Boss hands out condoms to staff to stop baby boom

This boss believes maternity leave could at times create opportunity for career advancement;

Update: 2015-03-05 18:15 GMT
Image used for representative purposes only.
Wellington: Australia's largest radio company Southern Cross Austereo provides condoms to stop staff having babies.
Speaking at the Mumbrella Perth conference, Linda Wayman, who is boss of SCA's two Perth stations Mix 94.9 and Hit 929, told that thirty five per cent of the staff at the moment are on a maternity leave contract or maternity leave and that's significant.
She revealed that they have a big jar of condoms at work as she encourages people regularly, to have sex with condoms, which is a big area of focus for her.
Wayman told the audience she doesn't agree with the union push at the moment that women coming back to work automatically should be allowed to come back part time. She'd love to, but she'd be lying if she said that was wonderful. It's an idealistic and anti-commercial stance.
She warned that in an industry as demanding as radio staff did not always get to work normal hours, saying they try very hard to do that in the organisation but they're a 24-7 organisation and with the turnaround times with clients it becomes very difficult from a customer service point of view.
However, Wayman said that staff could benefit when a colleague took a career break while away on maternity leave.

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