
Larry Connor, Patrick Lahey set to dive to Titanic Shipwreck Site

Washington: It is a known fact that the Titan Submersible, which went missing with five people to see the wreckage of the Titanic, met its tragic end.

The incident created a sensation around the world. Now the field is being prepared for another trip to the Titanic site with two people in a submersible. Larry Connor, a real estate investor from Ohio in America, wants to prove that this adventure can be completed safely. Larry along with Patrick Lahey, co-founder of Triton Submarines, will travel over 12,400 feet to the wreckage. Connor spoke to an international media organization about this.
"Even though the ocean is very powerful...I want to convey that if it goes the right way it can be a miracle and it can change lives. Patrick has worked hard for more than ten years to design this (Triton 4000/2 Abyssal Explorer). When I heard the news of the Titan explosion last year, I immediately called Patrick and told him to make a better vessel." Connor revealed.
Lahey said, "Connor told me that they wanted to show the world that they could make repeated safe voyages and build a carrier that could rival the Titan.”

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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