Astrology: 2015 an overview

Overview prediction of 2015

Update: 2015-01-01 04:36 GMT

The New Year is the year of enterprise. Expect success in most areas of your life, if you’re willing to make necessary changes and work diligently towards achieving your goals. 2015 is especially a good year for professional changes, career growth and to meet financial targets. You will be extremely lucky if you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or aspiring to make a shift towards finding a job that brings personal satisfaction.

The Three of Pentacles also indicates that as a country, India is moving towards rapid economic growth and national development. Change in the political scenario and public consciousness will result in better circumstances for the nation as a whole. A new breed of conscientious citizens are emerging who are more vocal about their need for change and more involved with social changes and burning issues. They will bring about a national change for the better.

Taurus the Bull
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ The Four of Pentacles says that you’ve toiled your way through 2014, now sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Strike a balance between work and personal life. Take your leisure time seriously and spend more time with family. Money won’t buy you happiness.

Your workaholism and long hours spent in front of the computer could result in a recurrent migraine problem and eye strain. Visit an optometrist to correct any fluctuations in vision.

Don’t let your ambition come in the way of your life. While 2015 assures you both money and career success, don’t neglect your family for your job. Your children need your love and attention.

There comes a point in every long-term relationship when we start taking our spouse for granted. Woo your partner, pursue her or him romantically like you did in the initial stages of your relationship to infuse the spark back in your love-life.

Aries the Ram
The sense of emotional claustrophobia that you were experiencing last year raises important questions. How long can you continue at a monotonous job because it pays the bills; or clinging on to a romantic relationship where the love has gone flying out the window? The Eight of Swords demands authenticity and the willingness to pursue your own happiness.

It is extremely difficult to maintain a balanced diet given the Arien need for speed. The cards indicate afflictions in the stomach area and digestive tract. Slow down on spicy food and veer towards juices and fruit.

A new career opportunity materialises out of thin air towards the end of January that also pays well. It will be sad if you let this go.

As much as we would like love and happily ever after both at the same time, even love has an expiry date. Honesty and good communication will help you navigate your way through a tricky breakup if you can summon the courage to tell your partner that it’s not working for you. Rest assured, both of you will move on to meaningful relationships. As much as your sense of righteousness wants you to interfere in a sibling’s divorce proceeding, it’s best that you maintain a careful distance.

Gemini the Twins
Wishes come true this year. Expect a good year ahead that is filled with fun and laughter. The Sun asks you to be optimistic because a lot of unresolved issues automatically resolve themselves without you trying too hard.

Breathe. You’re in very good shape apart from the fact that you sometimes give in to the stress and hustle bustle of the daily grind. Meditate. Unwind.

Be cautious with your credit card bills as you may feel the urge to splurge and accumulate debt. 2015 will especially be good for you if you’re employed in the banking or finance sector.

Try and focus on quality instead of quantity. You got way too many friends many of who, as you will notice, are fair-weathered. Resist the temptation to embark on an affair if you’re married, you will get caught.

Cancer the Crab
You need to peek out of your Cancerian shell to realise that life isn’t as bad as you’re making it out to be. Your worries have a solution if you deal with them using practicality. The Nine of Cups warns that you’re getting inert. You need to indulge in new hobbies and interests.

Our sudden weight gain may have a lot to do with the comfort eating and bingeing out of depression. Watch what you eat and hit the gym! For anyone who is above 50, watch your heart and cholesterol levels.

It’s a good year to invest your savings in property or shares. Buy a house or invest in a financial plan that will give you good returns in the future. 2015 is a good year to multiply your money.

You’ve been using work as an excuse to save you from the agony of a failed relationship. Get out of the office and go out on a date. Open your heart to the possibility of love again.

Leo the Lion
Your worst enemy is your own ego. Let go of the need to compulsively please the people around you. Choose your friends carefully, superficial relationships won’t give you any happiness.

Go easy on yourself. Your diets border on the verge of starvation, you’re over-exercising and being too critical about your reflection in the mirror.

Your plans to acquire a promotion at work will not succeed unless you achieve additional qualifications. You may consider studying again, even if it’s a short term certified course.

Leos have an innate urge to dominate and control. It’s the lion in you that roars. But you may get more out of romantic relationships if you learn to be patient rather than aggressive. Let your inner feline give way to the kitten.

Libra the Scales
Your inner scales have gone off balance taking care of the needs of those around you and neglecting yourself in the bargain. At the risk of being selfish put yourself first this 2015. The Wheel of Fortune wants you to understand that the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.

Pay careful attention to your calcium intake because your ailments are most likely to be related to your bone structure and nervous system. Have milk and grain in healthy doses. Don’t get too involved in other’s problems as they cause you anxiety

You may reluctantly have to accept a job transfer that makes you leave the city. Even though this may make you unhappy, it is a blessing in disguise. Embark on a new adventure.

Your romantic relationships achieve natural progression. If you’ve been unsure about the future of your  relationships, you will see your partners becoming more committed and willing to take the next step. Many of you will get married this year.

Sagittarius the Archer
The knight of swords is the card of clarity. You’ve been able to make up your mind on what you want after a phase of confusion. While it may bring you happiness, it won’t make your family very happy. Stand your ground and stay true to your ideals.

Is your lifestyle keeping you on your feet longer than required? Keep yourself well hydrated and be wary about your knees and joints of lower limbs. Get frequent foot massages to alleviate aches and pains

The career your family wants you to pursue may not be the job that will bring you happiness. Sometimes, it’s okay to earn less if the emotional benefits are more

If you keep looking back while you walk ahead, you’re bound the fall. Staying in touch with an ex won’t help, especially if you're motivated to move on. No, you can’t be ‘just friends’

Aquarius the Water-Bearer
The Magician’s charisma will help you exude a certain confidence this year that is appealing. You will achieve a psychological breakthrough as many reservations and negative self-beliefs you had will be dispelled soon. Keep working on yourself.

You are healthy overall, just be cautious of your liquid intake. Limit your consumption and caffeine and alcohol and replace them with herbal teas and juices. .

You may have to start off with a new career altogether and accept a slash in your paycheque however it is a temporary setback. You will earn far more in the long term than what you did in your current career.

If you waiting for an ex to return, she/he won’t. There are other fish in the ocean. Go fish!

Virgo the Virgin
The Emperor reflects a responsibility that you will have to accept. It includes a promotion at work and a new role at home. There will be the birth of a child in your immediate family after a long time.

An illness in 2014 made you cautious about leading a healthy lifestyle. You’ve begun to realise that illness isn’t a bad thing, as it shifts the focus to your body and physicality.

You may feel stingy and a compulsive need to save money. However, unnecessary sacrifices are not required. You aren’t as bankrupt as you think you are. There is a steady inflow of cash this 2015.

Healthy relationships require both parties to communicate. Talk, talk and talk some more. There are too many differences that have been swept under the carpet. Let the resentment give way to forgiveness.

Scorpio the Scorpion
The nine of wands indicates a cycle of completion. There are many possibilities of you relocating or migrating to start life afresh in a new country. It is very difficult to let go of the emotional ties that bind you to an old ache though.

Is your lifestyle keeping you on your feet longer than required? Keep yourself well hydrated and be wary about your knees and joints of lower limbs. Get frequent foot massages to alleviate aches and pains

The career your family wants you to pursue may not be the job that will bring you happiness. Sometimes, it's okay to earn less if the emotional benefits are more

If you keep looking back while you walk ahead, you're bound to fall. Staying in touch with an ex won't help, especially if you’re motivated to move on. No, you can’t be ‘just friends’

Capricorn the Goat
A sudden loss makes way to contemplation and introspection in an otherwise busy schedule. The Lovers ask you to make tremendous changes, especially in your relationships. Are you treating family fairly or are you being harsh with loved ones?

Rearrange your bedroom. Don't let your efficacy at work and your utilitarianism spill into your sleeping space.  Scented candles and pot-pourri could help create a relaxing atmosphere. You need to address  your insomnia and sleep-deprivation

Take a break. Go on a vacation. Smell the roses. You’re supposed to work eight hours a day not 24/7. The sky won’t fall if you give your body and mind the break they deserve from a hectic work schedule.

Sorry seems to be the hardest word but it’s the one thing that can save your relationship. You’ve been taking your partner for granted far too long and you need to make amends to ensure the continuity of your relationship.

Pisces the Fish
You have a choice. You either swim north to warmer waters or south into the deep dark seas of negativity. Swim! Your current emotional situation will only change if you put in necessary efforts. Surround yourself with people who respect your Piscean sensitivity not walk all over it.

A change in diet and some exercise will do you good.  Emotions may affect your bowels and elimination or cause irritable bowel syndrome so try eating healthy.

Your  requests for a raise or promotion seem to be going unheard. You may need to be more vocal in the acknowledgment of your merit or look for greener pastures.

You’re an old soul who needs a partner with equal maturity. If your partner seems juvenile maybe you need to look for someone of an equal wavelength. You can change a lot of things in a relationship, but not one’s innate personality.

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