It’s official! Men are vainer than women

A new study suggests that men are officially vainer than women

Update: 2014-03-05 19:55 GMT

London: A new study suggests that men are officially vainer than women.

According to the Daily Star, British men are the vainest, they spend a total of 335 days of their life staring at themselves in the mirror.

Male grooming habits are escalating at such a rapid pace that beauty experts have even coined a new phrase for them, a study conducted by bathroom retailer Betta Living said.

Dubbed as “Reflectors” because they spend so long starring at themselves, men between the ages of 20 and 50-years-old spend an average of 340.67 taking in their own appearance.

Surprisingly, women spend just 45 minutes of the day checking how they look. It seems that high-maintenance beauty regimes are simply a thing of the past for females.

While more than half (52 percent) of males admit that they’re getting vainer than ever before, almost three in every four men say that their early morning grooming regime has doubled in length during the past decade.

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