
Weekly Astroguide

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-08-24)

Although you might not feel as if you're basking in success, things have gone well for you recently. It's just that when one critical thing is tricky, your successes pale into insignificance. What good do they do when something else is so unsatisfactory? Your mind is turned towards one issue which is proving hard to resolve; and until there is progress in this, it's hard to appreciate anything else. The Grand Trines bring the change you're looking for. Just a little more patience, and you'll see reasons to be grateful again. In your love life: It's good to encourage each other to transcend limitations. Be aware that what's good isn't always easy. Stick at it!

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-08-24)

No matter where you turn, you're coming across reasons that stop you from doing what you want to do. It seems that your plans always need to be modified or reconsidered. Nothing you suggest is being accepted; indeed it seems that a certain person is so entrenched in their negativity that they're almost sawing off the branch of the tree they're sitting on. How are you going to change this? With gentleness and persuasion. The Grand Trines will enable you to find the patience you need. Results will swiftly follow. In your love life: Love is sometimes bittersweet. Be open now, to the idea that 'difficult' isn't necessarily 'wrong'. It may even be ideal!

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-08-24)

What's the point in having a past if we don't learn from it? Yet it can be easier said than done; especially when it contains elements we'd rather forget. How are we supposed to learn from memories that make us blush or wince? You've been forced to look back at a part of your history recently; in particular, the choices that have brought you to your current position. This week's series of Grand Trines indicates that you've done more than enough soul-searching. You've earned the right to move towards success. In your love life: Afraid to ask for what we really want? The chance of an exchange arises soon. Trust yourself. Trust someone else, too!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-08-24)

There's a sense in which you're struggling to make sense of things. It's as if the more questions you raise, the more you need to ask. What's more, the answers that keep coming aren't helping to clarify matters. This week, with its almost unprecedented series of Grand Trines, things are likely to get crazier before they settle down into a pattern which makes more sense. Yet the journey is going to be far from arduous. A new source of joy is making its way into your world. Watch, as things fall into place. In your love life: When yesterday's experiences colour today's, it can be hard to think or see clearly. Now, you can move on. And you should.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-08-24)

People tell us not to jump to conclusions or make assumptions. Yet, assuming that things will be a certain way is a necessary part of life. If we couldn't do that, we'd be in a perpetual state of uncertainty. What's important, is that we're open to questioning our assumptions and testing them from time to time. This week, the Grand Trines makes it clear that you've based an expectation on an unrealistic assumption. Recognise as much, and you'll see how a simple adaptation exponentially improves things. In your love life: Do you avoid touching on certain topics? Time, soon, for a deeply honest and rewarding (if slightly difficult) conversation.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-08-24)

Geminis are skilled communicators. You're able to convince anyone of just about anything. You can argue a point of view with skill and authority, even when it's not what you secretly think! You're even able to persuade yourself to believe something because your argument is so convincing. This week, the series of Grand Trines indicates that a plan you hold dear will prosper only if you are truly totally invested in the outcome. If you're sincere in your thoughts and deeds, you will be satisfyingly successful. In your love life: Even a small effort to to show sincere empathy this week will do much to improve an important bond.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-08-24)

It's not always easy to see what's going on beneath the surface. Some arrangements look perfect until they're scrutinised and investigated. Do you want this kind of examination in your life? Of course not. You don't have to put up with anything unacceptable for the sake of anyone. Nor do you have to let anyone prod around in your personal affairs. This week's series of Grand Trines will help to rid you of any unnecessary and unwanted attention. The ensuing sense of freedom will be an utter delight. In your love life: Do we ask each other to jump through unrealistic hoops. There's now a chance to discuss such issues and resolve them!

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-08-24)

You're dealing with a mystery. It has captured your imagination and you don't feel able to move on until you've figured it out. That wouldn't be a problem if you were dealing with a straightforward puzzle. But, when you haven't a clue about the clues you're looking for, you have a perplexing operation on your hands. The Grand Trines will help you to find the perspective to see things from a more enlightened angle this week. Following what you're sure of will lead you to the answer you're seeking. In your love life: It is so important now, to love yourself and then to show due gratitude to those who love you!

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-08-24)

Gosh! You don't look any older. No wonder so many of your friends and colleagues are wondering if you have a portrait of yourself hidden away in an attic which is aging slowly while you brim with vitality. I knowflattery won't get me very far with you. Nevertheless, you'd better be prepared to receive some this week as the Grand Trines highlight your many attributes and bring them to the attention of others. If anyone is hard to handle, treat them with the same patience and generosity you treat everyone else. In your love life: We can't make anyone love us by trying to control them. It takes courage to be trusting and open; but the reward can be joy.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-08-24)

They say that the pen is mightier than the sword' but has anyone ever tried sword fighting with a ball-point? Both physical actions and words have power. The battle you're currently facing is going to take more than talking, writing or persuading your way through. You're going to need to let go of something, cut an attachment to an unsatisfactory situation so that you're free to follow your heart. This week's Grand Trines highlight the way to turn a much-desired plan into your reality. Start by acting with cool certainty. In your love life: Success in resolving tension requires knowing what's going on in the back of someone's mind. Precious insights are near.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-08-24)

They say that if you take care of the pennies, the pounds will take care of themselves'. Yet there's another saying penny wise, pound foolish'. When we lose ourselves in the details of life, we can lose sight of the bigger picture. So which of these opposing idioms (which work for all currencies) are true? Both of them! It depends on your situation and the perspective you need. This week's Grand Trines bring the chance to forget your financial concerns. Follow your heart and everything will fall into place. In your love life: Every relationship has ups and downs. But downs can lead to reappraisals and glorious new beginnings! Expect that.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-08-24)

You have the gift of being able to do what other people find impossible. You have an ability to cope with difficulties both people and situations. Where they give up, and walk away from a challenge, you turn towards it with a smile. That's as long as it's not going to involve a lot of hanging around, though. You're not very good at that! The week's dilemma is going to require some patience. Who likes an easy challenge? Not you! The Grand Trines will enable you to assert your power in an unconventional and satisfying way. In your love life: Is someone asking for too much? Is fear involved? Focus on the positive. Then just watch how things lighten up soon.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-08-17)

You've been feeling a little bit off-colour recently. A series of tricky situations has sapped your energy and caused you to feel overwhelmed. This week, you'll find yourself redressing this as your strength returns. You're about to feel as if you've had an upgrade. Although you're impatient to feel fully back on form, your best course of action is to proceed gently. If you take too much back on board, you risk slowing the healing process down. Focus on what you need to do, and the rest will sort itself out. In your love life: How long does love last? Don't ask. There's no need for anyone to make themselves insecure by asking unanswerabale questions.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-08-17)

As a difficult situation becomes less problematic, life is about to feel more relaxed. Something is shifting; enabling you to see how to sort out a tedious and tiring problem. That's not to say that everything is going to be sorted out in one fell swoop. Indeed, you may find yourself facing similar potential challenges later this week, but there is a big difference between actual difficulties and potential ones. If you can move forward with a positive approach, all trouble will be kept at bay. In your love life: Give way over territory you might have felt determined to defend. A sacrifice? No. Not a gesture. It will help heal a wound.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-08-17)

It's not always easy to know the difference between a good idea and a bad one. Both of them can become great as long as the people involved are committed and prepared to invest their energy and enthusiasm. The problem is that when something approaches greatness, it becomes a target for criticism; the people who once thought it was good find reasons to dismiss it as bad. The terms, bad' and good' are subjective. Your situation is neither of these things; it's entirely what you choose it to be. In your love life: Is it worthwhile? Sometimes the act of asking can tip the balance. The best thing might be to try not to think about it at all!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-08-17)

Since you're feeling pushed, pressured and put upon, it's no wonder that you're a little anxious. Yet this could be exactly what you need to be feeling. Although we like to think that we want a quiet life, in truth, you like to have some excitement in yours. That comes from being stimulated and that, in tiurn, comes from some kind of provocation or irritation. As your ruler, Mars, moves into Virgo, any sense of impossibility will be easy to overcome. As long as you pursue positive action, an excellent week is in store. In your love life: You have an amazing ability to command affection. The beneficial skies will soon bring more of all that your way.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-08-17)

We're all entitled to dream and we all have the right to attempt to make our dreams come true. But some of our reveries are better left in the fields of our imagination. They provide us with a safe and reassuring fantasy into which we can escape the stresses and strains of life. We're secretly nervous that if our dreams were to come true, they might make things more challenging. As your ruler enters Virgo, it brings the chance for you to bring a dream into your reality. Don't be scared to seize the moment. In your love life: You are a force, especially under these auspicious skies. Know your power. Use it well. Have mercy on those too weak to can't resist!

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-08-17)

How powerful are you feeling? There are times when you feel so capable that you could stand on a metaphorical rooftop and fly, and there are others when you feel as if nothing is coming together the way you want it to. Sometimes it feels as if the world is conspiring against you. Yet the truth is that life is a balanced walk between these extremes. This week, as a host of planets enter nurturing, pragmatic Virgo, the route out of a difficult situation becomes clear. It's your turn to call the shots. In your love life: Accept others, just the way they are now, and you will yet magically find they will return that favour.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-08-17)

It's almost impossible for us to stop ourselves from thinking. Our minds are constantly assessing opportunities, calculating risks and questioning motivations. This is part and parcel of being clever humans. Yet there are times when the cleverest thing we can do is to ignore our cleverness! Right now, your best course of action is to reduce the amount of time you spend thinking and concentrate on how you feel. Focus on your passion. If you make what matters to you your priority this will be an excellent week. In your love life: Relationships are much more meaningful between the two genuine faces that hide behind eir masks! That's developing now.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-08-17)

You're trying to negotiate a tricky path between people with different priorities and wondering how anyone's ever going to agree. Suppose mutual understanding is impossible? What will happen if some kind of acceptance can't be reached? You have a vision that is empowering you to continue to strive for what you think is right; don't let go of it now. This week, all you need to do is make the first move. It's time to state bravely what you believe to be right; your courage will be rewarded by understanding and action. In your love life: Who said relationships are supposed to be easy? If you're experiencing a bumpy ride, comfort's just around the corner.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-08-17)

A little self-doubt keeps our feet on the ground but too much of it can make us lose our sense of joy. This week, as Mars (power and energy), and Venus (love and creativity), enter your sign, soon to be followed by the Sun, it's time to shake off your worries and take a good look at what you're hiding from. The cosmic message speaks of reassurance as a spark of fire in your heart is rekindled and refueled. There is valuable work to do, and you're the only person who can do it. This is your time! In your love life: We can sometimes hurt ones we love. Have you touched on the downside of a someone close? Here comes the upside.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-08-17)

The paradox this week is that by taking your time, much progress can be made. And if you can manage to take someone else's time too, you'll make even more progress. Someone in your world is in such a rush that they're putting your plans at risk. Moving at full steam is all well and good when the pace is stimulated by inspiration; but it's another thing altogether when it's driven by anxiety. As Venus, your ruler, enters Virgo, you just need to do the right thing, at the right speed and trust that all is well. In your love life: Psychologists say we sometimes use one another. Rise above that. A positive step to greater maturity will soon be taken.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-08-17)

It seems that in order to get hold of something that you need, you're going to have to make a sacrifice that you don't want to make. Over the next week, you may experience this feeling on a number of occasions. Yet, with several major planets moving into Virgo, there are actions you can take which will enable you to shake off the negativity lurking in the shadows. If you're able to simply refuse to worry and have faith in the decisions you've made, you'll be able to work the magic you need to find what you seek. In your love life: Imbalance over a sense of self-worth needs to be addressed. It couldn't happen at a better time - or in a better way.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-08-17)

Someone, somewhere always thinks that the world is about to end. It's such a handy reason not to have to take action and do anything productive. Oh good. We can all give up, slip into a depressed state and let the inevitable unfold. No! It's not in your nature to be pessimistic. Just because you have a worry, in the back of your mind, that a good situation can't last, don't allow that to be the cause of a greater anxiety. As this week will reveal, you can afford to have faith in the future, and in yourself. In your love life: Don't fear the judgement of others. The only opinion that matters is from you-know-who. Your bond can deepen now.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-08-10)

You've been feeling as if you're caught in an episode of an action-packed drama. You're battling over an issue, even though you're fairly certain that you're not going to win the argument. It's easy to spend time trying to solve an impossible problem. This week, as Jupiter changes direction, you're being freed from an obligation so that you can pursue a more satisfying objective. Ironically, as you let go of an antagonistic scenario, there's a good chance that you'll get the result you've been striving to achieve. In your love life: Strong opinions can polarise people. Nurture gentle hope now, rather than espousing prejudicial or divisive views.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-08-10)

Nothing will ever be perfect. Even angels probably have to deal with the occasional harp that's out of tune, or an ache in their wings. Rather than concentrating on how to live a perfect life, it's much better to focus on how to make the best of what we've got. As Jupiter changes direction this week, and with the Full Moon in your sign, you can rise above all that seems to be irritating or stuck, and appreciate the magic and wonder of the world. The cosmos is intent on showing you that you're blessed. In your love life: When people don't show affection, it may be because of an old hurt. Be, now, as you wish others would be towards you.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-08-10)

No matter how hard you try, it seems that there's always something else you could have done. Well, that's what some folk like to suggest. We all have people in our lives who are quick to criticise; insensitive to the amount of effort we put in. The trouble is that their critique can damage our conviction. It would be simpler if they kept their thoughts to themselves. The critical voice within you can be equally undermining. As Jupiter turns direct this week, you find a renewed ability to have faith in yourself. Good news indeed. In your love life: Seeking a boost in your personal life? Begin by looking at what might be improved in your own attitudes and expectations.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-08-10)

You're caught between waiting for something to happen and worrying that it's not going to happen fast enough. That's why you're filling your time up it seems like there's little point pushing ahead until everything is geared up, ready to go. Yet this approach means that you're also putting things off because you don't want to waste time on them when they might be unnecessary in the long term. The approaching Full Moon suggests your sensible preparations hold the key to future success. In your love life: Struggling with issues of low self-esteem? Find your inner confidence. You don't just deserve' to be loved; you are loved.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-08-10)

Imagine that you're lost in a desert. You're tired and dehydrated, with a thirst that must be quenched. When you come across a small pond full of stagnant water, you decide to take a risk and drink it. When you've drunk enough to be rejuvenated, you realise that a lake, full of clear, fresh water is looming on the horizon. This is the kind of mistake that you must take care not to make this week. As your ruler, Venus, links with the Full Moon, there's no need to make do with second best. A little patience will go far. In your love life: When we worry about what we hope for, our actions will be guided by fear, not wisdom. Trust only what inspires you now.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-08-10)

It's hard to believe that we're living on a ball of rock, which is spinning in space as it hurtles around the Sun. Yet despite this extraordinary fact, which lies at the root of our existence, the world sometimes seems very dull. Human beings are another miracle; life is the greatest gift of all. We find it remarkably easy to overlook the magic, yet if we don't recognise how special life is, how can we recognise our own potential? As Jupiter changes direction in the sky, it brings you a renewed sense of inspiration. In your love life: Try not to be too judgemental of someone else - or of yourself - now. And don't read a lot into a little!

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-08-10)

Are other people more entitled to be happy than you? Were you born with a secret sign on your forehead that says that you deserve to get only second-best? There are times in your life when you wonder how appreciated and cared for you are. Yet the cosmos is relentless in its support of you. This week, as Venus links with the powerful Full Moon, it imbues you with a renewed sense of faith in yourself. As your enthusiasm grows, a delightful process can begin which will give you reason to feel deeply grateful. In your love life: Compatibility is a mystery. There's no easy way to explain your special connection, but that doesn't make it irrelevant.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-08-10)

Venus, the planet of love, remains in your sign this week. This doesn't mean that you're guaranteed to be successful in all your endeavours. Neither are you being blessed with a magic wand to wave. But, as people respond positively to you, you're becoming aware of the effect you're having. You're feeling more creative and relaxed, which means that you're a pleasure to be with and can draw affection and respect into your world. In order to attract what you want, the secret is not to try too hard. In your love life: If I hurt myself, do you feel pain? No. But you can show empathy. It can make all the difference and be all that's needed.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-08-10)

Opportunities aren't always easy to deal with. When we don't have a choice, it's impossible to choose the wrong thing. So, when you have so many different alternatives open to you, it's no wonder you're feeling a little anxious. Suppose you head off down the wrong road? Or make a decision that turns out to be foolish? Don't panic! You're not about to do any such thing! As Jupiter changes direction, it brings serendipity and providence into your world. You're right, the possibility lying before you is attractive. In your love life: Contempt kills relationships. If involvement has not become mutual loathing, it can be improved! Things can get better.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-08-10)

It's not surprising that you're feeling slightly stressed at the moment. Given all that you've got on your plate, it would almost be worrying if you were feeling as if everything was hunky dory. It might show that you're not assessing the situation you're dealing with in a realistic way. I'm certainly not trying to make you feel anxious, I don't want to add to your stress. I'm pleased to say that the reason I can be so frank is because I can see the change on your horizon. As Jupiter changes direction, there will be far less to worry about. In your love life: It's challenging when someone close likes an activity we don't. Live and let live' sounds simple; but it's attainable.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-08-10)

The first thing you need to be sure of when you're trying to get from point A to point B, is that you're really at point A and that point B is your preferred destination. This might seem like I'm stating the obvious, but it's surprisingly easy to want to be somewhere else so much that we forget to factor in where we actually are. This week, you can galvanise the energy of Jupiter's change of direction and move a long way forward. First, though, you need to accept the reality of where you are. Then, you can leave it behind. In your love life: Trying to defuse tension? Relaxation is the key to easing your mind about a process. Go easy now and all will go well.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-08-10)

Are you feeling as if you have to apologise for something? Have you committed a crime that's weighing on your mind? No! Of course you haven't! You're not perfect (well who am I to say you're a Sagittarian after all), so I'm here to remind you that this week is the perfect time to start holding your head up high and be proud of who you are and what you're doing. As your ruler, Jupiter, changes direction and heads forwards again, your fortunes take an optimistic turn for the better. This is going to be fun. In your love life: Dreading the repetition of some activity? Familiarity need not breed contempt. Try once more with an open heart.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-08-03)

You're hard to beat when it comes to work ethic. When you make a commitment to something, you're prepared to give it the time and energy required. If the going gets tough you dig deep, draw on your resilience and give your all. Your attitude doesn't always lead to success but at least you always know that you've done your best. This week, you're facing an imposing objective. Even if you don't manage to attain it, the progress you make will have valuable ramifications that create positive change. In your love life: Sometimes, sweet satisfaction comes from bridging a great divide. Rise to a challenge and ascend to a happy height.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-08-03)

Please, stop reading! When you've got so much on your plate you simply have no choice but to let some things go. Ha! You read that didn't you! That's the downside of having such an inquisitive mind; it won't allow you not to do things. Yes, there is a limit to what you can achieve this week, but it's not one that you should be concerned about. If you want to go as far as you can (which you do), you need to keep on ignoring other peoples' negative attitudes. There's still a lot of ground that you can cover. In your love life: We read more than we should into things others do or say. Coming events should provide much emotional reassurance.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-08-03)

Over the course of the week, as Jupiter prepares to change direction, prepare yourself for a change of momentum. Although it may take a week or two for the effects to become clear, its imminent forward motion is a cause for celebration. Some of your biggest difficulties will start to resolve. You're heading towards a very different cosmic climate which will bring serendipity and good fortune into your life. If you start to believe in a positive new adventure, it will start to manifest. Think big this week! In your love life: Positive progress in your emotional life depends on you looking forward for solutions, not backwards for reasons'.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-08-03)

It's easy to underestimate the effect you have. Even when it seems as if no one is noticing you, you're making a more powerful impact than you think. You're a tour de force, with so much energy and charisma that some folk seem shy because they feel attracted to you, but don't quite know how to express themselves. Others fear your impressive insight. Meanwhile, there are some courageous souls who can see that, despite your courage, you're sometimes in need of a helping hand. That's what's in store for you this week. In your love life: Sparks will fly soon. Just remember that powerful reactions sometimes give rise to unexpected results. Avoid explosions!

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-08-03)

What should you do when the route you're journeying on is blocked by a huge rock? It represents a difficulty that you can no longer ignore. No matter how hard you try to shift it, it won't budge an inch. You manage to enlist the help of some passers-by to no avail. This particular boulder is not going to shift unless you find a huge crowbar and skilfully apply pressure. Your rock, this week, is your frustration over a silly situation. The crowbar is your commitment to a good cause. Use it to dispel a problem. In your love life: Be sensitive on a point someone is keen for you to grasp; it will help them meet a pressing need, and give you a boost.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-08-03)

A plethora of opportunities lie ahead for you. What's that? You think they look more like complications and problems? Well, those are just part and parcel of life here on planet Earth. There will always be some of those to deal with and while you're waiting for a time when there are none of those on your horizon, life will just pass you by. And so will all those exciting possibilities. This week, as Jupiter prepares to change direction, seize the chances that come your way. Magic is available to you. In your love life: Put your faith in someone who deserves your trust; they will show faith in you. Just believe in what you can build together.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-08-03)

Suppose you're in the middle of making banana custard when your phone rings? In your haste to answer it, you drop a banana skin on the floor. When you come back into the kitchen, you slip on it and take a tumble. You might even take yourself off for an X-ray. Accidents happen. Potential problems can occur at any moment. On the other hand, they might not! We can easily become over-fanciful about our fears. Don't let a little difficulty grow out of proportion, when there's so much positivity around. In your love life: Are all relationships difficult? If something needs to be changed in now, work on changing something in yourself first.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-08-03)

This forecast is interrupted by an announcement on behalf of the Society for Bigots: If you're looking for answers, you don't need to consult an astrologer. You just need to consolidate your opinions. Don't forget: the happiest mind is a closed mind. Now, you can go back to your Leo forecast.' Hmmm. I know you've got a lot of difficult questions, which it would be wonderful to be able to answer; but this week, no matter how tempting it might be to do otherwise, stay open to seeing things from every side. In your love life: Are you intimidating? Perhaps you trigger a sense of vulnerability in others. Go gently on such poor souls this week.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-08-03)

Life would be so much easier if the people who made so much mess and trouble were just banned. I mean, just look at the way they behave. Don't they understand anything? What use are they to anyone? The world would be a much finer place if they weren't around. No! Actually, without people to criticise or despair of, it would be a dull and lonely place. You might as well accept that there are all sorts of people with different attitudes and views to yours. This week, you'll come to really appreciate that! In your love life: You need to know why a situation is how it is and why a person is behaving as they are. Wise insight could make a difference.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-08-03)

Some people are reasonable to the point of irritation. When offered an explanation, they listen carefully. When something annoying happens, they wisely remain unprovoked. They're able to rise to challenges and determinedly overcome them. Then there are the folk who are less perfect. They follow their hunches while refusing to listen to logic and blow their tops when facing a problem. You can be superhuman this week if you want to. But it might be more fun to shake off some responsibility and enjoy it. In your love life: Life, this week, shows you a reality, and it also shows you how that reality is really far more precious than any dream.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-08-03)

I don't know about you but I'm not convinced by the concept of deferred gratification. The idea of having to wait for what you want might sound all well and good, but some folk seem to make it a lifestyle choice and constantly deny themselves things that would give them pleasure. They lose the ability to treat themselves because they've come to depend on a psychological need to feel deprived. This week, you're being offered the chance to do something you've long dreamed of. Don't deprive yourself of that. In your love life: You may be bristling with indignation about someone's behaviour; take a saintly approach and bring a heavenly outcome.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-08-03)

Life is extraordinary. Think for a moment about the oceans. We don't know everything about their depths, or all that lives there. Looking across the surface gives a deceptive impression of what lies below. Similarly, some people give the impression of being deep' yet if you scratch beneath their exterior, they turn out to be rather shallow. And vice versa. As Jupiter prepares to change signs next weekend, it brings revelations. Rather than jumping to conclusions, be ready to embrace some delightful surprises. In your love life: Don't confuse a small healthy change with a difficult drama in your personal life this week. Trust a story that's unfolding.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-07-27)

I don't know any kids that don't like chocolate. But, do they like it because they know, on some deep level, that it's good for them? We grown-ups tend to think that we know what's bad for us, but we also overlook what's worse depriving ourselves of what we like because we think it's going to make us unhealthy. They say that a little of what you fancy does you good! And a lot well, that depends on what it is. This month, there's no reason to think that what you want is going to end in trouble. Be generous to you. In your love life: Do you feel awkward about a role you are being asked to fulfil? A tactful talk will create fluidity and ease tension.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-07-27)

It's interesting that some people are full of a sense of self-importance, whilst others are so humble they almost apologise for what they do. Everyone has parts of themselves that are stronger than others. You've got plenty to be proud of. Recently, you've been focusing on what you perceive to have been an inadequate way of dealing with a relationship. You feel as if you could have done better. Get ready to be proved wrong! The events of August bring inspiring communication. You're back on the right track. In your love life: Some folk fantasise about celebrities. But you know someone much more real. Nurture your involvement with them now.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-07-27)

What separates yesterday from today? The distinctions between the past, present and future are like veils; we can see glimpses through them, but they prevent us from reaching either forwards or backwards. Over the course of this month, you find yourself in a rare position of being able to revisit an important part of your history and change your understanding of a decisive event. The consequences will lead to a sense of freedom and a whole, new, brighter possibility in the near future. These are exciting times. In your love life: Wondering how long to put up with someone? Do they have the staying power? You both do, if you want to have it.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-07-27)

When bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad ones, no wonder it sometimes feels as if life is unfair. Yet who's to say that we mere mortals are properly qualified to know what is ultimately going to be good or bad? Judging other people and their lives is a dangerous business. To achieve success in August, you need to rise above a deep-rooted way of viewing the world. In such an encouraging cosmic climate, you can afford to be positive. You're on the road to a prosperous future. In your love life: Appreciate all that makes the one' wonderful, even when daily life is stressful. Be wise and have faith this week.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-07-27)

Rather than searching for clues this month, just have a good look at what's going on. When you actually think about what you can see, it will become clear that a picture is forming. When we want things to be a certain way, it's easy to overlook signs and suggestions that appear to be opposed to fulfilling it. Powerful cosmic events indicate that if you're able to lay down your preconceptions and are prepared to acknowledge your reality (even if it seems to go against your vision), you'll make great gains in August. In your love life: We all need to respect differing opinions.You see life one way; someone else sees it differently. It need not be a problem.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-07-27)

There's not much that escapes you. You have eagle eyes which can find needles in haystacks. Yet sometimes, like a goddess (or god) who has come down to mix with mortals for a while, you give up your special powers so that you can experience life like the rest of us. This month, when you need your analytical skills, the combination of powerful lunar influences indicate that you can draw on your more hidden qualities. By trusting in your intuitive skills you'll be able to clear up a mystery. In your love life: It's more than friendship. But are your respective guardian angels also getting along? Yes, if you reach for peace.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-07-27)

With your ruling planet taking centre stage this month, you can trust that when something is right, it's impossible to lose it. There are different ways to be cautious. When we sense danger, its wise to take action to avoid, or lessen its effect. Yet, if we become so nervous that we're frightened of our own shadows, things have gone too far. Although you're dealing with a challenge that seems urgent, it's not an emergency. Trust in the good nature of the cosmos and you'll appreciate the magic it brings. In your love life: Beware of misinterpreting signs and signals. Listen carefully and communicate very clearly if you seek happiness.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-07-27)

Venus will be in Leo for a large part of August, adding a sweet melody to the excitement created by the month's lunar activities. It's going to feel as if you're being led on to a celestial dance floor. Get ready to experience some heart-whirling moments, head-spinning twirls and emotional swings and turns as you waltz, glide and samba through the month. With both your emotional and material prospects on the upward turn, all you have to do is be sensitive to the rhythms. Then you'll be free to enjoy the beat. In your love life: Is there someone you take for granted? There seems little sign of a special spark. A powerful discovery may soon be made.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-07-27)

Where does your intelligence come from? Is it nature or nurture? While this debate continues to divide academics, let me assure you that astrological signs have no influence on IQ. No one sign is cleverer than the others. There are times, though, when our minds work more sharply, our ideas seem brighter and our plans seem to make a great deal of sense. You'll know this feeling in August. You have the company of the guardian angel of ingenuity watching over you. Ask for help if you need it. In your love life: We can get caught up in wistful fantasy. Don't think too many faraway thoughts. Be glad of warm feelings, close to home.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-07-27)

The start of the month is a good moment to ponder that riddle about the chicken and the egg. Which do you think came first? While you have a think, I'll sing a little tune Tra la la la la dooby be doo have you worked out the right answer yet? Here's another question: how much of your life is down to choice and how much of it is predestined? More music? Shoo be doo wop doo wop August isn't going to bring you answers to this kind of question, but you'll find it easy to sort out almost any other issues. In your love life: Sometimes, for hidden reasons, we seek rapport with someone who won't pander to our whims. Respect the unexpected.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-07-27)

The way you relate to the material world can be a source of exasperation. Recently, you've found that, although you often come close to success, something happens which thwarts your plans. On the rare occasions when you do manage to achieve what you've set out to achieve, you tend to put that down to a fluke'. August, with so much exciting lunar activity, brings much more than a pleasing development or two. Get ready for a new understanding about how to create more advantages which lead to success. In your love life: Important involvements need time. Be careful about judging them too quickly. It is time to place trust in your heart.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-07-27)

As soon as we hear someone shouting we become defensive. Even if it has nothing to do with us, we can't help but wonder what's going on if anyone's in trouble. If there's anything we need to do. We enter a state of high-vigilance, even when we realise that they were just calling out to let someone know that they had arrived. This month, don't be put off from exploring a potentially successful idea because it's being put to you in an off-putting tone. Put your focus on content rather than style in August. In your love life: Trust your intuition. Speak from the heart. Be brave enough to be daringly definite, where you feel this may be appropriate.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-07-20)

Isn't it time for some more sunshine in your life? Not the sort that's emitted by the great orb that lights up our skies, but the kind that radiates a sense of wellbeing. Some people are happy in the greyest of situations, whilst others are miserable even when there's no sign of a cloud on their horizon. It's when we feel overcast in our hearts that it's hard to shake off the gloom. Your internal weather system is becoming more controllable this week. You can blow a cloud away and bring brightness into your life. In your love life: Wounds can be healed; bonds deepened. Your deepest needs now dovetail nicely with a key person. You can find harmony.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-07-20)

Our world has changed dramatically over the last few years. With technological advances occuring so fast that we can't keep up with them, society is having to adapt at unprecedented speeds. Despite the problems we face, we need to stay hopeful about the direction we're heading in. In your world, you have much to be proud of and pleased with. This week, it's time to focus on all that you have recently achieved. You have good reason to be confident that your destination will be a very good one. In your love life: Despite all there may be to rail against, there's something magical to share and celebrate now.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-07-20)

Our minds are filled with information. It's amazing how much trivia we store and how ably we can retrieve it when we need to. That's why there are so many quiz shows on TV. Under pressure, even from the comfort of our own homes, we're able to access a surprising mine of facts and figures. Blessings are stored away in a similar fashion. We think we don't have any, yet when we look for them, we see that we have more than we think. This week, if you recognise your gifts, you'll realise your potential. In your love life: Even aspects of a personal connection that have previously been tense or troubling can be healed now.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-07-20)

You're already under pressure. The question this week, is how much more you can take. Cosmic alignments are starting to open up a plethora of opportunities for you. You can feel the momentum building, and are ready to take action and keen to move things forward. Yet taking a slow and steady approach will lead to more tangible results. Be open to a new way of looking at old problems. Then, there will be fewer contentious issues to deal with and you'll be free to savour and enjoy the journey. In your love life: Think fondly of a particular person, even if you have justification for feeling otherwise. Build a bridge, don't burn one.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-07-20)

This world of ours can feel like a cruel place. When some people seem to positively enjoy going out of their way to be cold and disapproving, it's easy for negativity to spread. Fortunately, kindness is equally infectious. You're generating powerful optimistic energy this week which, if you use it well, can be used to dispel a fog of gloominess. If you can find the courage to be caring and compassionate (no matter how you feel inside), you'll find yourself in a position where you can create positive change. In your love life: Is something deep within you ready to erupt? Try to do what the old hippies used to suggest and, make love, not war.'

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-07-20)

Like it or not, the clothes we wear make a statement about our attitude to life. Fashion is a strange concept; what looks stylish on one person can look eccentric on someone else. When an unusual look captures public imagination, it can quickly spread until it comes to a point where everyone is wearing it. A trend or a mood which you find challenging is spreading in your world now. Although you don't have to whole-heartedly embrace it, it will make your life easier if you can make an allowance for it. In your love life: Change, this week, should be hopefully, happily embraced. So should those who are changing!

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-07-20)

No matter where we find ourselves, we never escape reminders of the past. When we find ourselves in a field, we're aware of the people who've planted the crops. When we're strolling down a road, we're conscious of the history of the buildings. Although clues about the future seem less obvious, they're easier to spot than we think. Many progressions unfold naturally; they're almost bound to happen'. If you like the direction you're heading in, carry on. If not, you'll soon know what to do. In your love life: You and another person are right for each other now, in many magical ways that no dating app could ever explain.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-07-20)

We say that there's no place like home', but it's not always easy to know what home is. Is it where you cook your meals? Is it where you go to sleep? Above all things, it's where you go to feel comfortable and safe. When there's something wrong there, it's impossible to feel at home. That's when we're tempted to try to change a physical aspect of our environment. This week, the cosmic message is clear. All you need to do is to change your attitude. Peace and harmony are easier to find than you think. In your love life: Make a conscious effort, this week, to be glad of something that you may too easily take for granted.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-07-20)

You're painfully conscious of a problem that seems to be impossible to solve; an obstacle that's blocking your way which you can't find a way around. No wonder you're feeling frustrated and resentful. It's hard to know what to do when the only solution seems so farfetched that you can't imagine it falling into place. Yet if you make a small change this week, you'll find that your plans are far from futile. They might not be taking you to the ideal destination, but you'll be pleased with where you end up. In your love life: Do you fully understand a certain someone? New discoveries, whilst surprising, can deeply enrich our hearts.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-07-20)

Even the most enlightened genius makes mistakes. The only time an error of judgment is foolish is when we consider it to be irreversible. It doesn't help when people ask unhelpful questions; how did you get into this situation? Who is to blame? Even if you wish that the situation you currently find yourself in were very different, it's better than you think it is. If you draw on your innate wisdom, this week brings an opportunity to repair a recent hurt and turn a troublesome problem into a triumph. In your love life: Events will remind you of how precious a particular person is and how much love you have in your heart. Be magnanimous.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-07-20)

The link between Pluto, your ruler, and Venus indicates that you're going to find yourself attempting to perform a balancing act this week. It's as if your sense of loyalty is being pulled between two extremes. This is the kind of challenge that most people find daunting. Yet you're more than strong enough to deal with the pressure. If instead of worrying about what other people want you to do, you focus on what matters most to you; you can turn this situation on its head and come out victorious. In your love life: Discoveries this week will turn out to be enlightening and inspiring, even if they also take you by a little surprise at first.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-07-20)

Although there are courses available on an increasingly wide variety of subjects, it's not yet possible to do a degree in the art of miracle-making. Is that because there's a lack of professors in the subject? Or a shortage of people interested in achieving such a high level of accomplishment? Few of us, it seems, want the responsibility that comes with such power. Recently, you've been struggling to make a miracle happen. With cosmic encouragement, your dream is more attainable than you think. In your love life: There is a special bond between you and a certain someone. Don't let a little passing tension detract from this.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-07-13)

So-called experts' are rarely quite as expert' as they seem. In order to protect their status, they tend to play safe they won't advise you to take a risk in case it doesn't work out and they get the blame. Most of the time, we should take their advice with a pinch of salt; but sometimes, they know what they're talking about. There's a chance that a recent suggestion is not to your liking; yet the partial Eclipse indicates that it might be just what you need to follow. This week, you can make an insightful discovery. In your love life: Think about what you've got too much of and what you've not got quite enough of. Use intuition to get the right balance.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-07-13)

It's easy to feel grateful when everything's going well. It's not so easy when we're feeling annoyed, restless or worried. When we're stressed, any sense of an enlightened outlook melts away faster than ice cream on a sunny day. This week, no matter how valid your need to complain might be, don't lose sight of the beauty and wonder that exist in your life. If you do lose sight of it, try to find it again. As long as you keep positive, the partial Eclipse offers the chance to attain the success you deserve. In your love life: Be confident in a relationship. But not overconfident. Where there is doubt, acknowledge it and seek better communication.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-07-13)

We should ignore anyone who tells us to leave things alone just because we don't have a natural talent for them. In our IT dominated world, nothing seems to come naturally' our way. Even basic life events like going to the shops have become internet orientated and more complicated. Somewhere, though, in the background, people are at work so that our needs can be fulfilled. This week, just because opportunities are hidden from view, doesn't mean they don't exist. Trust them then seize them. In your love life: Is your smart idea worth pursuing? Logic won't help you. What matters is what a certain person feels in their heart.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-07-13)

What are you looking for in your prediction today? Would you like news of a tall, dark stranger? Or to hear about the possibility of a trip over water? Or a suggestion that there's a chance of an unexpected financial improvement? None of that is impossible! The potent partial Eclipse will bring good things your way. There's a real chance that you'll be able to see through a veil of mystery and find clarity where there has been confusion. And that will bring a bigger bonus than you might think. In your love life: You're learning much about a special one, who is also finding out much about you. Some of it is surprising; all of it is positive.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-07-13)

Although they say that iron bars do not a prison make', they do, in fact make a very effective one. Of course, we can easily imprison ourselves, either emotionally or mentally, without the need for any kind of physical structure. When we decide that our options are limited that's what they become. Pessimistic thoughts can prevent us from seeing golden opportunities. This week, the energy of the powerful partial Eclipse enables you to break through real or imagined iron bars so you're free to make a positive choice. In your love life: Many great pronouncements are being made. Believe what you are seeing and feeling, not what you are hearing.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-07-13)

Although a feeling of nervous anticipation is making you feel as if you're standing on the edge of a diving board, you're no longer waiting. You've jumped. You're in that curious, timeless space between leaping off and creating a splash as you enter the water. In intense moments, time has a tendency to slow down. Seconds pass like minutes and minutes pass like hours. Things may not be happening as fast as you'd like, but the partial Eclipse reveals the impressive progress you've made. In your love life: You are enduring a conflict. Stop expecting something to get worse and it will immediately begin to get better.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-07-13)

The greatest ideas are the simple ones. The moment they pop into our mind it's as if we've always known them. Then we ponder why we didn't think of them before. Usually, the answer to that, is that we've been too wrapped up in complicated strategies which involve complex justifications. The good news this week, is that you're about to know everything you need to know. The partial Eclipse reveals a critical piece of information that's been lacking and the solution you need is delightfully simple. In your love life: Identify a fear and try to give it exactly the right sense of proportion; anxiety will turn to real, lasting, relief.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-07-13)

Here's a strategy: if you want to have all the correct answers to life's dilemmas just ask all the wrong questions! When we constantly misunderstand and fail to see what's really going on it's easy to create an illusion of certitude. That's why it's sometimes tempting to see a complicated situation from a superficial viewpoint. If only you could make an assumption and lay the blame somewhere. Yet the partial Eclipse encourages you on a quest for the truth. It will bring a very rewarding revelation. In your love life: Find it in your heart to let go of a resentment, and you'll yet hear the chirruping of the bluebird of happiness.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-07-13)

If there's knowledge that you really need to have, it will come your way over the course of this week. And if there isn't, you'll be spared an onslaught of unnecessary information. Well, that's unless you're unable to restrain your inquisitive nature. You've set yourself an important mission and are focused on your goal. If you allow yourself to be distracted by intriguing developments, you're in danger of wandering off your path. The Eclipse will help you stay on track but self-discipline is key. In your love life: In your heart you have made up your mind! Act on what you feel. As long as you do something... and not nothing.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-07-13)

When you've done your best to make good out of a difficult situation, and have got to a point where your efforts seem to be getting nowhere, you have to find a way to move on. There are different ways of doing this and I can understand why it might be tempting to stamp your feet and slam the door as your leave. Yet your distrust is misplaced. The partial Eclipse indicates that once you're able to step back and view the situation more dispassionately, it will begin to improve exponentially. Be patient with yourself. In your love life: What are you being given more of than you can cope with? Small adjustments could make a big difference in your life soon.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-07-13)

No matter how hard we might try, two wrongs can never make a right. Neither can two crazy notions be morphed into a sensible idea. It seems that you're witnessing something preposterous in your life right now. When you can clearly see someone behaving in an outrageous way, it's tempting to do something similar yourself. Why do you need to follow the route of acceptability? Because there are always repercussions. Don't use the energy of the Eclipse to cause chaos. Use it to make magic. In your love life: A guardian angel is about to grant an old emotional wish of yours. Don't accept it purely for sentimental reasons!

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-07-13)

These days, there are always electronic forms to be filled in, which demand information. We select options from drop-down boxes and give meaningful answers that we're probably going to need to remember, but are highly likely to forget. I wonder if it will be the same when we get to Heaven? Will there be a series of Q & A's to complete with marks deducted for any untruthful responses! You're struggling to know what to do. The partial Eclipse indicates that trying your hardest is more than enough. In your love life: Should you be passive - or take action? Ignore your fear. Listen to your intuition. If in doubt, trust the most positive view.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-07-06)

They tell us that when one door closes, another one opens. In the physical world, this is sometimes due to the movement of air in the room; so, if you want to prevent it from happening, you just have to make sure that all the other doors are firmly closed. It's not so simple in the ethereal realms. Here, no matter what you do, when you close one door another opens. In your world now, an era is drawing to an end. This week, it's time to celebrate! It leads to a highly desirable destination. In your love life: You face a situation a narrow-minded person might frown upon. Investigate possibilities; it could boost your love life!

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-07-06)

It's not easy when you're being influenced by two opposing forces; one of which is holding you back whilst the other is encouraging you to push for freedom. Yet, the way to make progress involves coming to terms with the limitations you're facing so that you can move beyond the limits they impose. The Astrological Kite alignment suggests that your obstacles are the potential tools that will enable you to move forward. All you need to do is to look at an old situation in a new way. Then there'll be no holding you back. In your love life: You deserve happiness that has lately eluded you and progress that has lately proved elusive. More of all that will come soon.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-07-06)

When something wants to happen, you can help it along the way. When it really doesn't want to happen, you can spend a lot of time and effort trying to coax it, but you're not going to be able to make a difference. It's impossible to know what's possible until you try, then, once the process has begun, you can spot the tell-tale signs. If they're encouraging, that's a clear signal to carry on. The planets are emphatic, if you apply your energy to a plan that stands a chance of working, you can have a very successful week. In your love life: Any tension you encounter this Astrological Kite week, is as likely to lead to healing as to hassle.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-07-06)

Galileo, the father of modern physics, observed that the Sun, with all the planets in the Solar system revolving and depending on it, is still able to ripen grapes as if it has nothing else to do'. It's not always easy for us to know where we should focus our energy; we can disagree with each other and with ourselves over what's important and what's not. As your ruler links with innovative Uranus this week, put your trust in your intuition. Then, ask the universe for what you want. It might surprise you! In your love life: Are you painting a true picture of a relationship? See beyond what you think you should be seeing; see what's truly there.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-07-06)

Many people across the world are doing things they once thought they could never do. We all find ourselves saying and seeing things that once seemed impossible. Technological advances have changed our world in many ways, and since we're now able to access an abundance of information, we're less restricted and forced to believe what we're told to believe'. In your world now, a deluge of information is changing your opinion of a key situation. This could be a life-changing week. In your love life: We want truth in relationships. Deception is unacceptable; discretion, though, can be both understandable and justifiable.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-07-06)

Stop! There's no reason to feel guilty about anything; nor is there a reason to apologise. You don't have to start this week by making amends for a past faux pas. You need to shake off the feeling that you've done something wrong. Whatever seems to be bothering you, you can be confident that it's nowhere near as complicated as it seems. The influence of your ruling planet Mercury, indicates that if you resolve not to waste time feeling responsible for things beyond your control, this will be a very successful week. In your love life: This week's alignments trigger a re-evaluation of an old arrangement. A minor adjustment may yet have a major impact.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-07-06)

Whatever you do this week, don't get hold of the wrong end of the hippopotamus. Voila! That's my point! You felt so confident that you knew what I was going to say that you jumped ahead and finished the sentence before we'd reached the full stop. That's exactly what you need to avoid doing. Rather than racing ahead, and reaching conclusions, the Astrological Kite' encourages you to let yourself off the hook of responsibility. You'll be much better off allowing things to unfold in their own time. In your love life: Make time for what some might call self-indulgence and others would more fairly describe as much-deserved reward.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-07-06)

They're right to tell us to be careful what we wish for; because we don't always make wise wishes. We tend to wish for what we think we can have rather than what we really want. Or, we pour our passion into an idea that's merely passing through our lives, wish we could have something, and happen to have the attention of a guardian angel who makes our wish come true. This week, the Astrological Kite' won't make all your wishes come true. But some of them might. so be careful what you wish for. In your love life: As we sow, so shall we reap. If there is something you wish you could change now, put your heart into doing the right thing.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-07-06)

The week begins with you needing to deal with the consequences of a ridiculous situation. You're good at this; you've got lots of experience sorting out messy scenarios and setting them right again. There's no point expecting a certain group of people to be any more organised than they have been before. Neither can you expect a situation to become less silly. Yet, as the week progresses, you'll find that you're more able to relax and have faith in the future. A sense of renewed confidence brings joy. In your love life: The Astrological Kite won't give you enough luck to win the lottery but it will help you in the lottery of life.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-07-06)

The author of the self-help book, How To Win Friends And Influence People, achieved such success that he became the subject of much rivalry and jealousy. Bookshops were flooded with better' guides on how to become successful. These days, the internet (as well as our bookshops) are full of self-improving advice. The cosmic message this week is that if you're hoping to shine and achieve wonderful things, you just need to do what comes naturally. Then, everything will work out effortlessly. In your love life: If you spend too much energy resenting a situation, you will limit your ability to do something constructive about it.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-07-06)

Things start to change when they're unable to stay the same. The pressure you're under will start to ease once Mars and Uranus link later this week. Between now and then, you can determine where your limits lie. Although you feel as if you're being held back by restrictions that are beyond your control, once you take the time to look, you'll see that they exist only because they've been unquestioned. Your route to freedom lies beyond one such obstacle. Ask the cosmos for help, and you'll find your way past it. In your love life: Have faith now, not just in what your own heart feels, but in the depth and integrity of someone else's heart.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-07-06)

Language contains words that have different meanings. For example, if you were talking about how you saw someone', you could either be referring to the way you viewed them, or, (if you're an illusionist) how you appear to cut them in half! It's the context that makes the meaning clear. Sometimes though, we have to make a best guess' and hope for the best. You've been forming an idea to try to explain why a situation has become so complicated. This week, you can clear up any confusion. In your love life: Don't ignore a problem; but don't dwell too long and hard on it either. Build a bridge over troubled waters.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-06-29)

We hear people declaring that great changes are about to happen in their lives and we watch new beginnings unfold. Yet you're not impressed by announcements. You have much more faith in action than promises. Yet the Solar Eclipse at the start of July heralds an exciting suggestion which is worth paying attention to. A delightful surprise is coming into your life which will begin to turn the wheels of change. Even though everything won't be turned around, something wonderful is about to start afresh. In your love life: Is someone trying to flatter you with reverse psychology' to get support for a plan? Don't be too easily manipulated.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-06-29)

If you're worrying that you've been pushing your luck too far recently, July brings reassurance. You could sit back and stop pushing and you'd still find yourself heading in the right direction. You know where you want to be, and you know the best route to get there. You're willing and able to do everything within your power to assure success. But, with such a powerful cosmic helping hand coming your way, there's a chance that your efforts could slow the process down. Take time to relax this month. In your love life: Your willingness to speak out sets you apart. But sometimes you may need to proceed along more conventional lines.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-06-29)

Over the course of July you'll re-establish control in an area of your life that's been out of balance for a while. The Solar Eclipse at the start of the month brings the realisation that you can no longer pour your valuable energy into trying to maintain the status quo. It's your sense of loyalty which has made you feel responsible for something, and you don't want to let anyone down. Yet, as a wave of change reshapes the landscape, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most things in your life are more right than you think. In your love life: A relationship, this week, hardly matches the textbook definition of comforting'. Yet it has its own magic.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-06-29)

Life, as Macbeth tells us, is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing'. In a month packed full of astrological action, it's worth remembering Shakespeare's words. As you witness dramatic moves and questionable decisions, you need to keep your sense of perspective. Don't allow anyone to tempt you into unnecessary arguments or pessimism, and have faith in your feelings about what's really going on. Although things seem intense, you're being taken care of by a kindly sky. In your love life: Recent dramas have taken a lot out of you; coming events offer the power you need to create change that can bring joy.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-06-29)

With a Solar Eclipse heralding an action-packed astrological July, it's time to break the rules, challenge tradition and question the norms. Well some of them! This month, there are certain forces that you shouldn't and mustn't ignore or defy. Although you're being gifted with strength and power, you're not going to turn into an actual superhero. So, you need to assess what you can and can't do; be respectful of boundaries that won't shift, and focus on what's possible. Then, success is guaranteed. In your love life: Happily, the more you discover about someone, the more you appreciate them; the same will be true for them about you.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-06-29)

Why consult your forecast for the month when you just could toss a coin? Surely, if the cosmos wants to guide you in a certain direction, it can send you hundreds of signs to point you the right way. Come to mention it that's exactly what it is doing! That's something I can confidently tell you. I also know that you already know the answer to your most important question. You just need to find enough self-confidence to trust what your heart's telling you and be guided by it. Do that and you won't go wrong. In your love life: An old row became a habit; antipathy is reciprocated. Yet tension can be diffused and hearts can be liberated soon.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-06-29)

No wonder so many ancient kings made themselves Sun Gods. It must be amazing to be the Sun; at the centre of everything, with all the other planets twirling as they circle around you at their varying speeds and distances. You'd be able to watch the patterns unfolding and repeating, knowing that you were the cause of this great cosmic dance. Yet you'd also be powerless to stop it. The drama evolving around you has an air of inevitability about it. Luckily, you can just allow it to happen. It will resolve itself. In your love life: When we offer freedom, we break chains and allow the bright, inspiring growth of emotional discovery. That delight awaits you.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-06-29)

This month, which begins with a powerful Solar Eclipse, promises to take you on an adventure. Yet, you can't set off on an escapade and then start to moan when your life starts to get challenging. So, make sure that you investigate before throwing yourself head first into a venture. You don't want to trick yourself, or be misled by anyone into making the wrong choice. You don't have to remain implicated in a drama that's already started to unfold either. Look for something that looks positive. Then, enjoy it! In your love life: You can't change anyone else now but you can change yourself. Not overnight but it can happen. You'll be glad if you try.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-06-29)

They tell us that to err is human and to forgive' well in order to do that we need to be superhuman. Don't even think about the advantages of having super-strength, or the ability to fly.You already have the power you need to be able to turn July into a month that you'll remember. It comes from the magical combination of your sensitivity and your compassion. Be encouraged by the energy of the Solar Eclipse. In order for miracles to happen, you just need to be prepared to go with the flow and let go. In your love life: Dare you reach to fulfil an amazing aspiration? This may be the wisest move you can make for the good of your heart.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-06-29)

Success isn't just about hard work. You can pedal as hard as you like on a bike, but if the chain has slipped off the wheel, you won't get anywhere. Yet, if this were to happen at the top of a hill, you'd be able to coast to your destination, without having to put in any effort at all. This month, you can be inspired by the energy of the Solar Eclipse, and easily work out a strategy to cope with an unsatisfactory scenario. And, when you apply your mind to matters of the heart, you'll find an easy route to the destination you desire. In your love life: When you rise above tension and promote harmony, you discover your adult' self. You can sooth a difficult situation.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-06-29)

Ta-dah! Here's a top hat. I'm going to wave my magic wand and produce a rabbit! Now, here's a tiny seed. I'm going to plant it in the earth and it will become a tree! The first of these is a magic trick; an illusion, and the second is an oft repeated miracle just part of the repertoire of our planet's greatest magician, Mother Nature. Her tricks aren't always fast, but they're very productive. July, which begins with a powerful Solar Eclipse, brings opportunities to set wonderful things in motion. Give them space to grow. In your love life: Can we always be sure we understand the dynamics of our closest relationships? Be brave enough to share what you truly feel.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-06-29)

July brings clarity where there's been uncertainty. The month kicks off with a powerful Solar Eclipse which brings new understanding and enables you to start putting down roots and building stronger foundations. The sense of having to rush is slipping away, and you can take your time to make key decisions. Rose-tinted spectacles have never been your style; you prefer to see things as they truly are. So the undeniable feeling of romance you'll experience this month, can be acted upon with confidence. In your love life: In your quest to pluck an apple from the top of a tree, beware where you place your ladder lest you bruise lower-hanging fruit.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-06-22)

The good news is that you don't need to put all your efforts and attention into sorting out all your problems this week. Taking a steady, tenacious approach will be much more efficient. It's time to revitalise your list of priorities and set yourself a realistic goal. If you can find the self-discipline to go through your list, moving through each of the items (regardless of whether you feel as if you've made progress or not) you'll be on the right track. Persistence is key. If you keep trying, there's no doubt you'll succeed. In your love life: Gently test the ground before you step too far forward. But fear not. If you are open-hearted, much joy will be found.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-06-22)

Although many of us dream of living in a white minimalist space, with neatly arranged contents, no clutter and no overflowing cupboards, life has a tendency to be colourful and messy; and this is reflected in our homes. Even the people who manage to achieve the perfect look' will have hidden drawers full of keys, cables and things that might come in useful one of these days'. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the spaces fill. So it is with our emotions. Yet this week, there is something important that you really can throw away. In your love life: Some people stir up drama because it gives them emotional satisfaction. What seems awkward may yet prove to be fine.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-06-22)

Let's imagine that you've gone to the shops. You're in your favourite shopping mall and have bought the perfect present for someone special. You've spent a lot of time thinking about what to purchase and you're happy with your choice. Then, you're faced with a wrapping paper decision. Should you go for green or pink? What a dilemma! It's not a hard decision yet you're thrown into uncertainty by it. If you find yourself stressing over a decision this week, remember that it's more trivial than it appears. In your love life: If there concern about any issue, don't indulge it. Stay calm and you will find it's all a large teacup, housing a small storm.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-06-22)

Some people love talking. It hardly seems to matter what they say; as long as they can hear the sound of their own voice they're happy. Fortunately, there are also people who love listening. They don't seem to mind sitting through dull discussions. Evidence of this is easily found with a quick scan through the radio channels; it's easy to conclude that we don't mind what we hear or what we say. Except that you're an exception to that rule. Don't take other people's views too seriously this week. In your love life: Opportunities revolve around the need to be more giving, regardless of how others act. Your generosity will be rewarded.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-06-22)

We don't always find it easy to gauge how much power we have. Nor is it always easy to tell how much control we have over our choices. There are times when it feels as if the world is our oyster; when we're capable of achieving just about anything, and others when it seems as if the world is against us and we can't take a step forward without having to take two in the opposite direction. This week, as your ruler makes powerful links, you have opportunities to call the shots. Enjoy the benefits of a helpful, kindly sky. In your love life: Have you made an unfair assumption? Look closely and find a much stronger, more realistic state of mutual respect.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-06-22)

With Venus in your sign, the fairy of good fortune is at work in your life. Wherever you go, it's as if she's been there before you, preparing the way and creating an atmosphere of welcome. When your heart is full of compassion and you're acting with generosity towards other people, it creates a beneficial response from the cosmos. This explains the wave of serendipity you'll experience this week. So, if you're hoping for something specific, keep hopeful, and actively move towards it. You won't be disappointed. In your love life: Do you have unrealistic dreams? What's attainable may not match the fantasy but it will satisfy your emotional needs.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-06-22)

It's not possible to explain all the intricacies and miracles that are going on here on planet Earth. Sometimes, things happen just because they happen; and they exist, just because they exist. Not even the top scientists or religious and spiritual leaders are able to explain these phenomena. Which doesn't mean that some people don't have a lot to say about anything that seems to be a mystery. This week, under a helpful cosmic sky, rather than asking why things are good, just enjoy them. In your love life: Why must conflict on a point of principle, spoil what could be a deeply fulfilling link. Make a brave choice: heart over head.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-06-22)

Why don't we use this time to have a nice discussion about this week's weather forecast? Or would you rather talk about your favourite team's next competitive event? Or the current state of international affairs? Sorry? That's not what you had in mind? Even though one big issue is taking centre stage in your life, you need to be distracted! With playful Mercury entering your sign, you're in a position to regain valuable perspective. Then you'll realise the advantage of keeping your options open. In your love life: The skies herald change. What was once strong, but wrong, may be weakening. Find the emotional connection.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-06-22)

I've had an idea about doing things a little differently this week. You're going to write your own forecast! So, what sort of a week do you think you're going to have? Is there anything looming on your horizon that you need to be watching out for? Or can you expectantly hope for a long-awaited positive development? When you pay attention to your inner responses to these questions you can see that you actually can predict your own future! Your outlook can be just as good as you believe it can be. In your love life: The cosmos suggests there is something you both need to review. It may be tense but will yet be highly liberating.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-06-22)

It's easy to provoke some people. And interestingly, some of the topics that caused heated debates in the time of our grandparents can still stir up a storm. There are controversial topics that will never be sorted by politicians or psychologists; they'll be with us for as long as we're here on planet Earth. We can either get into them or rise above them. This week, with your ruler Venus making powerful, positive connections, you don't need to be dragged into any debates. Do what makes life most enjoyable for you. In your love life: Relationships are healthiest if you can develop the art of forgiveness. The only ideal that truly matters now is honesty.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-06-22)

It's much easier to give advice than to take it. We're all much better at solving other people's problems than we are at dealing with our own. Policies and plans might sound easy to execute, but they take on a life of their own when applied to our individual lifestyles and complicated relationships. You've been feeling a little confused recently. You don't feel inspired to follow the most logical route forwards. Planetary forces suggest that these are exceptional times. Do what you think is right. In your love life: Physical and emotional chemistry are key. But rapport can be even more crucial. Keep channels of communication open.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-06-22)

Time slips by. Whilst some things hardly alter, others dramatically change. This is fine as long as you're able to hold on to what you want to keep in your life and let go of the things you've grown out of. The difficulties and pain come when it's the other way around. None of us have supreme control of the cosmos. This week, with Venus linking to your ruling planet Jupiter, don't be surprised to find yourself inspired to go along with whatever's happening. Miracles happen when we're willing to go with the flow. In your love life: Are all your expectations justified? A situation is not ideal in every way now, but it still has so much to offer all concerned.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-06-15)

As the parent of a young child, it's not easy to know when to say no. Is it best to keep firm, non-negotiable boundaries? Or is it better to give children the freedom to explore and experiment and allow them to be more adventurous? When they're naughty, should they be shouted at or talked to? The truth is that we have ideas about how to behave, yet find ourselves breaking our own behavioural codes. Over this Solstice week, there's much to be gained if you tap into your natural integrity. In your love life: A fact must be faced. If that's seen as a compromise, not a sacrifice, the world will give back to you in delightful ways.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-06-15)

There are more questions than answers' is a well-known lyric to a catchy tune. Yet I'd like to put forward a case for the opposite being true; that would explain why there's more than one answer to a question! It's also why we tend to ask ourselves the same questions over and over again because each time, we come up with a different answer. You've been feeling exasperated by a series of frustrating dilemmas which have been impossible to resolve. This Solstice week brings a welcome answer to a puzzle. In your love life: Persistence pays. How sad if you dropped out of a race moments before you could have won. Listen to your heart.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-06-15)

A factor in your world feels wrong'. Since this is affecting your emotional life, it's having a profound effect on your sense of wellbeing. You're feeling upset and unnerved, and your ability to focus on the positive aspects of your world are being undermined. This week, the Solstice reveals the way for you to get to grips with an issue that needs to be dealt with. You might not be able to sweep a tricky situation completely out of your life, but you'll find a way of sorting it that makes you feel much better. In your love life: Problems? Less about getting what you want, more about getting less of what you don't want. You may yet succeed!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-06-15)

Although honesty is the best policy, it's never a good idea to tell everyone your truth. It's important to choose the right person and the right time before divulging precious information; and spilling the beans' can sometimes lead to a mess. This Solstice week, some things are for you to know and for other people to find out. If you're asked a straight question, respond with a straight answer. But, in matters of the heart, discretion is the best policy. Choose the right moment before sharing your deepest feelings. In your love life: Give as fully as your heart is inspired to share. Accept what is freely, lovingly offered. More than that may be asking too much.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-06-15)

Many ideas are great when they're in the theoretical stage, but not so straightforward when it comes to putting them into practice. You're currently embroiled in the real-life consequences of an ambitious project. A series of unpredictable events has created a degree of turmoil which is putting you off track and causing you to doubt the brilliance of an original idea. As we approach the Solstice, all you need to do is adjust to the latest development. This week, you can still make great progress. In your love life: Don't inflame a silly situation; let it heal. Your heart won't be the only thing that thrives as a result of a forgiving gesture.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-06-15)

We're all capable of putting ourselves through needless misery. When we project our fears into the future, we tie ourselves up in knots of anxiety. What if' questions lead to us prejudge what's on the horizon before it becomes part of our reality. Then we wonder why our lives feel stuck. Don't waste the powerful energy of this Solstice week worrying about something that hasn't even happened. Real magic is on offer. If you make space for it, you'll see the glittering bright potential that lies before you. In your love life: Beware of pressure this week. A misunderstanding can be resolved, as long as it isn't made into an unnecessary row.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-06-15)

The Solstice always empowers you. It gives you courage to say and do things that make people sit up and take notice. Even if you're unaware of the consequences of the change in your confidence, the respect you gain stays with you and you benefit from its effects. Rather than focusing on what's not quite up to your standards, try, this Solstice week, to seek out the positives and work with them. The cosmos brings the gifts of energy and innovation. With confidence, you can make a brilliant decision. In your love life: Possibilities revolve around opportunities to be more self-contained. As you do that, you may find yourself more in demand.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-06-15)

What would Will Shakespeare have thought if he'd known that his plays would feature in school curriculums and be the focus of exam questions across the world? I wonder if it would have influenced his stories? One of his famous lines about sound and the fury signifying nothing' might have been written for your forecast this week. The Solstice signals the end of an alarm that's been ringing in your life. You can stop letting someone else's worries affect your own. It's time to make your own noise! In your love life: We all need to be less of a victim of our needs! Push aside an irrelevant aspiration; find freedom to seek lasting fulfilment.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-06-15)

Most of the time, people don't actually mean to behave badly towards others. Usually, they're unaware that their actions are causing offence, or don't understand that they're causing upset. When we're on the receiving end though, it's hard to believe that we're not being subjected to deliberate treatment. We wonder how they could be so inconsiderate whilst they wonder why we're being so sensitive. This Solstice week, rather than falling into the blame trap, there's a lot to be gained by seeking peace. In your love life: Surrounded by needy 'takers'. Draw a line. Make firm distinctions. Put aside any insecurities; trust your deepest feelings.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-06-15)

With the Solstice comes the return of clarity. You're already starting to feel less baffled or befuddled by the confusing scenario you've been so caught up in. Over the next few days not only will your understanding will be as clear as it needs to be, but you'll also see why you needed to become so lost. Real appreciation of the intricacies of a situation can be gained only through experiencing it. What you now know is really worth knowing and will, as you're also about to see, be immensely valuable. In your love life: Don't cling too tight to a fantasy. If you judge your reality now you should recognise how much you have to be glad of.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-06-15)

What's stopping things from going as well as you'd like? You're worried that because a certain arrangement hasn't worked out in the past, it won't go right this time either. Yet an intermittent fault in your TV doesn't mean that you can't watch it most of the time. It's because you care so deeply about this particular project that you've forgotten the difference between often' and always'. The Solstice is a clear sign that a silver lining can be found, just where you least expect it this week. In your love life: You won't master every situation this week, but you will gain an insight that does much to improve a key relationship.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-06-15)

The world is full of folk who like to give advice. There's nothing they like better than telling us what we're doing wrong or what we should' be doing. Often they have no experience of the matter they're advising on. In fact, the more insistent they are, the less knowledge they have. When we really know something, we tend to keep quiet until we're asked for advice. An expert' in your world knows less than they think. Don't give your power away this Solstice week the best person to trust is yourself. In your love life: An upturn is coming. Stay calm through one more set of brief frustrations, then magical rewards will start coming your way.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-06-08)

Your world has been spinning faster than usual. You've been almost frenetically busy; either dashing around under relentless pressure or aware of commitments you've made that must be kept. Even when you've had time to relax, you've been unable to let go of the tension. The best news, would be to hear that this is the week when your problems will be sorted. But life's not that simple. Although they won't all be solved, the encouraging cosmic climate promises you can find ways to make them less important. In your love life: Understanding another's needs and motives may be trickier than you expect it to be now - but it is not impossible!

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-06-08)

Just because your mind functions as well as a computer, there's no guarantee that you always make the right decisions. Your innovative thinking shows you new ways around problems, but you still can't see the whole picture. Why not? Because you're human! One of the joys of experiencing the complications integral to life on planet Earth is the realisation that happiness is not dependent on knowledge. Listen to your heart this week. As the Sun and Jupiter connect, you know what you need to do. In your love life: Don't fear the power someone has over you; for you have true power over them. Respect and integrity are your strong suits.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-06-08)

A block of wood might not look interesting, but if it's holding up the table you're sitting at, or keeping a window ajar, it's serving a very useful purpose. You're involved in a process which might not look particularly exciting, but it is extremely practical. In the approach to the Jupiter and Neptune alignment, there's a chance to move on from a situation that's been causing you trouble. This is an opportunity to find a jewel that's been hidden in a mundane part of your life. A key to happiness is within reach this week. In your love life: Someone has drawn a line. Trust that, trust them and, despite the challenging nature of the skies right now, they will trust you too.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-06-08)

Give yourself a well-deserved medal. Actually, you deserve more than one. You can have one for persistence, another for endurance and one more for patience in the face of adversity. You've certainly been through a lot. You might not feel as if you've handled the stress particularly well, but you're not in the right place to judge that. Other people can see that, under difficult circumstances, you've done remarkably. And with the current astrological climate, you're about to do even better! This week brings a lucky break. In your love life: Wherever in your world there is a struggle to keep the peace, there will soon be a far greater sense of rapport.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-06-08)

Something is irritating you. It feels as if there's an unfair inequality in a situation you're embroiled in, and you can't work out how to remedy it. You could easily spend the entire week feeling hot and bothered about this. But it would be better to accept that there's a limit to what you can do. If something appears to be going wrong there's a chance that it might be going wrong for the right reasons! You've done all you can to encourage a discussion about a delicate situation. Trust in that and allow yourself to let go. In your love life: You can control how dramatic events become. If you want a situation to calm down, merely watch what you add to the pot.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-06-08)

You're preparing yourself. It's as if you think you're going to be dealing with someone (or something) demanding and draining. No wonder you're polishing off your metaphorical suit of armour. With a battle looming, you're preparing to deal with the consequences of courageously saying something that could cause controversy and put peoples' defences up. Yet whilst it's true that you face a challenge, the Sun's link with Jupiter indicates that the cavalry is on its way. You'll be delighted with how things work out. In your love life: Let others know how highly you think of them. Where genuine praise is deserved, offer it and it will be returned in kind.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-06-08)

What's the best way to get rid of a problem? Well, it's obvious isn't it? Solve it! Yet the moment you do, it's as if an invisible sign announces the fact that you're a successful problem solver and before you know it, people will be queuing up for help with their woes. Some people prefer to ignore anything that's not going well but that's not a solution either. So what's the best way to approach your current difficulty? Learn to love it! Every challenge holds positivity. Find that, and the problem will disappear. In your love life: Things look likely to go well for you soon. One little moment of insight will show you that you have all the power you need.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-06-08)

Would you believe me if I told you that everything's about to get easier? I suppose it's a bit like telling someone who's stuck in a downpour that things are about to get a lot drier. Meanwhile, all they can see are the grey clouds overhead. Yet you can feel that you're moving in the right direction. And, as your ruler links with lucky Jupiter this week, you'll be able to see why this particular journey has been so worthwhile. The gift of acceptance brings a change of heart which will free you from worry. All will be fine. In your love life: Don't fight your critics. Just drop your own criticism of someone else and they will become less critical of you.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-06-08)

The saying there's no smoke without fire' was rendered obsolete when dry ice was invented! That's how unpredictable our world is. We think we know what we're dealing with; that we've got all the bases covered, when suddenly something new pops up and throws everything out of alignment. Don't assume you know what you're up against. You're feeling pessimistic because you're being reminded of a past mistake. Yet, what's unfolding is very different. As you're about to discover, Jupiter is bringing optimism into your world. In your love life: You feel a little vulnerable. Your world may seem short of refuges and safe places. Face it. Be persistent. It will pay off for you.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-06-08)

Just take a look at the state of the world; so much injustice and misery. It can't have happened by accident; somebody must be to blame. So who's going to take responsibility for it? Why couldn't it be your fault? Well for precisely the same reason that the blame for all the problems in your life can't be placed at your feet. In truth, it's an act of selfishness to believe that you're responsible for so much. As the Sun and Jupiter combine their energies, let go of your guilt and enjoy the good things the week brings. In your love life: You can aid a delicate situation as much by what you don't say, as by what you do, you can exert a helpful healing influence.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-06-08)

In those moments when life feels like a never-ending struggle, it's okay to stop, stand back, and take a break from the difficult situation you're embroiled in. From a different vantage point you can appreciate life, with all of its quirks and foibles for the precious gift that it is. This week, as we move towards the Jupiter/Neptune link, you're being encouraged to find time to do something lovely. If you reach towards the brightest outcome, you'll see that a troublesome situation is less problematic than it seems. In your love life: Sometimes you have to just dive in. Discretion is usually the better part of valour. Not always. Is this such a time?

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-06-08)

Every time we think we've moved on from the past, it has a tendency to catch up with us and tap us on the shoulder. You keep trying to negotiate with yesterday so that you can be free to enjoy a trouble-free tomorrow. Yet despite your best efforts, discussions seem to end up going nowhere and you find yourself back dealing with the very same situation you wanted to leave behind. As the Sun energises your ruling planet, Jupiter, it brings you the momentum you need to move on. You're about to be unstoppable. In your love life: Don't make a song and dance of it. Softly, softly... even if you are an excitable Sagittarian and there is drama in the skies!