Annual theatre fest
The Kerala Museum Amphitheatre is set to host the second of its annual theatre event, the Museum Fest 2013.
The Kerala Museum Amphitheatre is set to host the second of its annual theatre event, the Museum Fest 2013.
The festival this year aims to bring to Kochi an emerging genre of theatre that is pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms -dance, drama and music -by amalgamating these forms into the theatrical process.
At the forefront of this genre is Sunil Shanbag, director of 'Stories in a Song', whose production of 'All's Well that Ends Well', was one of the 37 vernacular language productions at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London.
Set in the lush gardens of the Kerala History Museum, this amphitheatre space is ideal for intimate performances, and will open its doors to 350 Kochites on November 22, 23 and 24. The play 'Romeo and Julietno' strings attached by Tahatto Theater Banglore and a dance theater by danseuse Mythili Prakash will be the other major events of the fest.