Why some men are hardwired to prefer curvy women

A new study has recently revealed that curvy women produce smarter children

Update: 2015-01-20 11:07 GMT
Representational image. (Photo: visualphotos.com)

Melbourne: A new study has recently revealed that curvy women produce smarter children, which may provide a clue as to why some men are evolutionarily hardwired to prefer women with "big butts."

According to Professor Will Lassek of the University of Pittsburg, the fats in women's buttocks and thighs are high in a chemical called docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, News.com.au reported.

David Bainbridge said that perhaps men have spent the last few hundred thousand years sexually selecting mates for all sorts of different reasons, or maybe they are just inherently Catholic in their tastes.

A detailed examination of male sexual desire might help us discover whether it really was men who have made women so beautiful and diverse, he further added. 

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