'Tricky' interview questions to be aware of
'Tricky' interview questions to be aware of.
If you are looking to switch to a tech company, you need to be careful while answering some of the tricky and weird questions you might be asked.
According to employment review site 'Glassdoor's annual list of oddball interview questions, you should be witty to answer some of the very out of the box question, Washington Post revealed.
An online shoe retailer company had asked "If you throw a parade of any caliber through the Zappos office, what type of parade would it be?" during an interview for a customer loyalty team member position.
Vacation accommodation company Airbnb's interview for the position of content manager had the question ""How lucky are you and why?"
Apple had once asked in its interview for the company's specialist position "If you were a pizza delivery man, how would you benefit from scissors?"