Racist Attack on Indian American Family on United Airlines Shuttle

Pervez Taufiq, a 50-year-old Indian American photographer, speaks up about the trauma he experienced after capturing a disturbing video of a woman verbally attacking his family with racist slurs on a United Airlines shuttle bus. Taufiq, along with his wife and three children, was traveling from Mexico to Los Angeles the week before Thanksgiving when the incident took place.
In the video, the woman accosts Taufiq and his family, calling them “not American” and using derogatory terms such as “tandoori” and “stinky.” She accuses them of having “no respect” and being from “f—-- India.” Despite Taufiq asserting that he is American, the woman continued to berate him, saying, “You’re not American. You’re from f—-- India.”
Taufiq posted the video to Instagram, where it quickly gained traction. Thousands of followers, including South Asian influencers and well-known personalities like journalist Katie Couric, rallied in support of him. The woman, who has not been identified, left the bus and spoke with United employees, though Taufiq later saw her at the baggage claim, still glaring at his family.
Taufiq expressed frustration that United Airlines had not responded to the incident. He had hoped the airline would take action against the woman or offer an apology. He even considered reporting the matter to the FBI, but without the woman's identity, it remains difficult to pursue.
The incident has been particularly hard on Taufiq’s 11-year-old son, who was the target of the verbal abuse. Taufiq said his son struggled to understand why people would hate Indians. However, he found solace in the outpouring of support from the South Asian community and beyond, which helped him and his family navigate the painful experience.