Weekly Astroguide
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-05-29)
Your aptitude to learn new things would be remarkable. Not a very good time for traveling. Someone you know might overreact to situations concerning finance, bringing uneasy moments at home. Try to get out of your office early for some recreation. You need to spend some time with children and teach them good values and let them know their responsibilities.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-05-29)
Shared activity will benefit. Get onto the practical side of things as the week unfolds. Don't push problems to some other time. You may have to spend some extra money on your children's education. The key is to get a budget made up and get the small money organized. Account for all the spending, that way you'll end up a winner.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-05-29)
You will have to come down on your ego as you do this. Those fancy surroundings will have to be put off for a later stage. In financial matters you will need to make compromises and lower your budgets if you are starting a new project. You might depend on your own stimulations and ideas to attain internal autonomy. You could be full of commotion along with industrious work.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-05-29)
The week promises new ways to earnings as the opportunity will come to you. Parents or elder siblings will help financially the unemployed to find a new set-up for their livelihood. Sports persons will make a record in their sports event. This is not the right time for committing yourself to any long term financial plans. Factors that you are currently unaware of may be unearthed in the future.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-05-29)
This could be the best time to introduce your loved ones to family members, if tying the nuptial knot is on your mind. Unemployed awaiting the result of an interview will receive a favorable result. A tolerably good time for educational pursuits, carelessness or neglect can spoil things. New friendships or religious inclinations can make life comfortable and happy for the married ones.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-05-29)
Trip with your loved one will present you some romantic moments. Those related to the real estate field would have a favorable time for their business dealings. Those in the teaching profession will find a happy glow all over your professional matters. You will gain a partner who will provide you with practical and earthy but money-spinning ideas.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-05-29)
Builders will be pulled up by the government authorities over some pending projects. So keep watching. Entertainment and sports will divert your concentration from studies. So try to give much attention in studies. Some relief from debts can be expected. You may put into practice your long cherished ideas. It is advisable for you to spend some time with your family members as well.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-05-29)
After last week's hyper-active time, you may now try to relieve your nerves and spend time with your family. This can make you feel relaxed with a sense of satisfaction. A new romance will bring excitement to your life. Don't push your opinions in others. Get involved in activates that will keep you relaxed. More self-discipline will have to be exercised for you to get success.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-05-29)
You are more appealing and colleagues will respond favorably to your leadership. Rejuvenate a relationship. Unexpected pleasure makes an interesting time. Solve your problems and make important decisions. You are in control of situation and able to guide yourself with ease. Your self-confidence is good time and you are full of cheer. Create a balance in all of your affairs.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-05-29)
You may be asked to take on a new role in the organization. Seek the trust and confidence of others. A get-together with friends can prove rewarding. This is an excellent opportunity to eliminate the nonessential. Friends will find you most spontaneous and full of energy. Ideas and interaction with authority may be in the fore. You bring a great deal of love to your work.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-05-29)
Sympathy and understanding take on greater importance now. Manipulate a situation to get the result you desire. Good judgment is an important lesson during this time, and helps to make a potentially rewarding period a reality. Work-responsibilities may require more efficiency or more training. Financial problems can emerge now. Seeking compromise can prove very effective in all your dealings.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-05-29)
Stay away from issues over which you are not clearly known. It is possible to exceed your financial limits, so watch your finances. Upkeep around your living area is also important to you. Do not overspend on entertainment and luxuries. One-sided infatuation will ruin your happiness. Vitiate the family atmosphere. Do not let your friends take advantage of your generous behaviour.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-05-15)
If you can act wisely, you will be able to reap the rewards. All commitments and financial transactions need to be handled carefully. Health of an elderly person causes some worry. Don't do some heinous crime. Great time when you would receive all the attention you want- you would have many things lined up and you would have problems in deciding which ones to follow.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-05-15)
Chances of meeting someone who would appeal to your heart would be very strong. An eye problem could become worrisome; seek medical advice. There will be excitement, fire and emotion in your romance. Things are great with your partner, and life is a picnic - full of enjoyment, love and laughter. You will be more active than ever before and more contented.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-05-15)
May be its time to take action. You will hold your feelings and emotions now to yourself rather than sharing this with your loved ones. This will result in worry for both of you. Be prepared to wave a tearful goodbye to family. Land deals and building activities go smooth for those who are in real estate field as authority can be helpful.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-05-15)
Power and independence can be achieved through the cultivation of self-knowledge and skills. This would be a good time to make your plans. Strengthen your inner focus and become clear towards your goals. Use that starlight to move through the dark of unfinished business. This is a good time to organize or rearrange a business situation. There may be some discussions with your partner, try to compromise over financial matters.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-05-15)
Meeting with seniors will definitely be very stimulating. There is a change happening that brings about new concepts and new understandings. Unexpected expenses occur, but you are successful in affairs of business. Your sensitivity is increased, refocus and rearrange your priorities and you will find a new strength to act. Circumstances can throw you into positions where you must communicate successfully.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-05-15)
Your inner self and your goals are the most active parts of your personality now. You are inclined to give encouragement to others. Express your ideas more clearly. Some positive things are in store for you. Income can come from an unexpected direction and sources. If you are uncertain about your goals and objectives, this is a good time to seek guidance from others.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-05-15)
Things seem to revolve very much around money just now. There is a strong need for self-reliance. It needs to develop things from its own center to feel secure. There can be some psychological and emotional problems to evaluate with much esteem. Think realistically and help others to do the same. A minor illness should be treated seriously. Allow intuition to work with mind.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-05-15)
Love relationship will be strengthened and if you seek someone's help, you have a good chance of succeeding. Streamlining and organize your work pattern for greater output. Disagreements erupt because you aren't willing to overlook minor irritations as normally as usual. This is a significant time to reevaluate your financial plans for more secure future. Time is indicative of opening the door to a new stage of life.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-05-15)
Seize the all opportunities. An extra job responsibility can prove to be rewarding. You must be flexible when with others plans & views. Emotions are strong and upbeat. Decisions involving family security may exert pressure. It is easy to see the good side of the people around you. Work that requires precision, careful planning and patience is favored. Draw yourselves to opportunities for growth and success.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-05-15)
Lead yourself to growth with your creative talents by strengthening both mind and will. Your high degree of mental concentration makes you an excellent person. Break your daily routine and try something new or different. You will have more backing to support your efforts; and this can lead the confidence to be even more determined to achieve an aim.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-05-15)
Your urge for more freedom can result in tension and making it difficult for you to sleep. You could be looking for radical change in life style; let it flow and let it go, there could be some wonderful surprises. Do not waste energy on useless professional conflicts now. You are totally in a innovative and memorable style. Don't sign any contracts; you are in a impulsive mood.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-05-15)
You may find logical arguments with colleagues are opportunities for increasing your understanding of the patterns of life. Build your own destiny with a strong sense of purpose. Children can cause some disappointment at school due to their lack of interest in studies. If you haven't been taking sufficient rest then you will feel extremely tired and will need extra rest.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-05-09)
Do not overspend on entertainment and home improvement. You can put in a lot of labor that will get your plans off to a flying start and allow you to imagine what the completed effect will be like. Affairs of the heart may give you pain. The time is not favorable for making new moves, it is a good one for research work.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-05-09)
Advance investigation can set you up for experimental work that you want to get started with as soon as possible. Business people may be able to obtain valuable information that will put them in a stronger position. You are gifted when it comes to career decisions. Questions about the trustworthiness may crop up express your emotions clearly. Cooperation is the secret to success.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-05-09)
You need the fresh air and exercise. This is a great time to work on your circumstances; you may gain information that will help you to progress. New insight and inspiration can emerge to guide you. Opportunities are particularly important now. You will behave like a true diplomat, and your excellent communication skills will help you succeed. Publicity can affect your status or position.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-05-09)
Monetary gains are surely there and you will invest good amount of money in right scheme after completely scrutinizing it. By this you will earn a lot. You must enjoy and take pleasure in every moment, as you will have everything which everybody desire for. Love is warm with passion and intimacy and your main support. Take care of the older people of your family.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-05-09)
You will get out of your own self and look at the world and what is going around you. Your heath is proper and on work side you will have gains and new ventures waiting for you. All this is just because you have confidence and are not getting anxious. Good time to invest money for secure future.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-05-09)
You will be physically fit and ready to acquire property or stocks for investment purpose. You will realize that partying and having fun is a part of small life but people who have nothing and are physically and mentally challenged are to be taken care of. You will join social institutions. Again personal life will be more important to you than anything in life.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-05-09)
You will maintain your relations with love and affection. You will get fruits of the seed you have sown similarity you will get more love in reciprocal from this people and you will feel content. At last you will observe that your work is settling down with new set goals. For you work is worship as you are workaholic by nature.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-05-09)
Partnership business will be going good and in job those who are going a joint venture will definitely progress with help of the different ideas you receive from colleagues. You will solve petty issues at home smoothly and your attempt for great bonding will be fulfilled. Your friend on foreign land may give you some good news. Elders and younger both need your support.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-05-09)
You will nourish your mind for getting more creative and innovative thoughts, which will be useful in your work. Major decisions are to be taken also some old decisions may be thought again in this time. What you really want is the proper planning of the commitments. New opportunities and deals are also indicated. You will have many social function and parties to attend.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-05-09)
Love life is going to be excellent as dating and interaction is good. Financial condition is safe now as money inflow is satisfactory. You may join a working group for the welfare of the people. You will spread love in the air and it will reach all your loved ones, your parents, in laws, kids and spouse if you have.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-05-09)
You will meet loved ones and friends in this and may do some new things of your hobbies. You are caring by nature but emotions are so high that you will keep everybody in one cover. Your friendship with associates will be great and this will be bringing a healthy office milieu. You have become more down to earth it is due to this.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-05-09)
You will become generous by heart. You will work for the people. You are like a problem solver, as your friends or an unknown person who will seek your help will not go with empty hand. You will make their problems your own and will try to help them out. You may also work fore social organizations. You will also support your family members with money and love.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-04-24)
At home, matters will slowly settle down. Perhaps you have come to terms with problems that defy all solutions. It would be better not to discuss controversial topics with your relatives and family friends as this could create a division in the family. A direct interaction with a customer is likely to give you ideas to infuse a new life in business.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-04-24)
You are required to proceed with caution as far as your work is concerned. However, one of your subordinate may make a suggestion about improving efficiency at workplace. The married will ask their mate to overlook their faults. Take care of your diet. The important decisions taken by you could result in a major breakthrough in your career.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-04-24)
You should not take risks in ventures regarding, which you have, no idea or expertise. Don't make investments in haste-Losses are certain if you don't look at investments from all possible angles. Sudden romantic encounter may confuse you. Keep away from joint ventures and partnerships. As food owes its flavor to salt-some unhappiness is essential only then you realize the value of happiness.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-04-24)
You will have gains in business, which will really motivate you. You should have great confidence to take chances. You may take a break from routine activities to be alone with your thoughts. Nothing goes as planned. There are very few problems that can be solved in the afternoon. Keep the lines of communication open. New projects may be more difficult or time-consuming than you had anticipated.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-04-24)
You may have to cancel a forthcoming travel. Learn techniques of stress relief. Your communicative abilities and travel are in main focus. Think about settling debts at this time. Take the initiative in romance or in making entertainment plans. Clear perspective gives you a quick handle on a complex situation. You will be successful in a personal negotiation.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-04-24)
Traveling will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that assist in defining what you want. There are some unresolved issues in a relationship, this is a time to confront them. You may be pre-occupied with a creative project. Clear up any differences you may have with a close friend now. Financial developments are positive. Minor obstacles prevent you from doing what you had in mind.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-04-24)
You should expend great enthusiasm in moneymaking efforts. By taking chances, you will enjoy a rewarding time and you can expect your fortune to change. Don't withdraw into yourself. A friend will give you the right guidance. Be innovative with ideas if working in team. You may not be able to keep your schedules. On the professional front, managers are likely to get a free run of the field.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-04-24)
A monetary guidance may lead to a more secure financial future. Others might start construction work on the land that has been acquired earlier. Your mate or beloved could find out and confront you with evidence of your infidelity. This move would be guided primarily by the shortage of space than by any problem within the family. Several opportunists will try to jump on to your bandwagon for personal gains.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-04-24)
You have simply to ignore others. In fact, it would be wiser for you to work independently to safeguard your position. It may take some time but the preparations made in advance would be helpful to lead you to your desired objectives and goals with ease. However, you should observe slight precautions while spending money since your expenses will be more than your actual earnings.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-04-24)
Seniors may complain of slight health problems. Some of you are likely to benefit through the sale of property that has been lying vacant for a long time. Government employees may be transferred to important centres, taking them closer to their career objective. However, for those suffering from acute asthma or cough and cold, a complete bed rest is advised.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-04-24)
You might be richly rewarded with a promotion, or an increase in income further and adulation. Those of you who are working in partnerships or tie-ups could have serious differences with your associates. However, seniors may complain of pain in the chest or lower abdominal region, which should be thoroughly investigated. They are required to pay necessary attention towards their educational accomplishments.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-04-24)
A patient and flexible approach would be quite beneficial for you. But you have to take every possible care as you may sustain minor injuries. Any workplace gossip should be ignored. An assignment abandoned earlier for some reasons will come up for your consideration again. It will also encourage you to take risk in new ventures and elevate your social status further.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-04-24)
Stay active to push the boundaries. Circumstances bend to your will and things have a way of working out smoothly. There are new horizons opening up. You will be eager to impress your seniors and bosses. Refrain from getting angry at those around you. This is a good time to make a commitment to a partner. Explore the world around you.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-04-24)
Take step forward towards your goals that are right for you. Don't be too quick to make a judgment about a friend. You may want to get away from everything. Protect yourself from too many activities. Devote some of your time to be disciplined and get fueled by greater ambitious visions. There are opportunities to complete and work out difficulties that require both long-term efforts.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-04-24)
Luck will increase and you can passively accept. You will truly experience happiness and fulfillment. You are aware of your limits and you have enough ability to move ahead. You have an innate ability to guide and lead others through the hurdles and hassles of life. Your love life is bound to be harmonious and fulfilling. You may suffer from nervous anxiety.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-04-24)
You will gain buoyancy and can rely upon yourself. At office you may be busy in attending meetings and making a proper schedule for the betterment. Health related issues may see a rise and need to be taken care of. You will have a mesmerizing effect on all you meet by your good communication skills and the positivism you have in you.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-04-24)
Your communication skills will improve, as well as your wardrobe will be changed. You oomph factor have different charm. You will have great time with your friends, family, love and peers. You will be apple in everybody's eyes. You will feel that things are at last falling into proper place. This is just because of your insightfulness and wisdom, which you maintain.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-04-24)
Your decision power is improving and this will be shown in your work. Your love life will have depth and intensity. You may go for the interior of your home or your office. You may make changes, which are definitely required from a long time. You have saved money for this from long time and now its time to go for it.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-04-24)
You may invest some money for the security of future in fixed deposit or mutual funds. You care for the people who rely on you may try best to support them. In short, it is likely to be a mixed average time for you. You will have to maintain fast pace to overcome over all the challenges and commitments as work.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-04-24)
You will tackle everything with your brilliance and creativity. You will take knowledge from different things about your field so there will be no chance of mistake. You may suddenly come in contact with your overseas relative and may have some gain from it. Your relations and family is everything for you and so you will spend as much time you can get.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-04-24)
Relatives will find you amazing and may have good rapport with you as per your interacting nature. Unexpected letter might bring cheers for the entire family. You must avoid financial entanglements with pals. Do not get lethargic at any point as this is the time to work hard and get product at last. Your intuition may tell you to hold back on making a commitment.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-04-24)
If you have the opportunity to move in a different social sphere, give it a try. An invitation may be extended. You must take note of mistakes and correct them. You may have some problem regarding your health. So, take care. Career growth will come to you by leaps and bounds. Stay active and seek to push the boundaries. Words have a strong effect.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-04-24)
Courage and confidence reign. Events around you can be confusing. You may not be able to communicate easily with anyone. Put yourself in a creative environment. Let your imagination guide you to creating something wonderful. This is a time to be proactive. A close friend may seek your for help. Obstacles tend to fall away. Take steps to ensure your success and maintain your present position.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-04-24)
In love relationship express your heartfelt love. Keep a focus on the ideals and dreams of yours. Time to think without interruptions can be very peaceful. You may experience greater comfort in being alone. Work needs to be balanced with some of the normal workflow. Your actions are fortunate, actively pursue them and experience substantial gain. Physical activity means to release energy.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-04-16)
You respect everybody around you and may do your best to help him or her. It is likely that you dedicate your time for your family and may do your level best to make them happy and fully satisfied. You may buy some electronics for the comfort of your family. You will get into placing creativity in your work. These skills will be very helpful to initiate a fresh project.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-04-16)
You may have to maintain your old contacts and make new ones for new deals. You may suddenly will contact someone oversees and may have conversation about the new tie-ups. You will find some other ways to earn. A successful completion of all your ventures is predicted. You will be tied in hectic schedule, which you will have to handle at one time.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-04-16)
You have to take care of all the bonds, which you have made. You may have to make a proper schedule of your time as your time is dedicated to your work, family, friends and you. Finances are to be taken care off. You have to make proper investment. Your eloquence will enhance your efficiency. You may make some changes in yourself as to be a public image.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-04-16)
Your sweet, caring and mixing nature will attract new friends. At work, things may not be happening as per your expectations but if you give yourself enough time, you will surely be able to find a solution. Because this is a mixed time for you, it may not be very easy for you to sort out problems.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-04-16)
You will be able to attend important meetings or would be taking some important decisions. Students willing to go for higher studies have all the luck in favour. You will be benefited from foreign contacts in the second part of the week. Close associates will be cooperative and help you find solutions to many of your problems. Don't take your partners for granted.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-04-16)
New proposals will be lucrative, but require serious planning. Romance will be much better than you're ever thought. A good time for profession and career, if you do not lend your ear to malicious gossips. A character assassination attempt may be in the offing. Opportunity for new and exciting job for some of you. Your impressive communication skills bring you popularity.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-04-16)
Profitable partnership is possible. You lean strongly towards competitive and flirtatious interest and are liable to minor physical discomforts. You feel restricted by your responsibilities and now you are impatient to achieve your goals. Creative and artistic efforts flourish at this time. You may feel out of sync with your partner and dissatisfied. Significant changes and opportunities at this time will make you to take the correct decision.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-04-16)
Disagreements indicated in business partnerships. It may be difficult to resolve. You are being undisciplined and wasting time and energy. You are not able to constrain your compulsive feelings. Continuity can be observed in all your ventures in the first quarter of the week. Whatever you desire for or crave for you will get it. You are seeing the peak in your carrier and work.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-04-16)
You are that kind of person who don't want to compromise in life. You want everything and for that you will do hard work and find ways to progress. You are self-centered and may do best to improve your persona and may buy things for the comfort of family. You will take extra care while planning out activities.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-04-16)
It is advisable for you to avoid taking major decisions related to career now, as you may not be in right frame of mind. You will see growth on the carrier as well as personal side. All your past efforts will pay off as you will get good fruits of it. So you will be in very good mood and hence treat everyone nicely.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-04-16)
You may be confused or double minded about certain matters. Sharing and caring time will be there so you will feel sense of belonging and warmth in love. You would try to shoulder the burden of your near and dear ones by sharing their distress. You love your family and your work and thus will do anything for them.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-04-16)
You will work hard to make a better future for your family and yourself. However you may go through mental agony and tensions at work but you will still maintain to solve issues carefully and peacefully with logical mind. You will feel a completely changed person and you will enjoy this change. Your genuine and kind side will come into light.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-04-12)
Your physical energy and courage are intensified. Channel this abundant energy into decisive action. Don't let pride come in the way of making decision- listen to what subordinates have to say. Travel program made well in advanced might get postponed due to the health problems in the family. Avoid a selfish person as he can give you some tension.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-04-12)
Disappointment in love would not discourage you. Your logical calculations may go wrong and analytical abilities may get affected. You may get disappointed due to these complications. You will succeed in regaining your lost confidence. Waves of anxiety and tension may submerge. Your emotions may struggle hard to come out.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-04-12)
You will be back to your winning ways much to the surprise of your business rivals. You may let your loved ones know how much you care for them. Despite unfavorable situations, you will manage to emerge victorious at the end of the week. Your playful nature in romance will emerge. People would come to know that you are a big flirt.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-04-12)
You will go for outing together and may share ideas and express feeling, which will give you a sense of belonging. You will have happiness with excitement mixed in it. You will succeed in all your projects. Its great time for sharing and expressing. You will find gains from life partner and business partner. Strengthening of old tie-ups is foreseen.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-04-12)
Fun time with kids and friends is there. You will interact more with your loved ones. The week is not good for taking any major decisions of life. You may commit some mistakes for which you will have to regret later in life. Your life will be the best example of a roller coaster ride in the second half of the week.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-04-12)
You will see that all your dreams or wishes will get a reality shape. You will have ease in pushing things ahead. You will have good time at home enjoying with kids and pleasant time with spouse and parents. You have gone on a spiritual trip and there will be vast change in the way of your thinking.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-04-12)
You will enjoy life at most and may not envy others and will have faith in all. You are highly concerned about career and career progress. You will be concentrating all your energies in occupation, to achieve your goals. As the week progresses, you will find support from people around you and finally achieve success in desired work. You will progress on personal side.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-04-12)
You will grow mature by mind. With peace you will learn to organize commitments properly. You will get clear idea of your goals and how to accomplish them. On carrier side you will have oversees contacts and trade or export over there. You may have to go for tour for marketing or expansion of business. You will be able to express your love very nicely so romantic relations may strengthen.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-04-12)
You will be able to develop new professional skills. You may have to play the mind game and handle everything with due tact. You have to be very careful and alert. Don't get money to any body or go for loans as in future you may regret for it. In love relations you may demand for your own space, which your relation may be lacking.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-04-12)
Be caution in your dealing with the opposite gender. This week starts with hilarious parties. Vivacious company and clinking of glasses which has much more to offer for much less efforts. Stars are on a slightly erratic note indicating mixed results. A little bit of forward planning early may turn this into a positive time. Children will achieve recognition and fame in their respective fields.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-04-12)
Adverse financial condition will cause you great deal of anxiety. You are feeling quiet, realistic, and contained. You may be infatuated with someone you meet at social gathering this evening. All your financial transactions will go smoothly. You are eager to discuss your thoughts and plans. Relationships are particularly pleasant and productive now. Don't boldly challenge any inadequacies. But, speak very clearly, convincingly and forcefully.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-04-12)
You want to do more and experience more. Discipline your mind and focus on practical matters. Try to take these minor annoyances and irritations of others in stride. Your creations will inspire you. Your love relationship will intensify and will turn deeply. This is a favorable time to have fruitful discussions with your family members. Emotional self control and feelings of distance and aloneness characterize this time.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-02-28)
Businessmen shelled avoid extending long term credit. New investment or speculative deals pay off better. Material things begin to live up to your expectations. You need to put your intelligence tact and diplomacy to sort problems that trouble your mind. You may begin to gather confidence. Don't let your annoyance lead to impulsive actions. This is a good time to make an in-depth study of new techniques and innovations.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-02-28)
Visit a relative who has not been keeping welling. It looks as if you're on your own for a while-colleagues/ associates may come to your aid- but will not be able to provide much assistance. Try to relax in-between work and avoid late nights. Your gloomy life may give tension to your spouse. Divine knowledge from a saintly man provides solace and comfort.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-02-28)
A repair work at home or social get-togethers likely to keep you busy. Closeness in romantic relationships is likely. You will have to make compromises in relationships at this time. Over exertion at work could reflect on your health at this time. Any small ailment especially that related to the digestive organs should not be neglected at this time.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-02-28)
You will be tense, as you will be burdened by many responsibilities. Many challenges will come up to you at work and just now your main focus is your carrier. At home there are some issues that need to be solved by you but you may neglect them in work. Meetings, conferences will be making you busy. However with courage you will be able to deal with all this.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-02-28)
Your flirtatious nature will emerge now. You may give more importance to opposite gender. This does not mean that you are likely to take a plunge, but you can surely impress and woo someone if you wish. However, you need to control your roving eyes otherwise your reputation is on stake. You will be determined and focus will try to live life at its best.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-02-28)
You will be very secure by nature. You have learned to trust people and love them. Same conflicts will be solved by your easily as you have made your relations untangling. The projects, which were delayed because of some problems, will get new direction. Work and family matters will make you busy but you will enjoy. Creative persons are likely to get maximum benefits.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-02-28)
It is a time of creativity. Writers, poets and artists can perform well in their respective fields. Innovative ideas will keep flowing from your mind. You may check your balance sheet or call on your accountant. You will have to make a long-term investment plan for you and your family future. Use money economically as expenses on touring will be high.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-02-28)
You should not to take any debt or loans, as you will face problem in returning it. It is a favorable time to begin foreign tour. It is also a lucky time to apply for visa. If you want to go for further study, stars are on your side. Business deals and professional activities will go smooth. You will be highly calculative, logical and analytical.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-02-28)
You will forget all the worries of life and enjoy life at its best. You will be chilled out and relax. Your funnier side will come out. You will be much in jolly mood passing light jokes with family and friends. You will spend beautiful time with all the people starting from elders to children. Those expecting higher position on the career front have all the luck in favor.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-02-28)
Freelancers may get good projects. Businessmen will be happy to see the growth and expansion. Personal life is also relatively hassle-free. Your focus is your work. You will work with zeal. Whatever you take on hand you may work on it with full heart without neglecting small issues. Your mind has nurtured and may be with best creative ideas.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-02-28)
You may find the way by which these ideas can be totally applied to the ventures. You will take the authority and work will be your God. You have to adjust the time. You appear to feel a trifle let down by the reactions of someone you care about. Get out into life and chase some recognition in your own field. Your original ideas will be appreciated.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-02-28)
You will have to make little adjustments to your ambitions in order to make things more practical and viable for the future. This you can take on board without any difficulty at all. Problems with servants, colleagues and co-workers cannot be ruled out. Hectic work schedules will keep you busy. Work side you will be offered good position and good new deals will come your way.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-02-28)
Best part of the week is, you will be able to find solution to all these problems by an effective communication with someone equally intelligent. You will go more on spiritual and emotional side. You will have faith in everybody including yourself. You will gain confidence and will have courage to face whatever comes your way with smile. You are likely to throw anger and frustration and open arms for life with cool approach.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-02-28)
Your down to earth approach will win hearts of your clients and colleagues. You may tend to buy historic objects and artifacts. Court matters will come to logical conclusions. You will sniff the sweet smell of success in all your activities. You may satisfy your love for fine arts by taking lessons in music or dance. You will be running short of time, as you will have a long hectic schedule.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-02-28)
New tie-ups meetings conferences will be there which require your presentation and at home some issues and household chores will be there. You may have intellectual stress. You will be forced to think in a particular direction and may also be compelled to finish your work in short time. Pressure may mount on you but if you use your basic analytical abilities, you will be able to handle everything.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-02-28)
Your changed attitude will give the beloved unlimited joy. Don't worry like ice your sorrow will melt now. Success and recognition would be yours if you stay focused on your job. You may be surrounded by confusions which are self created and thus wanton. Puzzling atmosphere may keep you on your toes. Your mind is growing mature and open-minded.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-02-28)
You may at some point of time even want to vanish into oblivion. It is advisable for you to take one task in hand at a time. You will get more generous and kind towards those who are needy. You will take care of the people around you. In short you leave for the people to make them happy.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-02-28)
On the carrier side you will try to gain knowledge of your fields. You may go for higher studies and do PhD in your field of interest. You might get tempted to have tasty delicacies. Your craving for good food will definitely get fulfilled now. You will be seen interacting with people and attending social functions. You may spend your quality time with your family members or love.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-02-28)
You will chill out with friends and this time you will treasure for your life. You may have to attend meeting and some professional gatherings are also indicated. Success is definitely there. You may be more perceptive and easily affected by what is going on around you. Emotional currents of the people around you can disturb you.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-02-28)
You would love to stay home with comforts and support given by your family. You will be on peak in your professional as well as personal life. Everything will be achieved with ease. You don't have to push things ahead. You will be in pink of your health and romantic relation will be observed with your mate.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-02-28)
You had better not booze now. You would like to experiment with different cuisines and you may have to spare some time for such experiments. You will find food to your liking. It may happen in an eating place in your neighborhood. Your abroad contacts will be very useful. They will contact you for unexpectedly and may offer you a big deal.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-02-28)
Touring is definitely on cards for you either it for the expansion of business or for having fun with family. You may plan a trip to a pleasant place where you can blossom. Those who are having travel agency will do a good business. You are highly confident. You may be willing to take risks. Those associated with sports and allied activities will be able to display good performance.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-02-28)
Your resistance against odds is very strong. Risky financial investments should be avoided now. You will enjoy at the most. You will go adventurous and will crave for new an adventure, which stimulates you from long time, but you have not tried yet. You will get romantic and an intense love will be seen in your attitude towards your beloved.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-02-28)
You will spend the time by roaming with friends or love and doing trying things, which you enjoy the most. You are born intelligent and very good organizer too. You may feel lot of intellectual stress. Working out your routine may be slightly difficult for you. There are chances of facing dilemma regarding particular aspect of work.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-02-28)
you don't under estimate the psychological effects of massage.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-02-28)
The new beginning may be some conventions or joint ventures as well. You will take a fancy to fine arts such as drawing and classical music in the evening. If you are a businessman, you should focus on new associations and partnerships. However, you will be responsible for what you decide. It is time of creative guys. Their innovative edge may get sharpened in the evening.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-02-28)
New ideas may ooze out of their minds. You would be feeling lucky now.Be careful if you are investing or setting up a business involving shared assets. You value good research and real inquiry. It is wise now to head for cover and steer clear of people or situations can cause troubles. You want to blow everything out of proportion.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-02-28)
Promotion or monetary benefits for deserving employees. You will tease your romantic partner by prolonging your call. Health requires some attention. There may be opportunities to attend social functions- You may enjoy both food as well as the company. However, you should avoid being possessive about things you love dearly. You might think of visiting a saloon for getting a nice and trendy hair cut.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-02-28)
People may start noticing a difference in your looks from now on. You are likely to feel sensitive, moody, and longing for privacy. You may wish to protect yourself from emotions and problems of others. You may also succeed with your guess work to some extent. Whether your house requires alteration or not you will be in a mood to reorganize things.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-02-28)
You can just make changes with things available. You will decide to make best out of waste. This means you are also cautious about economy, which no doubt is a good factor. Prime concern for the week would be your own creative talents. You may also wish to speculate to gain. In the work place, there will be crucial developments including conventions.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-02-28)
Skin and hair treatment will work wonders for you. The ongoing negotiations will come to their logical ends. You are likely to remain lively and energetic. If you are a business minded person or in marketing, your focus will be on new associations and tie ups. However, the new alliances may not be very fruitful or beneficial.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-02-28)
It is advisable for you to wait for a little more time to sign up new partnership. For you, there is a conflict of energy happening. You may seek advice from other people. You can rest on your past laurels. You are likely to contact bigger organizations or groups. It is a time for networking and coordination. You will find full support from your peers and superiors.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-02-28)
This is to be a little hectic time for you but strong support system may provide you with aid to handle everything successfully. Time is also good for courtship. Those willing to propose someone can surely count on this blessed time.You should take rest from your daily schedule. Problems with loved ones will develop if you don't let them have their way.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-02-28)
Travel would help you establish new contacts. You will be quite happy in friends and relatives company. Don't get upset if you have little money. Cooperation and compromise can go a long way to help a situation. A new obsession can be a very beautiful thing. Smooth your relationship, painful point is something you can do now. A partner's income may change for the better.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-02-28)
Look towards family for support and encouragement. Don't let any change throw your confidence. Step up and accept these well-deserved accolades with pleasure. You will enjoy getting out tonight. Your witty style and delivery are always a plus. Don't let your best intentions get lost in the shuffle. You may find that the project drags on, goes nowhere, or has to be restarted at a later date.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-02-28)
A relationship change is positive. You may find your limitations are no longer what you thought. A family affair looks promising. Work on creating intimacy with your partner tonight. Your emotional progress is considerable. Your tender heart may help you in taking proper care of the people who really matter for you. You require making a better use of available resources to earn monetary gains.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-02-28)
Look after yourself in the way that you like. Add a touch of enjoyment with your favorite exercise, followed by a massage and a cool bath. Get home or family organized to your satisfaction. If a female family member is snappy, don't get into a critical exchange. Work around any tension. You are determined to make changes in your business or your style or functioning.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-02-28)
The time is certainly going to create turmoil in the minds of your colleagues or those who work for you, if you are employing persons. This sudden change in your style is going to be difficult for people to accept. As the time draws to a close you may feel more relaxed. The time is good for home life and limited family conditions.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-02-28)
Some differences with loved ones may arise. A short journey or outing will be amusing and blissful. Tact and better ways of talking is a useful consideration in romance. Activities with business-minded friends and relatives will be helpful to uplift the financial situation. This is a good time to reach out to family members and start a flow of communication.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-02-28)
Your mood might not allow you to work on anything major. However, there will be a definite progress in your mood and now you might get indulged into some or the other activity. The week can be a perfect blend of joy and satisfaction for you. However, you might need to coordinate and bring harmony in your life.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-02-28)
The time might shift your focus from other people to your own self. Ensure that you do not become selfish and mean. Household tasks may keep you engaged. You may get weighed down by the onerous responsibilities cast on you. You will impress those close to your heart by paying special attention to them in the evening.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-02-28)
The sweet smell of happiness will percolate down to others as well. You are in a mood to teach and guide others. You may not be able to decide how to help and guide. Your mind will be clearer and you will derive a particular method out of this experience. At office, You might have top work really hard to crack the nut.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-02-28)
Avoid indulging into any risky venture as chances of loss are very high. On the other hand, you might crave for the company and emotional support of your loved ones in the evening. This can help you come out of this emotional trauma. Children will excel as the pride and joy of the family and bring home laurels. You may recognize their valiant efforts with valuable gifts.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-02-28)
You may be more dogmatic and less pragmatic, because of emotional involvement and attachment. Your enthusiasm can help you in doing something creative. All your tasks on hand might get completed without much hassle. You might recall events of past. This can encourage you to contact old mates and buddies. A good time at work, where you will be able to accomplish some amazing results.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-02-28)
Conservative, practical steps towards greater security and stability will be achieved at this time. This is a good time for making long-term investments, receiving practical training that will provide you with practical, marketable skills. Developments in your business or profession will be good, and you may receive a new insurance policy, greater job security, or any other benefit that ensures a stable, solid foundation for you and your family.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-02-28)
Never let small things bother you. You will be highly attracted by religious activities. Foreign related matters would prove beneficial. People will be the focus. Head out for a meal or just get-together and enjoy some good company. Some of you are likely to buy a new car or an item of luxury. You will involve family members into this and there will be happiness attached to the family outing.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-02-28)
You need to spend some quality time with your beloved, who is probably feeling neglected and is craving for some attention. Balance the demands of the home and demands made by your special friend is required. The time will not be taken well at your professional front and your bosses will see signs of laziness and this may work negatively for your future.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-02-28)
Social and personal relationships may be harmonious, especially if you show the affection and tenderness you are feeling now. You are so upset with your inflated budget that you are not able to think without getting irritated. You want everyone to help you to cut the frills and make things simple and fit into the stipulated budget. Food will be important.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)(2022-01-31)
You will find it easier to get through all your tasks for the week if you focus on the important aspects instead of trying to micro-manage every little detail. Reviewing all the information will help you make the right decisions about certain business or financial commitments. Business meetings will be productive and freelancers could come across some interesting offers.
Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)(2022-01-31)
You may wish to have lunch or dinner at a nice restaurant, for a change. This week will not sound much good. Do not fall for the person by seeing only the exterior beauty, as it may be false. Disputes that are seen in the family from so many weeks may continue but now its high time so try to get it solved.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)(2022-01-31)
You may be turning more on the holy side. You may take interest in god deeds and these morals. You may experience mood swinging in the morning. Some psychic problems may surround you. It is advisable for you to take the help of a doctor. You might desire to spend your evening doing things that you like the most.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)(2022-01-31)
If it is their academics which is worrying you, get that extra coaching and don't burden yourself with what you cannot handle. You may have to re-adjust your budget and have to clearly decide what needs priority. This is an excellent time for a brisk walk or jog in the park. Make sure you have backups of important information, as glitches are possible.
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)(2022-01-31)
Opportunities will come your way for investments; do not take any unnecessary risks. As for your beloved - if you have one - take time off to be together. That will strengthen the bonds of love. Work pressures and other distractions could make it harder for you to get the undivided attention of colleagues. Your initiatives will be appreciated by seniors.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)(2022-01-31)
Don't think twice over spending on lifestyle concerns. You need to capitalize on your contacts and pamper the egos of those who matter. Finance will flow in from more than one channel, much to your surprise. You have been saving money lately and there is no reason why you cannot indulge in a little extravagance. This is a disturbing week. Influential rival may create problems.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)(2022-01-31)
Superior may conveniently forget about your promises that were made to your sometime back. New ventures that come your way may prove to be favorable for some of you. The week is a mixture of activities, social and otherwise. Finish up a home project so you can get on to a new hobby. You may need to make more of an effort to focus on your tasks.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)(2022-01-31)
Married couples will be in close harmony. Some thing will occur which will give you plenty of food for thought. A conservative approach to the business side of the things is needed, but the creative part should have no such restrictions. You will get the benefit of your confidence and patience. Colleagues and loved ones will be ready to help if you ask.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)(2022-01-31)
You will be finishing up with the jobs pending for a month ago. Be prepared for unexpected change in plans. Take the final decisions on your own. The information you obtain from your resources will be invaluable for your organization. A week when someone try to pressurize you to compromise your values or change your opinions about things that you believed for long.
Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)(2022-01-31)
This is a good week to finalize property deals. You should concentrate on projects, which have a long-term benefit. A hectic week as you try to complete important pending work. You could develop new associations that could bring interesting proposals. You may think of investing your saved money somewhere. Simmering issues at work could come to the fore.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)(2022-01-31)
Your unmatchable brilliance and intellectual powers may take you to zenith in your professional life. However as the week progresses, you may remember an old mate and may even write a letter or email to him. You may also share a pleasant conversation with someone close to your heart. There is a heave, which drags to religious activities.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)(2022-01-31)
Your mind want peace from all tensions and this will make you turn towards god. You may have to find way to make money and clear your debts and needs of family. Yoga and meditation are recommended for peace of mind, which you will search. You may spend a large amount of time as well as money on beauty treatments.