fun and spontaneity.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-08-31)
This can be a tense time of year for you. With your birthday looming on the horizon, it's tempting to look back and judge yourself and your decisions. Fortunately, you'll be in a state of mind where you can suddenly see ways to fix persistent problems. You may even discover the way out of a situation that has seemed to have backed you up against a wall. Rather than causing stress, you may even find yourself enjoying the process of making a life-changing choice or two! Enjoy the clarity that September brings.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-08-31)
We interrupt this astrological forecast with an announcement. The month of August is being prolonged. A unilateral agreement has been reached across the globe in which all of it's inhabitants are invited to sit back and take it easy for a couple of weeks. Although this will obviously affect those people who are expecting to carry on as usual etc.' Sadly, there's no chance of such an amazing decree being announced. Neverthless, September brings you plenty of chances to relax and enjoy yourself. Don't miss them!
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-08-31)
The heavier the load you're carrying, the more likely you are to drop something. No wonder some folk choose to live their lives carrying very little. If they have empty hands, there's no chance of them letting an opportunity slip through their fingers. Every time you pick up a project or run with an idea, you take a risk. Yet you're not able to sit back and watch other people struggle. Although you don't want to take needless action this month, you don't want to miss the opportunity that arises either. So be decisive in all that you do.