
Man Inhales Cockroach in Sleep, Find Out What Happens Next

A 58-year-old man inadvertently inhaled a cockroach while sleeping. The incident happened in Henan Province of China.

The man named Haiku suffered from severe pain for many days before seeking medical attention.
According to reports, the man breathed in the insect by mistake while he was asleep. He felt something creeping into his nose as he woke up, and then it appeared to be moving down his throat as well.
The following day, he paid no attention to it at all and went about his day until he became aware of his foul breath. Even after three days, his breath remained foul-smelling, and he started to cough up yellow sputum. He then decided to seek medical assistance. When the man initially visited an examination of the upper respiratory tract by an ENT expert at Hainan Hospital, it did not reveal anything strange, according to Oddity Central.
However the patient was certain that something was wrong, so he later referred to the hospital's respiratory and critical care specialist, Dr. Lin Ling. He performed a CT scan of his chest and saw a shadow in the right lower lobe's posterior basal region, which suggested that some foreign object had been lodged there. The suggested treatment was a bronchoscopy.
"During the operation the next day, I saw something with wings in the bronchus. The foreign body was wrapped in a lot of phlegm. After sucking out the surrounding phlegm, the foreign body was exposed. It was a cockroach. At the same time, the secretions around the cockroach were repeatedly washed until they were completely cleaned out. After the operation, the patient felt very relaxed and felt very good. The cough and yellow phlegm were reduced, and there was still a little bit of odor," Dr. Lin Ling told
( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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