
Weekly Astroguide

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-06-01)

When you know you're being deceived, you're not being deceived. You can only be misled when you're unaware of it. Sometimes, ridiculous things are done by people who think they're being smart. This month, the powerful effect of your ruling planet, Saturn, indicates that you will find skilful ways to manage complex, changing situations which complicate your commitments. You'll do very well in June, as long as you remember not to doubt the courage of your convictions. Aim as high as you dare. In your love life: Where a change is overdue in your personal life, a happy, unplanned event this week can set a wonderful process in motion.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-06-01)

When you look back, it's hard to imagine other people living in houses you've inhabited, or driving cars you used to drive. These things were yours, and now they are not. You've moved on and you're focused on other things. Nothing in our lives is permanent which is why we need to cherish what we have, whilst holding on to a sense of perspective. That's what you need to have in June. As you embrace a new perception of what matters to you most, you'll find a new way of realising your potential. In your love life: You are full of assertive energy. But the reward for allowing a situation to evolve may soon be a welcome, loving gesture.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-06-01)

Just a glance at a newspaper or online newsfeed is enough to show what's going on in the world. The news is rarely positive. Yet, is this a reflection of the truth, or could it be the way details are reported and shared with the audience'? I mention this because your own inner news desk' has an agenda of its own this month. Although there will be exciting headlines and a few dramatic moments, there are also plenty of good news' stories developing. Just don't let your nerves get in the way of your hopes. In your love life: Are there gestures someone dare not make for fear of being badly judged? Encourage a little courage this week.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-06-01)

Although we don't think of imagination as being a practical skill, pragmatic people understand that a lot can be gained by idling' time away. When we try too hard to make every second count, we end up setting impossible standards and raising expectations. There's nothing practical to be gained by that. Rather than concentrating too hard, over the course of this exciting month, by taking a steady approach you'll find that your vision becomes clearer. You'll have time to enjoy the benefits of your efforts too. In your love life: Can a difficulty be resolved? A small gesture, not necessarily romantic, may be all that's needed to make that happen.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-06-01)

We assume that in order to get on with people, we need to have lots in common. Yet, even harmonious relationships involve an element of struggle. In the best ones, the power ebbs and flows dynamically. When interpersonal associations run too smoothly, we often lose interest. We need challenges to keep us on our toes. This month, try to remember the positive effects which result from being in a position of tension. The more comfortable you are with being stretched, the greater the gains will be. In your love life: Be aware of intriguing suggestions. Trust your intuition to tell you when you have been singled out as a target!

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-06-01)

Should you be courageous or cautious this month? With such exciting astrological energies acting on you, innovation is in the air. You might even prefer to try an approach which resonates with a sense of how things ought' to be. A past experience is going to prove immensely valuable, as you embark on a new phase of your life's journey. As your spirit of adventure is emboldened, you'll find ways to develop old talents so that they fit new situations. Your ability to adapt is the key to your success. In your love life: We can't change each other. But we can change ourselves an act of wisdom likely to produce a delightful reward.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-06-01)

You have a lot to be grateful for. Soon, though, you'll have even more reasons to be thankful. That's not to say that you won't, over the course of June, have reasons to be infuriated too! Your problems aren't all about to disappear over the horizon. Yet, in this Solstice month, any gathering clouds will have a shimmer of sunlight shining through. June brings hope, in the form of inspired ideas and promising news. There's the potential for sincere support too. Keep looking for the silver lining; it's within easy reach. In your love life: Just as important as it is to believe in yourself, you must be sincere about your willingness to please someone else.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-06-01)

It's not easy to sit back and rest on your laurels when you know something needs to be done. But sometimes, inaction is better than action; and this month, there's a lot to be gained from holding back rather than jumping into the fray. To manage this, you'll need to rise above criticism from those who'd prefer you to leap into action. You'll also have to manage your own sense of guilt. Patience is not easy to find when there's so much going on. Choose the right moment, act with confidence, and success is yours. In your love life: Engage in a gentle, honest conversation. That act of giving will guide Cupid straight to the heart of a sensitive situation!

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-06-01)

Victory can be dangerous; it can affect us like an intoxicating drink. Failure is equally powerful; it can anaesthetise us to signs of hope. Fortunately, even though we try to hold on to the first of these, the effects of both are short-lived. When we hang on too tightly to success, we grow overconfident and lose touch with our emotions. Powerful astrological events this month will bring new perspective to recent disappointments. What you perceived to be a loss is going to turn out to be a delightful gain. In your love life: The helpful position of the planets suggests that happy developments are likely. You're heading in the right direction.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-06-01)

Since the journey through life is full of crossroads and hairpin bends, it's not easy to spot a short-cut. Sometimes, what appears to be a time-saving manoeuvre turns out to involve so many complications that it ultimately ends up slowing you down. This month, as Jupiter and Neptune align, they draw your attention to an easier route to follow. With Venus, your ruler, acting as a catalyst, you'll be enthused to stride out with confidence. Put your best foot forward and you'll love the destination you're heading to. In your love life: Communications are often surprisingly restricted. This week brings a rare opportunity for greater honesty and comfort.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-06-01)

If this month were a song, it would be playing at a late-night party, with the bass notes making your windows vibrate! After failing to block out the sound, you'd be on your way round to get the music turned off. But, as you approached the source you'd realise that you were moving to a new groove. Despite your best effort to stay annoyed, you'd find yourself joining the party and dancing the night away. Be ready to enjoy something you don't think you like. If you listen carefully you'll hear that June is playing your song! In your love life: Are there some key issues that should be taken into account? You won't regret making the allowances for them.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-06-01)

Ideas are everywhere: Why don't you try this?' Why don't you do that?' Yet, there are many people who are resistant to change. That won't work here.' That's not what's needed.' That's why it's hard to be innovative. So what do you need to do in order to create a new dynamic approach which will allow you to show your flair this month? As your ruler aligns with Neptune, it brightens your vision and focuses your enthusiasm, leaving you with no choice. It might not be easy, but you must follow your dream. In your love life: Ignore stress and strain. The sky insists you can work a miracle, in your personal or emotional life, this exciting week.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-05-25)

You're feeling frustrated with the way a situation is developing. Despite your effort to find a way for everyone to have their say, someone seems to be doing everything in their power to slow progress to a halt. You're up against an obstacle that just won't budge. A nonsensical rule seems to be in the way; between you and where you want to go. Don't, whatever you do, give up this week. Try not to let the irritation get to you. You've become over-sensitive, which is why this problem seems so big. It's not as serious as it looks. In your love life: You have handled some difficult adjustments well. Your reward is this week's significant upturn in your emotional outlook.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-05-25)

They say that we always hurt the people we love'. So, if that's true we might as well love our enemies that will guarantee that we end up hurting them! It's an expression that makes no sense. Of course we're not meant to hurt our nearest and dearest. Neither is there a guarantee that we'll love the people we hurt though, maybe more people function that way than we like to think. The cosmos offers you insight into patterns of behaviour this week. Once you've identified them, you can break free and move on. In your love life: Be humble enough to replace an assumption with a willingness to empathise, and your personal life will benefit enormously.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-05-25)

Are you a passenger on a high-speed train, heading into an exciting new future, or are you still trundling along on the same old track, stuck at familiar junctions and finding it hard to make yourself comfortable? This week, as your ruler Neptune is energised, you get to make a choice about how to proceed. You're being given a burst of energy, which can be used to make a bold move forwards. Your task is to push any negativity to the side including your own. The map to the best journey is found in your heart. Follow that. In your love life: You wish things could take a different turn. They will. If what you give out is good, only good will come of all that happens.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-05-25)

Suppose I were to tell you that your week was going to be filled with difficulties at every turn? You'd probably just shrug your shoulders, and think, so what's new?' Your world seems to have been full of so many challenges recently that you've almost forgotten what it's like to live a normal life. No wonder that you're primed, and ready for the next obstacle. It's even beginning to feel as if it's what you deserve. This week, though, take comfort from the news that there's no problem too big for you to solve. In your love life: Remaining open to the possibility of learning something new will make a delightful difference to your personal life.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-05-25)

Are you dreaming of an improvement in your financial situation? Hoping for a change of circumstances? I need to be cautious here. I certainly don't want to raise your expectations too high. Neither, though, do I want to downplay the potential you have to improve a stressful situation this week. With Venus in your sign, adding extra oomph to an expansive, creative cosmic influence, it's important to be on the look-out for any opportunities that come into your vicinity. Take advantage of the luck that's on your side. In your love life: Answers can only come slowly. But they will come and when they come, you will feel deeply reassured by them all.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-05-25)

We'd all like to feel as if life were ticking along in the way it's supposed to. But, what if you're supposed' to be doing something that you don't feel that you should do? In this crazy world of ours, things aren't always as simple as we like to think. You want to be clear about the reasons why you're embarking on a new trajectory, but that's a tall order especially with dreamy Neptune's impact this week. When you start to trust and relax about your decision, you'll see that things are going exactly how they are supposed' to. In your love life: Are you being taken for granted? Don't you deserve something back? You can have it, if you apply a little discrimination.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-05-25)

Life is risky. Every time we use a knife, there's a chance that we'll cut ourselves. Every time we eat, there's a risk of food poisoning. Every time we walk across a road there's a remote possibility of an accident. If you were to take these fears to the extreme, you could start to worry about the very air that you breathe in case it's contaminated with something. This week, in the growing sense of excitement, you'll see that the scary confrontation you're anticipating is a lot of hot air. There's nothing you can't deal with. In your love life: You aren't over-exaggerating the encouraging signs you are starting to see this week. It truly is hopeful!

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-05-25)

You've been through some tough times recently and are still in the process of recovery. What you need most, is a period of calm. Yet it's hard to shake off feeling that you have to keep moving, from one situation to another, to make sure everything is okay. You're still alert, with your metaphorical fire-fighting equipment on stand-by, ready to dash to the rescue. Yet there's an elusive quality to this week's potential. In your heart of hearts, you know you've done all you need to do. Try to let go. It's safe to enjoy yourself. In your love life: Don't give up. Coming events will restore lost faith. They will improve other aspects of your personal life, too.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-05-25)

Some people love doing the obvious; they are threatened by originality and difference because unpredictability makes them feel unsafe. As you consider the value of a piece of advice you've been given, don't be tempted to follow it just because it's acceptable'. Read as much (or as little) into it as you like. This week, the expansive and creative cosmic climate is encouraging you to act on what you feel, rather than what you think you ought to be feeling. If you follow your instincts, you'll reach a very satisfying decision. In your love life: You are struggling to make sense of someone. Why are they being as they are? Soon, you will gain an inspiring insight.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-05-25)

Sometimes, we spread ourselves too thin. This is usually the result of feeling anxious about not having enough of something. That's when we make false economies: purchasing cheaper versions of what we really want in order to save a penny or two. Or, because we feel overstretched, we hold ourselves back from investing in someone (or something) and end up being ineffectual. Your ruler, Venus, suggests that to get true value' from this week, you need to invest yourself wholeheartedly. The gains will delight you. In your love life: A beneficial change to the cosmic climate suggests you now have every reason to feel positive about your prospects.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-05-25)

Do you know the song about a lady who swallowed a dog? She swallowed it to catch a cat, which she'd swallowed to catch a mouse, which she'd swallowed to catch a spider, which she'd swallowed to catch a fly. The question is; why she swallowed the fly in the first place? Whatever the reason, her story has served as a great lesson on how NOT to treat a problem. Don't, this week, allow a solution to become more problematic than the actual problem. Something that looks troublesome, is much easier than you imagine. In your love life: The time is right to alter a habit, break a cycle, move on from an old way of being. It will bring positive impact.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-05-25)

Since the correct' way to pick a stick up is in the middle, when you grasp it by either extremity, you'll grab hold of the wrong end of the stick. You're someone who likes extremes and seeks intensity and passion. In fact, you find the things that fit into the common sense' area of life rather dull. When you try to show restraint, a part of you rebels. The more people put pressure on you to behave in a sensible' middle-of-the-road way, the more you court adventure. This week brings time to gently release some steam. In your love life: Venus is beckoning you to make it easy for someone to reach out to you. Delicately, gently, you can transform your world.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-05-18)

You're feeling more fragile than usual; and almost uncomfortably aware of how you've arrived at this particular point in your life. Although it's good to recognise how far you've come, it's also slightly unsettling. Yet this sensitivity is only possible because of your inner strengths. When we're feeling weak, adrenaline kicks in so that we don't have time to look at life's more fundamental mysteries. Even if the Full Moon stirs up questions, you can be confident that the most important aspects in your world are secure and safe. In your love life: All relationships involve give and take and clarity. Negotiations will go more smoothly where edges are not fuzzy!

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-05-18)

Have you ever wondered what is happening to us when we dream? What do our nightly imaginative visions and images represent? As Venus links with your ruler, you're seeking to gain understanding of something important. It's as if the memory of a dream-like image is flitting through your mind. From the corner of your eye, you keep almost catching a clearer glimpse and understand the message it brings. Keep trusting in your intuitive powers this week. Follow your impulses. They're leading you in a profitable direction. In your love life: Someone is setting a tough agenda. Go along with it and try not to complain. The process will benefit you too.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-05-18)

Why do we need such a complicated judicial system when the truth is always so plain to see? Well I suppose now you come to mention it, we're all capable of grabbing hold of the wrong end of the stick. Problems arise when we come up against someone who feels passionate about something that's the opposite of our beliefs. We don't like to give way when we have strong views. Although the weekend brings awareness of a conflict, it also provides the way to construct a bridge of reconciliation. You can follow a peaceful path. In your love life: Someone's proving difficult. Express humility and willingness to start afresh. It's the only balm needed.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-05-18)

Welcome to the future. You're here. You've reached the point that you've been on your way towards, which has been tantalisingly beckoning you. It's not quite how you were expecting it to be? Well, you need to be careful before you critique it. After all, you're still in transit! Although this particular place might not be quite as you'd imagined, it is only from here that you'll be able to move on towards somewhere that you'll appreciate. Although this weekend might not be absolutely perfect, you're moving forwards in a perfect way. In your love life: Don't drive yourself crazy trying to understand what makes no sense. Just allow love to lead you wherever logic may fail.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-05-18)

The education system focuses on giving us a certain set of skills. We learn to read and write, add up and take away, and (perhaps more emphatically) to behave in the right' way. There are no lessons in how to develop intuitive skills, or on the art of communication and relationship building. Is it any wonder that we're all so stressed and pressured when we're taught to value financial gain more than love, and achievement more than happiness? The Full Moon brings a chance to follow your highest ideal with pride. In your love life: Your challenge involves accepting and respecting an aspect of someone else's personality that you don't find so easy.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-05-18)

Before judging anyone, we're advised to walk a mile in their shoes. Which is all well and good unless they have different-sized feet! None of us can ever really know how it feels to be someone else. In fact, how much do we really know about what it's like to be ourselves? Even your experience of you' depends on mood, time of day, what you're doing etc. This week, your ruler's link with the Sun, and their arrival in your sign, brings a burst of positivity. Feeling good about yourself will change your attitude towards others too. In your love life: Is magic attainable this week? Well, not overnight but you can take a big step towards a long-dreamed-of change.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-05-18)

It's hard to keep a sense of perspective when you're entangled in a web of urgent and complex situations. You can feel a sense of 'importance' in the air; something big is unfolding, but you don't know what it is. Yet there's no need to worry just because you don't fully understand. You don't need to pretend that you know what's going on. The Full Moon brings an empowering energy which encourages you to live from moment to moment, in a growing spirit of trust. The change that you're seeking is naturally unfolding. In your love life: You don't have to wait for others to do things, say things or start things. Be brave, take the initiative. You can.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-05-18)

In a quest to understand how things work, some people get great pleasure from taking machinery to pieces. The problems start when they try to put it back together again! We sometimes apply the same technique to our relationships. Some things though, are best left in the realms of mystery. They thrive as long as they're not interfered with. Yet when a situation goes awry, it needs attention. If something isn't working this week, you don't need to mend it or worry about it. Just invest more of your generous spirit. In your love life: It's hard to embrace unexpected developments. But something wonderful can yet happen, if you greet the new with trust.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-05-18)

When the sun shines it creates shimmery light on commonplace shiny surfaces. When night falls, those reflections disappear. In much the same way, when a shadow falls on our lives, everything appears to lose its glow. We find ourselves criticising situations that normally bring happiness. We start doubting ourselves, and turn small troubles into bigger problems. As your ruler Mercury links to the Sun this week, it brings the chance to isolate an unnerving issue and fix it. Then you'll be able to confidently move on. In your love life: Be less defensive over contentious issues. The potential for positive change is particularly strong and hopeful now.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-05-18)

Sometimes we need to go through a challenging process before arriving at a satisfying outcome. It's the only way to guarantee vital change. Yet we need to be careful that we don't end up thinking that we have to struggle in order to gain good things in our lives. Sometimes, life is easy. It doesn't always need to be full of tests and challenges. You've been resolutely coping with a difficult situation. Does that mean that you've earned the luck that's heading your way? Just enjoy this week's inspiring developments as they unfold. In your love life: Don't form an unlikely notion about what someone can do for you. Have they got an unrealistic expectation of you too?

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-05-18)

It's hard to better the feeling you get when things go according to plan and almost impossible to feel okay when things don't work out. Really, we should be careful about linking our emotions to uncontrollable measures of success. The truth is that things that look perfect usually aren't as good as they appear, and blessings come disguised as problems. This weekend, with the Full Moon in your sign, even if a new development doesn't seem to hold much promise, it has the potential to bring lasting benefits your way. In your love life: A problem is taking up your energy. You are closer to a helpful, healing development than you imagine.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-05-18)

While it's true that life often seems to make us run as fast as we can just to stay in the same place, sometimes it takes the pressure off and we don't notice. We keep trying to sprint ahead and end up with the symptoms of burn out'. You don't need to do that this week. Yes, you're going to have to invest energy into a tiring exercise. But, the next moment, you'll realise that the problems have somehow worked themselves out and that you can relax. Instead of looking for trouble, look for comfort, and you'll find it. In your love life: Chemistry! In your heart, you know if you have it. If you haven't, give up! If you have, keep trying. Progress will come.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-05-11)

Sometimes you like to keep your own counsel. You don't want to talk about your problems, because you don't want to complain. You don't want to talk about your successes, because you don't want to boast. You don't want to talk about other people, because you don't want to gossip. You don't want to talk about yourself, because you're not narcissistic. No wonder you sometimes choose to just listen. This week though, you need to share some information with someone. Don't worry about the consequences. Trust in the truth. In your love life: Will a new connection add up to romantic magic? Well, wait and see. But there is no clear reason why it can't!

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-05-11)

It's perfectly possible for you do be able to do what needs to be done this week. But you'll achieve more if you're willing to take your time. Your ability to adapt to changing situations means that you find it especially hard to wait for the right moment to act. Yet this week, as Mars changes signs, if you leap into action, you're liable to make unnecessary sparks fly. If you can summon up some patient determination, you'll discover an untapped inner resource that will help you attain your objective. Take it slowly and find success. In your love life: Tensions and troubles have undermined you somewhat. But now, strength and self-belief rightly return.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-05-11)

Superhuman powers come in lots of different guises. It's true that you're not able to leap over a skyscraper, or catch up with a speeding train. But you do have a special gift. In a psychic sense, you have x-ray vision; an innate ability to see through peoples' emotional barriers and understand their innermost thoughts and feelings. You can't tell what's in their mind, but you can empathise with what's going on in their heart. As Venus changes signs this week, your intuition is exceptionally strong. Follow your instincts. In your love life: Some people are easy, mostly, to get along with. Others are hard work. Coming soon in your emotional life? Vindication!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-05-11)

If you're trying to find rhyme and reason to the perplexing conundrum you're facing, I hope you've got a poetry evening or a maths lecture planned. They're as close as you're going to get to finding understanding. You are, after all, living on a molten, spinning ball of rock which defies comprehension. The billions of people living here must surely come for the chaotic, crazy adventure that life on planet Earth provides? Although this week won't supply the answer to the mystery you want to solve, it brings happiness your way. In your love life: Your story now is all about the need to allow for a challenge. That isn't going to be easy. But success is possible.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-05-11)

Although psychotherapists would like us to think that they agree about ways to deal with the dramas of life, they're not as united in their approach as we think. One thing they all seem to agree on though, is that we're all students, with more learning to do. So, if the so called experts' don't know what's going on, how are we ever going to be able to find the way to lead a peaceful and harmonious life? Fear not! As Venus, your ruler, enters your sign, you don't need to understand why things are improving. Just be glad that they are. In your love life: You can hardly resist a person with interesting beliefs. A splendid kind of chemistry will work in your favour this week.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-05-11)

If it's true that there are more questions than answers, we can only conclude that either some questions have the same answers, or some solutions just can't be fathomed. You've been struggling to find the way to ease a situation which seems to be generating more and more questions. Although your quick thinking mind enjoys a challenge, this baffling conundrum is becoming tiresome. As your ruler, Mercury, makes positive links, even though you may be mystified you're far from lost. You'll find the way this week. In your love life: Romance is more than a celebration of mutually shared values. You should enjoy this week's drama with a happy ending.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-05-11)

Messieurs et mesdames, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Cancerian extravaganza! This acrobatic (well, maybe some creative arm movements) flying through the air (well, moving faster than usual) world-class (well in the estimation of the important people in your life) amazing event is brought to you by the power planet Mars as it enters into the sign of (fanfare of trumpets) Cancer! Finally! Progress is possible. A stuck situation is about to start moving. Things are different. Enjoy the spectacle. It will be fun. In your love life: There may be a problem but it is minor and easily resolved. Focus (and build on) the happiest hope in your heart.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-05-11)

Some folk believe that nothing will ever improve unless it's forced to change. They never let the grass grow under their feet. Others live their lives following a different maxim; they figure that the less we do, the wiser we grow. They believe that things will sort themselves out, so long as they're not interfered with. As a Leo, you understand that there's a time to be impassioned and a time to be detached. As the power planet Mars moves into a new sector of the sky, be prepared to take action. Follow your heart this week. In your love life: I gently draw your attention to an interest someone else is taking in you. If you don't have a reason to reject it, accept it.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-05-11)

You've learned to be an expert at turning a blind eye to things you can't bear to see. You can put a mental filter up, so that you're able to ignore bothersome noise even difficult relationships. It's only when you have a break from what's normal' that you see what you've been putting up with. As your ruler makes positive links, you'll become aware of a situation you should probably have objected to a long time ago. There's no point losing time wondering why you allowed things to stay the same. Just enjoy the change. In your love life: Statements of praise are not, in your case, hyperbole. You are held in the highest regard. Enjoy! It is no less than you deserve.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-05-11)

As Venus, your ruler, moves into a new home, things will suddenly start to make more sense. Yet that's not a reason to feel under pressure to make a decision. If you bide your time this week, things will start to make even greater sense! Since an aspect of your life has felt as uncertain as a walk across a tightrope recently, it's no wonder you feel unconvinced by the prospect of a period of stability. Hold tight though. Your efforts to create calm haven't been in vain. Even if there's a surprise in store, it will be a reassuring one. In your love life: If you have taken a chance on love lately, here's where you get to be glad of it. If not, here's your chance!

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-05-11)

People say that we should be careful what we wish for in case we get it. I don't know about you but I've always struggled with this. I think it's said because we all have inappropriate dreams and desires. We think we know what we want, yet when we get it we realise that it isn't quite what we'd thought. Yet there are times when our wishes don't come true because of our poor timing. We get what we need, but our lives have moved on. This week, let go of old wishes and focus on what you really want. You might just get it. In your love life: Venus moves to a new sector of the sky. Open your heart to the idea the world can supply a new reason to feel hopeful.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-05-11)

You'd like to be able to move into this week embodying the totally focused mindset you've been practising recently. You've clearly defined your priorities and have identified the most likely way to successfully approach them. But, as Mars changes signs, if you wind yourself up too tightly, there's a good chance that you'll move backwards rather than forwards. If you stand back, and take another look at this situation, you'll see that there's a simpler way to proceed. A different perspective will easily clear any residual confusion. In your love life: Your strong sense of connection to someone is now too powerful to ignore. Trust that it is positive.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-05-04)

No one is an island. We don't stand alone in the ocean of life. We're all inhabitants of this little spinning ball of rock; we breathe the same air and drink from the same sources of water. We're social beings, interdependent, and relying on each other for survival. It's easy to lose sight of this perspective though, especially when we're caught up in a mire of difficulties. The New Moon highlights a hidden, but helpful, influence that is acting upon you. Awareness of the support you're receiving should give you great strength this week. In your love life: Alter the signals you are sending out by subtly acknowledging how you may be able to do someone a favour.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-05-04)

Your innovative style and individuality means that you revel in challenges and enjoy the unknown. Just the thought of being predictable is enough to send you off in search of an adventure. The only problem is that sometimes, when you find a formula that works, you feel obliged to change it! It's even possible that you somehow unconsciously break things so that you can practise your legendary ability to sort things out. Drama and urgency may be the bywords of your life this week, but everything will turn out rather well. In your love life: Only unique and interesting types develop an appetite for your company. If you've got the best, you don't need the rest!

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-05-04)

Problematical situations are all very well in theory, but you're dealing with a situation that's very real and demanding. You've been forced to think outside of the box and explore a challenging option. Yet nothing seems to address the reality you're facing. The New Moon brings the chance to put an urgent matter down so that you can deal with the needs of the present moment. You might be dealing with uncertainties, but your instinct knows more than your intellect does. This situation is much less worrying than you fear. In your love life: Trust the supernatural knowledge becoming available; be delicate how you reveal your awareness. There's much to gain.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-05-04)

We all have our favourite meals; tried and tested familiar recipes that leave us feeling satisfied and content. Although experimenting with new dishes can be fun, we return to what we know. Although there are areas of life in which you like to be adventurous, for some reason you've stopped short of trying something that is out of the ordinary (and potentially very exciting). It's unlike you to be so reticent. Could it be that this is a turning point? If you learn to like the flavour of this challenge it will be very much to your taste. In your love life: If you like what you feel now, that's fine. If not, remember your own power to change this.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-05-04)

After a bustling few weeks, you might be hoping to put your feet up. Before you settle comfortably on your sofa, I need to give you some advance warning about the cosmic boost of energy that's on its way. The New Moon, in your sign, brings an inspiring dynamic to a project that has been bubbling under the surface for a while. This week brings the chance to follow a new path towards a goal that your heart has been quietly nudging you towards. There will be time for some rest and relaxation, but don't miss the moment to act. In your love life: Time for karma. Make amends and you can make a difference, vastly improving the here and now of your heart.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-05-04)

Have you ever been in a cave and heard the drip-drip-drip of water gradually seeping through the limestone rocks? That's the sound of stalactites slowly forming. Although you feel frustrated by the length of time you're taking to complete a stage of your life, things are moving faster than you think. It's just that the key is out of your hands. Since this week's Mars/Jupiter link brings a burst of energy that will move events on, you can use this waiting time wisely. You'll be glad of the energy you've saved when things fall into place. In your love life: Work, this week, on improving your understanding of someone. This will either help to heal a wound or build a bridge.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-05-04)

Although the Beatles were on the right track when they sang 'All you need is love', it's sometimes hard to see what progress the world is making towards living in peace, harmony and understanding. It's a bit like trying to replace junk food with wholegrain salads we aspire to it, but in the meantime, it's sometimes easier to have a takeaway! Thus we continue to argue. On some level, we must enjoy disagreement. Yet this week, the New Moon brings a sign that you can find a happy compromise with someone important. In your love life: We think we know what other people need. The secret of success is simple now. Don't assume, enquire!

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-05-04)

No wonder you're feeling unsettled. You like to be in control, and it seems that you're being led in a direction that's not of your choosing. You feel as if you've lost your grip on the reins of power. Yet, the New Moon brings a reminder that even though you're uncertain about where you're headed, you're steering the way. The destination you're approaching is well worth the struggle. Once you arrive, you'll understand why it was necessary to experience the challenges along the route, and reap the benefits of your gained knowledge. In your love life: Try to be more relaxed and accepting about the way things are, and not to indulge thinking how they should be?

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-05-04)

This is fun you've got an unexpected week off! What? You don't believe me? What I mean is that you won't have to do as much as you think in order to get what you want, or to move to where you want to be. Rather than having to strive to make progress, there's a feeling of natural progression and flow. The New Moon, followed by a helpful Mercury and Uranus link, brings cosmic gifts your way. If you use this time of respite wisely, and think and plan where you would like your next big adventure to take you, you'll be on your way. In your love life: Does love begin with loving - or with allowing oneself to be loved? You will soon find the answer that is right for you.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-05-04)

When we're hungry, most of us will eat whatever is set before us. It's the opposite of relaxing at a smart restaurant, perusing the menu to find new taste sensations; this is just fuel, and the quicker we eat it, the happier we are. It's important to understand our needs for what they truly are. This week, just because you want something badly, you don't need to accept almost anything that might bring a sense of temporary satisfaction. The New Moon reveals a new possibility. If you find some patience, you can hold out for the best. In your love life: With the right people by our side, we can solve any problem. You'll prove that by your own example this week.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-05-04)

It sometimes feels as if life is too bound by red tape and limited by the fear of offending anyone. Although rules are important, the natural world isn't restricted in the same way. Birds don't have to submit a flight plan before setting off to look for food. Bees don't need a permit to extract nectar from garden flowers. This week, it's important to remember that in a world of conformity, there's still scope for spontaneity. If you've been allowing someone to wield too much power over you, this is a time to free yourself. In your love life: You are special. Coming events will naturally enable you to communicate this very point to someone else as special as you.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-05-04)

You can hit the ground running this week. The New Moon, coupled with an alignment between Mars and Jupiter, is just what's needed to impel you into action. Whatever the task a difficult conversation, the next phase of a long running project you have the energy and focus to deal with it. You can dispel a nagging doubt too. The resource you need is not in short supply; you have enough to do what you need to do. The only scarce commodity is time. So stop being unnecessarily overcautious and have faith in yourself. In your love life: You can stop a drama becoming too overblown by deliberately overreacting. The upshot could be an easier situation.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-04-27)

The moment you realise that you're deluded, you're not deluded. Neither can you be taken for a ride when you're aware that you're being fooled. Most of the silliest decisions reached on planet earth were made by people who thought that they were being rational and clever. This month, you'll be faced with issues about promises and obligations. You'll do very well, just as long as you remember to question even what lies behind the most obvious answers. Trust your hunches. An open, inquisitive mind is your prize asset. In your love life: Don't act out of anger, act out of wisdom. You can win any fight if your heart is full of kindness not anger.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-04-27)

Your innovative, creative side is buzzing this month. You're one of those people who keep having exciting ideas, despite the folk around you who seem to resist your suggestions for improvement. That's why it's hard to instigate change. Even though you're going to find yourself in some frustrating situations, your rulers' link with Mercury suggests that there are ways to break through the resistance. Keep going! Your vision is too bright to lose sight of. Change is never easy, but if you persevere, you'll start to succeed. In your love life: If you really want something new to enter your world, you may need to be a little more candid.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-04-27)

Gaining understanding is one thing. Maintaining it is another thing entirely. We sometimes think that we've come to a decision that suits everyone, only to find that the road we've been negotiating along has come to a dead end. Watch out this month for situations and arrangements that are more flexible than other people would have you think. Life is presenting you with a series of opportunities to sidestep your way past arduous and time-consuming commitments, without losing your integrity. In your love life: Something seems to be trying to make its way out of your life. Let it go lovingly and it may yet return in the same spirit.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-04-27)

Venus, which is in your sign as we enter May, is encouraging you to be bold. This is a time to be innovative and to try an approach which echoes your idea of what you'd most like your world to be like. If you're worried that you need more experience to guide you along a new path, you can put those concerns to one side. You're wise enough to know your limits and sensible enough to ask for help if you need it. Your powerful spirit for adventure needs to be followed this month. Let it guide you to the perfect destination. In your love life: Keep an eye (and an ear) out for an unnecessarily misleading possibility and you can make something wonderful happen.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-04-27)

We enter May finding you in a position where you have a lot to be grateful for. And, as the month progresses, you'll have even more. Venus, your ruler, enters your sign midway through May, bestowing its blessings and encouraging you to fulfil your heartfelt ambitions and dreams. That's not to say that life will be problem free... in fact problems are often harder to deal with when there's so much to look forward to. But, something beautiful happens when sun shines through rain. Keep watch for sources of inspiration. In your love life: Whatever you now have to do to get through to someone, this week, has got to be worth doing.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-04-27)

With Mars in your sign at the start of the month, if May was a song, it would begin with a pounding drum beat that could overwhelm the melody. You're in the mood to get things moving, and frustrated by any obstacles in your way. Yet, as we move into the month, and you begin to hear the sounds of the other instruments, you won't be able to stop yourself from dancing. Then, you'll notice that you're in good company. Other people are joining in! Sing a heartfelt song this month, and you'll enjoy the journey it brings. In your love life: Think how two people in your world interact. Much will improve if an expectation is altered and an accommodation is made.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-04-27)

How can put your feet up when it's obvious that something needs attending to? If we really want to stay out of the action, we need to rise above the cloud of criticism that's been created by the people who want assistance. Then, we have to override our sense of guilt. People who conduct themselves in this skilful way are either foolish or wise; and you're certainly not in the first category! You intuitively understand that success this month, will come at the right moment. You're right May is a time to exercise patience. In your love life: Even if storms have been blowing, they are calming down. You don't have as much need for security as you may think.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-04-27)

Success often acts like an intoxicating liqueur and goes to our heads. That's why it can be dangerous. Failure, on the other hand, affects us like an anaesthetic, and goes straight to the heart, causing regrets. Fortunately, both these conditions ease over time. But even though the first may seem like the better option, if we hold on to our achievements, like trophies, we grow overconfident. This month's Full Moon causes you to reassess recent developments. An apparent past loss can be transformed into a valuable gain. In your love life: Someone is at odds with your own need. Don't put what's expected of you above what you expect of yourself.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-04-27)

Sometimes, life presents us with short cuts. These can be very effective and cut days, weeks, even months of endeavour out of our lives. Others aren't quite what they seem, and lead us on complicated journeys which delay our progress. It's never easy to assess what kind you're faced with. As Mercury and Uranus call you to boldly take the opportunities they bring, it's with a feeling of trepidation that you embark on a new and promising route. If you embrace May with enthusiasm there are delightful surprises in store. In your love life: You are waiting for a decision. If you're willing to accept what transpires, you'll much like how things turn out.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-04-27)

We think that imagination and practicality are like chalk and cheese. Yet the opposite is true. Practical people value moments of inactivity. They understand that trying to fill every second with a worthwhile purpose raises expectations that are impossible to fulfil; and leaves no room for the mysterious spirit of creativity to work its magic. This month, if you try to focus too hard, you take the risk of making your objective more nebulous. With a steady approach to your goal in May, you'll find yourself there before you know it. In your love life: Deep within you, there's a person of impressive talent. Here comes a chance to bring out more of what's within you.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-04-27)

You only have to watch a minute or two of the news to see that the world is in a bad state. But is it really worse? Or do modern technologies and media platforms just provide news in a way that makes it look as if our planet's in a shocking state? We can ask the same question about your life at the start of this new month. What's the state of your inner newsdesk? What are the stories making headlines at the top of your agenda? A long-running, difficult situation is going to vastly improve in May. You have every right to be optimistic. In your love life: Look again at something that upset you. Did you place one interpretation on something that could be read in several ways?

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-04-27)

Like the cars you've driven and the places you've lived, just think of all the things you've cared about which you've moved on from. Once, they were yours, now they're not. Your feelings of ownership have moved on. We think of many things as being permanent when they are only temporary. It gives us all the more reason to appreciate having them, while keeping a sense of perspective. This month, the only thing you need to hold onto is your perspective. Then you'll move gracefully and successfully forwards. In your love life: Someone is stretching a story past breaking point. Find a way to render reality more appealing for you and for them alike.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-04-20)

There's little point telling someone that the sharp-toothed creatures surrounding them are paper tigers. At least, not when they're in the thick of things. You've been dealing recently with beasts who have particularly spiky spines and ferocious roars. You've been up against obstacles with similar characteristics too. Now, with Venus arriving in Aries, you'll be feeling more able to cope, especially with difficult emotional issues. As you become more confident, you'll find yourself much freer to do what makes you happy. In your love life: Feeling uncomfortable? What you don't know, but will soon, is how much better things are about to get.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-04-20)

As Venus converges with your ruler, Uranus, it empowers you to begin a new chapter in your emotional life. A relationship, which has been moving along an unsatisfactory path, is about to change track. By shifting the scenery and bringing new characters into the storyline you'll be able to liven things up. Your creativity is being enhanced just as you remember to appreciate the value of good company. You have the right to enjoy yourself! This week, you'll discover the motivation, and the support to do just that. In your love life: Pressure, pressure, pressure! Imminent resolution of conflict will soon help you relax about many a bothersome matter.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-04-20)

Considering that the universe is eternal, why do we always feel as if we haven't got enough time? Since time presumably goes on forever, a shortage of it must be due to our perception. It's not easy to stand back from your life and take a more cosmic' point of view but if you can manage to do it this week, you'll be surprised by what you see. You're a beautiful part of the divine essence and the divine essence is a part of you. Remember that as you go about your days. Whatever you truly need, the universe will provide. In your love life: A reassuring development is due to occur. You are more loved, admired and respected, than you may realise.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-04-20)

Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, wrote that as soon as anyone discovers what the universe is actually doing here, and what's really going on, it will immediately disappear and be replaced by a more mysterious one! There's another theory, which thinks this has already happened! Could the same be said of your life at the moment? You've certainly seen a lot of changes recently. Now, with the arrival of Venus in your sign, if you ask the universe for what you want, you might well get it! In your love life: We have to actively help each other enjoy a great life. Someone is doing their best. Try to return the favour!

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-04-20)

You're not perfect (no one is) but you don't have anything to feel bad about or apologise for. In fact you've got a lot to be proud of. The challenge is to learn what you need to learn, make the necessary adjustments and keep moving forwards. The future is beckoning and the past is bidding you adieu. If you've been feeling uncertain about what to do next, your ruler's arrival in Aries brings a welcome boost of inspiration. Somewhere within, you know exactly what you need to do. Be guided by your intuition this week. In your love life: There is no need to climb a mountain, swim an ocean or reach for the Moon to prove romantic intent. Subtlety is the key.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-04-20)

They say that if you can't see your own weaknesses, it's impossible to fully recognise your strengths. The problem, is that most of us struggle to do this. We undervalue our gifts and abilities. Self-doubt means that we tend to avoid the challenges that might push us beyond our self-imposed limits. Yet it's only when you stretch yourself that you discover what you're capable of doing. How else will you begin to realise your potential? This week brings an opportunity that you could easily overlook. Try trusting your ability to succeed. In your love life: The heavens are offering you a chance to revisit an exchange that is unsatisfactorily unresolved. Healing can happen.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-04-20)

What makes this week such a special one for you is not particularly what it's going to contain. It's more about your ability to hone your appreciation skills. As Venus settles into a new sign, a growing awareness of the unique nature of life on planet Earth will affect your approach to everything that comes your way. That doesn't mean that you've been provided with a pair of rose-tinted spectacles and that everything is going to be easy. It's the challenges that bring the most valuable gifts. But if you look for the best, you'll find it. In your love life: If nerves are fraying, reach back for the spirit of seasonal goodwill. It can be reclaimed and applied to great advantage.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-04-20)

No one likes to feel they're not good enough' for someone. Rejection is one of the hardest things for us to deal with. Being second choice is hardly any better. Who would be happy thinking that they were only in a particular situation because the better candidate was unavailable? It's unlike you to be thinking along these kind of lines. Luckily, Venus' change of signs is going to bring you information that will dispel your suspicions. Events this week will bring reassuring confirmation that you're doing the right thing. In your love life: Life is looking good. But your cosmic challenge involves learning to love what can't be changed!

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-04-20)

The poet Kahlil Gibran wrote that Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.' This isn't news to you; you intuitively understand that life works this way. I'm just reminding you of it because in our crazy world, it's easy to feel as if you're battling against the tide. Yet, despite all that's going on around you, it remains true that when you give more than you can, you get more than you need. Don't forget that you need to take what you need too! You should get the appreciation you deserve this week. In your love life: Your cosmic ruler is whispering in your ear: What has to happen now, has to happen. Be glad of it.'

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-04-20)

Somewhere, hidden in a corner of your mind is a piece of information that could change everything. All you need is to find it. So, what should you be seeking and where should you look? Venus' arrival in Aries will make that obvious this week. In the meantime, if life feels a bit topsy-turvy, you can rest assured that it's because it's bringing forth the exact thing that you need to discover. A little patience will be key. You'll need to wait for the dust to settle before you see signs of the change you long for. But it's on its way. In your love life: Share the positivity you are starting to feel. Others will be unable to do anything other than respond positively to you.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-04-20)

This weekend, as Venus arrives in dynamic Aries, the tension you've been under should begin to dissipate. You've been finding it very hard to deal with someone. Recent events have worn you down. Yet the relationship is starting to improve. There are signs of greater honesty and soon you'll be able to sense a degree of empathy. Better communication leads to better understanding, and more ease in your world. With spring in your step, the renewal of your motivation and interest will come as a lovely surprise. In your love life: A discovery in your emotional life, sets your week off intensely. But it is not intensely difficult; it is intensely delightful.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-04-20)

The question this week is whether you want to be everywhere at the same time, or focus your efforts in one direction? If you want to be a force for good, you'd be better if you focused on the latter. In which case, you'll need to find yourself a pair of metaphorical blinkers! You're going to need them if you're going to stand a chance of not being distracted. There are just so many things unraveling and unfolding that it's going to take a considerable effort to stay on task. If you can do it, though, you can create very positive change. In your love life: The cosmos is calling you to stop, reflect and review. Outstanding emotional issues will soon resolve.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-04-13)

What are the signs that tell you when you're hungry? Do you need to calculate the amount of energy you've used up, and compare it to your calorific intake? Do you have to have special permission from a nutritionist before tucking into a meal? No! There are some things you just know' without thinking about it. So it is with a dilemma you're facing. The Astrological Blue Moon empowers you with the ability to ascertain your true feelings about the best decision to make and the right way to communicate it. Trust yourself this week. In your love life: Are you so upset about something big that you are directing your opprobrium at something small? Focus on the big issues.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-04-13)

The most important thing you need to bear in mind over the next week is that regardless of how intimate you may feel with someone, there's a limit to how much you're able to understand about their position regarding a mutually complex situation. Likewise, they're unable to completely get' your innermost feelings. The Astrological Blue Moon indicates a time when pragmatic action will be much more helpful than wishful thinking. That's lucky, because you're highly skilled at that. This could be a very productive week. In your love life: Mischief? Or harmless pleasure? It may soon be time to think about drawing a line. But not necessarily right now!

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-04-13)

The ball of rock we're living on just keeps on spinning. As it turns, we spin with it. It's astonishing that we don't feel dizzy. Yet, we don't even notice the rotational motion. What sets us in a spin, is the way life turns and twists. Just when we think we've got everything under control, whoops, there it goes again, turning things upside down and round about. Even though the Astrological Blue Moon may unsettle you or cause you to question a key relationship, your life is taking a real turn for the better this week. In your love life: Events are making you face a choice. Raise your spiritual consciousness or sink into a sense of unnecessary unease.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-04-13)

There are reasons why we won't do particular things. These are often based on sound thinking. Perhaps we've made promises to ourselves or to others. Or, we've made decisions based on our experience. But sometimes, our reasons are silly. We base our excuses on miscalculations. We manage to convince ourselves that we're standing up for something we believe in when, in truth, we're sitting on the fence, colluding with our fears. When the Astrological Blue Moon brings an opportunity, don't be afraid to take it. In your love life: Be wary of a potentially unhealthy symbiosis in a key relationship now!

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-04-13)

There's absolutely no chance of you witnessing a phoenix rising out of the ashes if you're not prepared to behold a raging metaphorical fire. If you're on the lookout for a magnificent rainbow, you'll need to take yourself where there's a good chance of rain and sunshine. Life is full of bittersweet moments. We have to be prepared to take the rough in order to appreciate the smooth. You've become aware of an unsatisfactory situation. Yet, the Astrological Blue Moon suggests you're about to discover the gift it holds. In your love life: Your fan club has many followers; and part of the attraction is your mystique. Don't try too hard to be accessible.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-04-13)

I need to find the right way to say this. um, it's just that your grasp on the reality of a situation is a little how can I say it Er you're in danger of banging your head against a brick well you get the picture. The thing is, I don't want to be confrontational. You're a Gemini. You know what's what and you're sensitive to criticism. So, I'll try some reverse psychology. You're doing amazingly and your judgment is faultless. Perhaps, though, to keep others on board, you might be wise to listen to their opinions. In your love life: Ignore your concerns. Your solution is as close to perfect as you're ever going to find. It's now time to apply it.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-04-13)

Breaking news! Due to this week's Astrological Blue Moon, you're being transported into a different dimension. You're living in a universe where everything looks and feels the same as it did, but certain factors have been altered beyond recognition. Okay, that might sound a bit fantastical. But, it's a fair enough evaluation of the scenario you find yourself facing this week. It's as if an ethereal spirit being is watching you with the ability to change things to suit your aims. Just be careful what you wish for. It might come true. In your love life: You are about to enjoy significant increase in status. Step, with humility, into your position of power.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-04-13)

Although everyone makes misguided decisions, there's no denying that you're a lucky person at heart. If you're feeling flummoxed and confused by that assertion, it's because you're feeling unusually uncertain about following your intuition. Where you've been doubting, you should (galvanised by the Astrological Blue Moon) be able to make an important choice. If you'd rather hold on to your doubts, you might be fall into feelings of self-importance. Yet, no matter your attitude, luck is presenting something delightful. In your love life: Disentangle yourself from negative responses. Resist the urge to get further into something you need to let go of.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-04-13)

You appear to be caught on the horns of a dilemma. You have a choice to make. You can either develop a friendship or make a categorical point. You can't, though, do both. I'm here to remind you that you've already won the argument. You know, in your heart, that you're right. But being right isn't always a comfortable position to be in. It can be lonely. Sometimes, it's better to be in good company than isolated at the top. There are grey areas in which a gentle compromise will work very well this week. In your love life: Don't let this sleeping dog lie! Wake it up. Make it bark and draw the attention of someone who can help.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-04-13)

Every conversation involves an element of risk. Suppose it turns confrontational? Or creates misunderstanding? Suppose it starts a relationship with someone who might not have your interests at heart? Yet, we're social beings. Since we can't move or speak without making relationships, we learn to filter out such worries. As the Astrological Blue Moon forms in your sign, you're taking courageous action. Although the repercussions will be important, you will like what they bring. Keep doing what you're doing this week. In your love life: You are just having a minor wobble. Steady yourself. A development very soon will bring an inspiring revelation.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-04-13)

There are more than a few people in your life who feel confident that a part of you belongs to them. Most of the time, this feels flattering. Yet, it places you under a lot of pressure too. When other folk project their feelings and expectations on you they also place a weight on your shoulders, which is why you sometimes feel guilty. This week, under the Astrological Blue Moon, you're being given a chance to break free from several arrangements which have become burdensome. Be strong enough to help yourself. In your love life: You can't break the rules of nature to make the impossible' happen. But you may be able to bend the rules a little.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-04-13)

Where is it all going to end? You've been on this particular path for a long time, and you're becoming understandably bored with the endless, repetitive stories that are being told. Although it promises to be a meaty drama, it feels as if you're watching a farce. Under the Astrological Blue Moon, you can create a much more satisfying scenario. This week brings the potential to make a significant change to the plot. Your increasing awareness of what isn't working will enable you to put it right. The end is in sight. In your love life: Don't feel inadequate because your life is not Bollywood. That's a fantasy; you can create real natural magic now.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-04-06)

It's misleading when people talk about seeing into the future'. It suggests that there's only one future that can be seen. But we all have an almost mind-boggling number of possibilities open to us. It's the decisions we make that open certain doors. That's why astrologers need to be able to interpret the movement of the planets. If there were only ever one potential option, predicting future events would be easy peasy! So, in your possible futures this week, some are more attractive than others. Go for the one that appeals the most. In your love life: Some people! Not so easy to get along with, eh? You want peace, love and harmony. You may yet just find some this week!

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-04-06)

Just because you've been provoked into responding to a situation doesn't mean that you've lost sight of your senses. This week, although there will be a few more infuriating reasons for you to feel exasperated, do the best that you can to look for the silver lining in any clouds on your horizon. As much as you're able, refuse to rise to the bait. Like a play which is reaching its final scene, this particular drama is almost over. Keep calm and collected, and when the curtain comes down, you'll be pleased with how it ends. In your love life: Share hope, share light, show sympathy. Be bigger than it all and all that now seems to be so big, will shrink!

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-04-06)

You're wrestling with a dilemma. It's not just that you don't seem able to have your piece of the cake, and eat it, it's that you can't actually see where the cake is coming from. Even though you've got enough flour, you don't seem to have the financial wherewithal to buy several essential missing ingredients. You find yourself in a position where you're being asked to contribute more than you can spare. As the Sun and Saturn link this week, they bring a promise of more comfort and support, and less conflict. In your love life: What's happening now may seem strange, yet it may bring you a most rewarding experience of camaraderie and comfort.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-04-06)

It sometimes feels as if time is stealing life away. At other times, we think of it as a great healer. It's a matter of perspective. Whenever you want it to go slowly, you can be sure that it will race. And when you want it to speed by, every minute seems to take an hour. This week, your attitude to time has an especially important role to play in your approach to a challenging situation. If you find yourself downhearted about all that you have to do, be glad of what fills your day. Despite what you think, your life is about to improve. In your love life: Coming events bring a fresh perspective on a relationship you thought you knew all about already. It's good news.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-04-06)

We all have concepts that we believe in, and others that we simply don't trust. This week, the gap between those two extremes will narrow. As the Sun and Saturn link, you're no longer in a position where you can just hold on to an idea that you were taught to believe in. This is a time when you need to forge your faith in your own fire, so that it burns clearly in your heart and mind. If events this week cause you to question your assumptions, just hold on tightly to what you know in your heart to be right. Good things will follow. In your love life: There's no limit to how many good wishes we can make. Be as kind as you can this week. Your generosity will be justified.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-04-06)

Robots can't feel emotions. On the other end of the spectrum, we don't know whether ethereal beings share the same sentiments as we do. Getting caught up in illogical situations is probably only a human trait. We seem to be particularly talented at the art of making mistakes too. Yet, these are actually wonderful attributes! As the Sun and Saturn link this week, you can be proud of anything that seems to be slipping out of your control. If you're able to step back, you'll realise that it's bringing magic into your life. In your love life: You find yourself trying to understand what someone feels about you. Fear not. Deep bonds develop slowly.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-04-06)

Imagine the scenario: a new kitchen hob is being delivered, but there's no room for it until the plumber has repositioned the sink unit. But the sink can't be repositioned until the joiner has removed the kitchen unit. The difficulty is that you can't afford to pay for the work to be done until you've sold your old kitchen equipment. I'm just trying to describe the circuitous loop you find yourself caught in this week. It's as if nothing is going to plan. Yet, a subtle shift is taking place. You'll yet find a way to make your ideas work. In your love life: You may be concerned that an issue is creating stress; but it is a sign of a positive possibility. Reconciliation is coming.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-04-06)

As your ruler links to Saturn, it brings emphasis to a drama and increases the level of intensity in a relationship. Yet, by following a path of patience, you'll be able to navigate your way through any tensions. The pressure is being piled on for a good reason. You've been putting up with an unsatisfactory situation for too long, and now is the time to take remedial action. All your attempts to move things gently forward haven't had any effect. Don't lose sight of your generosity and kindness, but act decisively and powerfully now. In your love life: Feeling unsure? You should soon make a discovery that warms your heart and alleviates a mood of tension.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-04-06)

There's a communication issue that needs to be tackled this week. You've been avoiding having a conversation because you're worried that someone will dislike hearing what you've got to say. You're sure too, that they won't appreciate the reasoning that lies behind your point of view. Yet, this is all conjecture; actually you're both making assumptions based on your fears. The cosmic message encourages you to initiate the conversation. You'll realise that you have more common ground than you imagine. In your love life: The Sun's link with Saturn suggests an ability to reveal even deeper appreciation. A more rewarding accord awaits.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-04-06)

Imagine that you're waiting for a train. There's been a change in the timetable and you find yourself with an hour to spare so, rather than idle away your valuable time, you find something to read, or watch, that keeps you busy. As the time passes, this experience changes how you feel about your plans for the day. You find yourself wondering whether you really need to board the train when it arrives. This week, take the time to be sure that you're doing what you truly want to do. Having a whole-hearted approach is key. In your love life: Where there's potential for harmony now, it will reveal itself swiftly. Where there is conflict, just look for a way to resolve it.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-04-06)

Wouldn't it be great if we could have things the way we wanted them to be? We can't help but have expectations. Yet we all have a hidden switch, in the back of our minds, which we can turn off if we need to. The problem, is that it isn't always easy to locate. It's often hidden in the metaphorical equivalent of the cupboard under the stairs'; filled with clutter we've forgotten about. As the Sun and Saturn link this week, you can find this switch and use it to change your approach. Then, a challenge will be much easier to deal with. In your love life: Is someone else kidding themselves? You are a straight-talker. So, be gentle as you alert them to an alternate view.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-04-06)

Can we make dreams come true simply by believing that they can? Although the benefits of positive thinking might be hard to quantify, if we don't believe in something, the chances of it coming true are less likely. This week, the Sun and Saturn bring you the chance to take a fresh look at an old idea. Although you've been convinced that it's completely unfeasible, your doubts are based on a false premise. It's worth looking beyond the superficial reasons. Then, when you make your decision, you'll be sure of success. In your love life: You've been feeling the ups and downs of life keenly recently. Soon you'll discover a reason to feel more in love with life!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-03-30)

At the end of April, both the planets in your sign, including your ruler, start moving backwards across the sky. That's an indication that progress, if not exactly reversing, might be slower than you'd like. But that doesn't mean that nothing happens. It simply brings an opportunity to be more thorough in your affairs. The Full Moon in Libra is a sign of the fulfilment of a promise. Progress can still be made, and success arrives in many forms. What you can achieve this month will be worth the wait and more than justify your efforts. In your love life: Are you sacrificing more than you should? Celestial protection will envelop you soon; what's wrong will start to come right.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-03-30)

You might expect the digital generation to be unfamiliar with Polaroid. But the instant print pictures are popular at hipster parties (or, at least, so I'm told!). And as the Sun and your ruler Uranus converge this month in a new sign, you may be keen to, as the song says, Shake it, (shake things up) like a Polaroid picture.' But you don't want being an agent of change to turn you into an Outkast.' Listen to your support network in April. They'll help you see beyond a fleeting moment and initiate something which can be properly developed. In your love life: Who's calling the shots? If you are happy with things, they can stay the same. If not, you have the power to change them.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-03-30)

Your co-ruler Jupiter reverses in April which, in isolation, could indicate an area of growth at least feeling as if it's slowing down. That could lead to moments of frustration. But there's much going on in the sky that serves to counterbalance this. Venus converges with your other ruler Neptune, just as Jupiter changes direction. There's something very positive to be gained by taking a more leisurely pace. It both helps you see the truth at the heart of a matter and enables you to make some satisfying and innovative changes. In your love life: The cosmos is lifting you to an enviable position. Your heart is more likely than not to get what it feels it wants. Be glad.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-03-30)

The Full Moon in Libra signals a time to understand and renegotiate the key dynamics of your most important relationships. You have a chance to regain lost power and re-establish natural justice. But that doesn't mean that April needs to be full of confrontation and competition. Venus enters your sign this month, and your ruler Mars is keen to help you communicate with passion. Although you'll want to make your points emphatically, remaining sensitive is key to you achieving the progress you desire. In your love life: Even if you fear there is a source of stress, there can be peace and harmony soon. Open your heart to that possibility.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-03-30)

The Sun enters your sign this month and links with Uranus (which is in your sign) for the first time since 1941. It brings you the chance to be the leader of change. And, as your ruler Venus journeys through a part of the sky associated with visions of utopia, not only will you see how things can be better, but you'll begin to feel comfortable about being part of the movement bringing this vision to life. You don't need to sign up and join the revolutionaries in April, but where progress can be made, you'll benefit from being on the frontline. In your love life: Someone who offers sweet stability is not second-best. It's comfortingly clear that you have such a potential companion.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-03-30)

With your ruler moving forward again, and Mars in Gemini, you're cooking with gas. But it's not a simple recipe that can be blindly followed. April's Full Moon in Libra calls for creativity and curiosity. You need to be willing to test new ingredients as you search for flavours that don't just entice, but also address a growing inner hunger. Of course, some of the things you try won't be to everyone's taste. But it's by pushing boundaries and bringing your best to the table that you'll have the greatest chance of feeling satisfied. In your love life: If two people understand each other, they can forgive any fault. But there must be trust. Trust can be built or rebuilt.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-03-30)

April asks you to put down a marker. What would you like to work towards and see come to fruition? While the New Moon helps you to consider where you direct your energies and channel your passion, it's the Full Moon in Libra that lays the firmest foundations for success. For the second time this year, the ruler of your sign becomes full in a part of the sky concerning your roots, your home base and the sanctuary from which your life grows. Visualise the world you want to create this month, and you can start to make it happen. In your love life: Maybe it's fine for you to put someone else's needs before your own now. But if not? You can always say no!

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-03-30)

If you talk to sporting champions, they'll highlight the pitfalls of winning; what to do once you've reached the pinnacle of competition? How to motivate yourself to start from scratch the following season? Life, like sport, doesn't simply stop once milestones are reached or goals fulfilled. This month, just because you can achieve meaningful success, it doesn't guarantee satisfaction. To take advantage of the opportunities April brings, you need to adapt to meet a series of new challenges. Luckily you'll have ideas to do that. In your love life: In someone's company, you are a different person; the same goes for them. A problem or an advantage? You'll know soon.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-03-30)

Your ruler, Mercury, has been opposite Virgo for some time. As such, there have been instances of crossed wires in your personal relationships. But, partly because of all you've been through, April brings the chance to deepen your bonds with others. If you can learn from recent experiences, free your mind, and be open to changing your approach, you can really explore how far life will take you. You may start the month tired, but you're not spent. You're about to discover the depth and beauty of your resources. In your love life: Sometimes you won't take instruction. Being free means having freedom to feel and never mind why. That's good for you now.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-03-30)

April's Full Moon takes place in Libra. That's a potent sign that you can manifest the best outcome in a tricky situation. It's also very encouraging in terms of key relationships. It indicates a rebalancing that will allow both sides to improve how they assert their ideas and communicate their strengths. Your ruler's rendezvous with Neptune suggests this realisation comes at just the right time, and helps to free you of redundant constraints. Focussing on forming a close connection with someone will prove most rewarding. In your love life: Is a hidden dynamic at work? All can change for the better. It just needs one party to wake up. To want change is to get change.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-03-30)

April brings something different to your interpersonal connections. As the Sun converges with Uranus opposite your sign (for the first time in 78 years), while Pluto prepares to reverse, you'll discover where you've lost sight of what you need in your key relationships. Then, you'll be able to initiate the changes necessary to make them more rewarding. With Mars in a new sign, you're being given the courage to put the cat among the pigeons, regardless of how complex the issues are! So compassion and forgiveness are key. In your love life: You are a true romantic. All I need add is that a romantic attitude now will prove appropriate and rewarding.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-03-30)

When we're feeling at ease, it's easy to act naturally. But sometimes it removes our checks and balances. Jupiter is in Sagittarius, its celestial home, where it rules the roost. But, as it reverses this month, there could be repercussions that would normally be suppressed behind closed doors! Fortunately the Full Moon in Libra helps forge emotional bonds that transcend such matters. Your creative mindset, plus your ability to discover breakthroughs, are worth the price of any misadventure. In April you'll prove just how valuable you are. In your love life: Coming events bring precious insight into your heart, and an equally valuable understanding of how someone else truly feels.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-03-23)

If you're waiting for someone to come to see things the way you want them to, you may have a while to wait. Even if you were able to shine a bright light into the shadows of their fear, they might not be able to discern the potential. So, you're going to have to harness your growing clarity and make a decision by yourself. You don't really need anyone's approval. Neither are you dependent on anyone for their support. Although you'd appreciate some help, you have the wherewithal to move ahead on your own for now. You won't regret it. In your love life: You know what you have to do. You started the journey some long while ago. Progress will be slow... but steady.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-03-23)

When we're little, although parts of us don't know very much, other parts know plenty. We go to school, where our heads are filled with information, whilst our over-looked, inner voice grows ever more quiet. It's little wonder that we hardly remember what we once knew. Mercury's movements are reminding you of the wisdom you have at your disposal. An intuitive idea, growing from the very essence of your being, is reaching up and making itself known to you. Be attentive and allow yourself to be guided this week. In your love life: A moment may come where you have to make a gesture of faith in someone. Your heart knows more than your head. Trust it!

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-03-23)

Are you anticipating a tricky week? Do you need to be prepared for a stressfully tense and troublesome time? Definitely not! As Venus enters your sign, it offers support and encouragement. Challenges find their way into our lives more swiftly when they know that we're preparing a space for them. As long as you can embrace and nurture the optimism that's being offered, you'll be able to work on the assumption that there's nothing you can't cope with. Then, you'll realise that this maxim is true: all is well. In your love life: The planet of love joins Mercury in Pisces. That's a big advantage, both materially and emotionally. You're set for a fine week.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-03-23)

A few years ago, as I sat next to a pilot in a dual-control plane, he let me have a go at flying. In the safe knowledge that he could take over in an instant, it felt exhilarating to manoeuvre in the sky for a few minutes. But it was very obvious that only the expert could get us down safely. It's surprisingly easy to feel as if we're more capable than our experience merits. The cosmos, this week, is in the process of showing you something. Don't feel that you need to rush. Allow yourself time to learn, and don't be too proud to seek assistance. In your love life: Even if you sense a lack of support, events this week will inspire you. Something up there loves you after all.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-03-23)

Just because things aren't going quite as you'd planned in one area, you're tempted to assume that everything's going badly. This week brings a reminder that you can nip any negative thoughts in the bud. The last thing you need is a gloomy self-fulfilling prophecy. The reality, is that the problem you're facing stands alone. If you can isolate it from the rest of your thoughts you can stay cheerful about other matters. Although there will be moments of tension, there's a cosmic promise of potential magical resolutions too. In your love life: A small change of awareness and a new understanding, this week, will bring enormous material and emotional advantages.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-03-23)

Are you in the mood to stick to your intended route or does the idea of a magical mystery tour take your fancy? As your ruler slows to a halt, you're finding yourself feeling uncharacteristically pulled towards following the scheduled path. That's understandable; you've got a specific goal in mind. Yet, if you find yourself wandering off your chosen route, there's no need to worry. You're being invigorated by a kindly sky. As Mercury moves forward, serendipitous moments will arrive. Stay open-minded this week. In your love life: Events this week, bring a rare chance to make a personal involvement more meaningful and to lift a restriction.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-03-23)

Not all plant-loving herbivores are the easy-going characters you might expect. The hippopotamus, for example, is one of the most aggressive animals on the planet. Their name comes from the Greek for 'river horse' and, despite their size, they run surprisingly fast. Will that information help you this week? Well, it's as helpful as just about any research you care to carry out! The cosmic climate suggests that it's important to differentiate between what you think you want to know and what you really need to know. In your love life: You are gaining an inspiringly fresh perspective on many aspects of life. You have far more to celebrate than you realise.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-03-23)

Buzz Lightyear, from Toy Story, is such a likeable character. Although his mission, 'to infinity and beyond' is never going to be achievable, his optimism is contagious. In truth, since we're all already part of infinity, we don't need to go beyond it. In a similar way, you're being empowered to see beyond a restriction that's been holding you back. The challenge is to realise the potential you already have. You have everything you need to succeed. By proclaiming what seems to be impossible, you'll discover how to achieve it. In your love life: Conflicted between your head and your heart? Stop seeking a 'perfect' solution. Isn't there something right about what's wrong?

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-03-23)

Without meaning to, in the search for reason, we can sometimes find ourselves in an extreme position. In the quest for quiet, we can raise our voices. Or we can take simplicity to new lengths of complication! You probably know where your forecast is heading. Even when your ruler slows down, you're quick off the mark and able to anticipate people's thoughts. Yet, in the run-up to it moving forward again, take care that you don't jump too far ahead. In one area, where you think you haven't done enough, you have. In your love life: It's time for sincere communication. Be clear, be fair, be truthful. This will elicit a straightforward response that is helpful.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-03-23)

No matter how kind a teacher might be, they need to have the authority to keep their class under control. If they allow just one child to get away with something, there's a chance that the rest will follow suit. That's why we learn to behave in the same way as other people and fear the consequences of stepping out of line. We have an in-built nervousness of authority figures and can be too quick to do what we're told. This week, as Mercury changes direction, you're encouraged to be a bit more rebellious. You might find that you enjoy it! In your love life: Can that fantasy come true? If ever there were a chance of this delightful development, it would be sometime soon.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-03-23)

Even the cleverest people can't think as fast as they'd like. Our brains function in a methodical way; their default activity is to process information rather than create it. Our heart works faster. Not only does it know the answers before the questions have been asked, but it's always correct. It's just that our mind often insists that it knows best. As Mercury slows down before changing direction, it's worth bearing this in mind. You've already reached a good decision. It's just that you're struggling to reconcile it. In your love life: An exceptional outlook, due, not least, to Mercury's fast-approaching change of direction. The cosmos will take care of you.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-03-23)

It's time to put down all those limiting thoughts about what you can't do. Try too, to ignore all your understanding about any challenges you're facing. I know; it's a lot to ask. Feeling disgruntled galvanises you into action, puts fire in your belly and permits you to act with efficiency and focus. Yet, you're right to suspect that your current approach could be improved. Dare you reveal how you feel about a sensitive issue? By allowing yourself to accept your emotions, you'll gain the respect and co-operation you need. In your love life: The week will demand a spontaneous response from you. Your spur-of-the-moment, inspired idea will work out perfectly.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2019-03-16)

You could, of course, just give up, take to your bed, snuggle up under the duvet and watch box sets for the week. You could abdicate your responsibilities and let someone else take over just stay out of the way until they've done it their way'. That doesn't feel right? Well, in that case, why are you even thinking about running away? Just because a problem is on your horizon doesn't mean that everything needs to come crashing to a halt. The Supermoon Equinox will help you to find a simpler and better solution. In your love life: Soon, you open your eyes to an aspect of someone's character that you hadn't appreciated before. That only improves a close bond.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2019-03-16)

Were you ever made to sit on the naughty step when you were a kid? Although we all like having time to ourselves, being intentionally excluded only has a negative effect. Sometimes, life's events conspire and create scenarios in which we feel estranged from a situation we want to be a part of. You're feeling distanced from a project, or a person, and are feeling a sense of isolation. Yet the Supermoon Equinox is a clear reminder that you're not alone. You have support, and are much in demand, as you'll discover this week. In your love life: Things may not be quite as you wish they were in your emotional life now. But that is only so you can move to a happier long-term future.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2019-03-16)

You're finding it hard to make up your mind, and you're under pressure to say yes' or no'. But you don't seem to be able to move beyond words like perhaps', maybe' and probably'. Yet, when you're passionate about something, it's easy to find an unequivocally positive response. There are a lot of different ways to express the grey in-between area when we don't know how to say no'. The Supermoon Equinox enables you to see what you want to do with clarity. Then you'll find the confidence to give a heartfelt response. In your love life: When tensions arise are they not always better addressed through dialogue? But try to pick the right moment before you talk!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2019-03-16)

You're motivated to understand as much as you can about an issue that means a lot to you. Yet life seems determined to create distracting situations. You can't just give up on the commitments you've made. Nor can you wriggle out of the various tasks and duties you're signed up for. Yet despite the pressures other people are putting on you, the interruptions won't stop your progress. As long as you keep your objective in mind, the Supermoon Equinox indicates that you can take important steps towards achieving it. In your love life: Even if you can't force an aspect of your emotional life to unfold just as you wish, you may yet be very happy with how things turn out.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2019-03-16)

No matter the state of your finances, in one account at least, you're in credit. You've accumulated a great deal of goodwill. Although your generosity may not have brought financial rewards your way, the sacrifices you've made, and the support you've given to others, has achieved recognition of a different kind. Now, at the Equinox, and with your ruler in a powerful position, you can call in a favour. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want this week. There's a good chance that your request will be answered. In your love life: The great romantic dream is one thing. The reality of a relationship is another. But would you really want things now, to be any other way?

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2019-03-16)

The bad news is that the amount of luck available to you is limited. The good news is that you don't need much of it! A high percentage of what you want to achieve can be attained through skilful planning and good networking. You just need to position yourself where you're most likely to be needed, at the time you're going to be able to achieve most success. Then, stick with your gut feelings. The Supermoon Equinox enhances your intuitive powers. Proof that you've made the right choice is on its way. In your love life: Confidence is contagious. Certainty is seductive. You may soon cause the earth to move for someone with your strength and charm.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2019-03-16)

How does your future look at the Equinox? About as bright as you'd like it to be! So there's no need to be downhearted. In fact, the higher you set your sights, the further you will go towards achieving your dreams. It's time to set the cosmos a challenge. The Supermoon entitles you to ask for what you want. Set the bar high. Dare to expect the unexpected. As long as you keep your mind open to all eventualities, and aren't too specific, you're in for a good week. Try to focus on how you feel. That's what really matters. In your love life: Love songs are often about dreams. Dream boats, dream lovers and dreams coming true. The Supermoon may yet bring such a time to you.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2019-03-16)

Once upon a time everyone strived to be respectable. No one wanted to stand out as odd or peculiar. Nowadays, that's all changed. We delight in eccentricity and relish every opportunity to be individual and stand out from the pack. We dare to be different. The Supermoon Equinox highlights your potential to have a positive effect on the lives of the people you care about. Don't allow yourself to be fooled into making unhealthy comparisons and worrying about whether you're doing the right thing. You are. In your love life: Somewhere in your family life now is exasperation. Yet happily, also, there is a deep affinity and profound loyalty. This counts for far more.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2019-03-16)

When you're invited out to a restaurant for a meal, there's absolutely no need to prepare a packed lunch to take with you. Your sandwiches will just take up space, or (if you're tempted to eat them en route) ruin your appetite. In a similar way, when life this week offers you an encouraging development, there's no need to prepare for any potential mishaps. As the Equinox is empowered by the Supermoon, all you have to do is trust and appreciate a new situation that presents itself. Something joyous is on its way. In your love life: If you can't yet see how to reach an unlikely mutual agreement of tremendous potential personal benefit, just keep looking.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2019-03-16)

When we enjoy doing something, it's natural to want to repeat the experience. No one ever eats something delicious only to never wish to taste it again. The same applies to solving problems. Once we've worked out a solution, we want to be able to do it again. We can even unconsciously create difficult situations so that we can demonstrate our skills. With the Supermoon in your sign at the Equinox, you can make a big impression this week. You don't need to try to prove anything. Just be yourself, that's more than enough. In your love life: Whoever talked you into a particular idea, however this happened, you can get yourself into a better place from here. That's all that counts.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2019-03-16)

The power of the Supermoon Equinox indicates that much more is possible than you think. Where you're uncertain about what to do, you'll have clarity. Where you have a gentle stirring of an idea, you'll have a growing sense of determination. Where you have an unspoken hope, you'll have a flame of faith. Although your judgment is not impeccable (no one's is), you've made an important good choice recently. Use your natural insight to guide you and you can travel far along a delightful road to a very satisfying destination. In your love life: When we try too hard to understand others, we can become confused. For best results in your personal life now, take things at face value.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2019-03-16)

We live on a spinning ball of rock surrounded by craziness. We all seek a way of living more peacefully and try to find ways to bring reason into the ridiculousness. We all need and deserve some kind of help. Even the people who are in powerful positions where they can help, need help. That's you then! You never stop thinking about what you can do for other people. The Supermoon Equinox will help you to instigate an important change this week. First though, you need to be humble enough to let someone help you. In your love life: Give away a victory. Allow someone else the taste of triumph. At least that way, you'll keep what matters most.