Watch: How does a Mono Rail work?
Mumbai has the first monorail in India and was flagged off in Feb 2014
Ever wondered how a monorail works? How does it run on a single concrete track? Well, the monorail is the term used for the single rail track that it runs on. However, the rail compartment has numerous tyres that run on these tracks.
Each rail compartment comprises of two sections of tyre mechanisms that are in contact with the mono track. Each mechanism has 10 tyres, a total of 20 tyres per compartment.
A set of eight large and strong tyres are the main ones on which the entire compartment rests and moves. 12 tyres on the sides of the track prevent the rail compartment from falling on its sides. Shock absorbing mechanisms are in place to allow the compartments to move at slight angles on all sides to compensate on weight and turns.
Take a look at the video below which shows you how the 20 tyres underneath a single monorail compartment grip / rests on the mono concrete track and moves along.
Video courtesy: universalmechanism, YouTube