Code Green - Being ecofriendly

you can reduce plastic use by carrying a reusable cloth bag

Update: 2014-09-18 01:50 GMT
Global warming will send Antarctica's emperor penguins into decline by 2100, scientists projected (Photo: AFP)

Large teams work all over the world to build green buildings. Designers, architects, engineers, corporates and house owners need to work together to create such buildings. Such sustainable buildings are good for Planet Earth. They use optimum resources throughout their life cycle: from selection of the site, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and demolition.

All of us know that global warming can destroy the world when melting glaciers cause the oceans to rise and cause many countries to be submerged. But here is something each of us can consider while building a home, office or factory. We can invest in a building; good for the Earth and good for people. These buildings use energy, water and other resources more efficiently. They use solar and other natural energies. They protect the health of the occupants, thus, improving employee productivity. The icing on the cake is that they reduce waste, pollution and environmental degradation.

“Live lightly on the planet,” once said a Red Indian chief. The ancient Indians called the Earth their mother and tried to keep the elements pure, in a spirit of godliness: air, water, fire and ether. Make sure that your home uses natural, locally available materials. The design can ensure wonderful flow of breeze so that air-conditioning becomes redundant. Even if your home is old, see whether you can fit ‘green systems’ and make it a healthier place.

As we reflect on living a greener lifestyle that embraces the principles of reduce, recycle and repair, we can think about what each of us can do to protect our only home, Planet Earth.

To start with, you can reduce plastic use by carrying a reusable cloth bag. Do not take printouts unless required. Try for a paperless office. Share newspapers. Use paper clips, staples and string. Use your own china coffee cup at work. Set up a compost bin at work and home. There is so much you can do.

— Dr Rekha Shetty is the author of Innovation Sutra

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