Help out at home to get more sex, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg tells men
She points out that “Couples who share chores equally have more sex.";
By : DC Correspondent
Update: 2015-03-19 15:59 GMT
Wellington: As per Sheryl Sandberg, the secret to good sex is "choreplay." Sandberg has been championing the idea of 'choreplay', pointing out that men who do more household tasks have more sex.
The 45-year-old chief operating officer of Facebook and author of 'Lean In' has advocated the choreplay strategy, in which men should do more household chores to get more sex, in a column she co-wrote for Sandberg points to a study, published in the Journal of Family Issues, backing her theory that found men and women who did more housework and paid work reported more frequent sexual intercourse.
The New York Times, reported. Sandberg and her co-scribe Adam Grant wrote that as the researchers behind that study Constance T. Gager and Scott T. Yabiku put it, men and women who work hard play hard. They then point out that when men step up at home, children are on average healthier, happier and less likely to have behavioural problems. Children also have a broader view of the world and gender norms.
A study by University of British Columbia psychologist Alyssa Croft found daughters of fathers who shared equally in household labour were less likely to aspire to stereotypically female roles or careers. Sandberg and Grant noted that what mattered most was what fathers did, not what they said, adding that a girl to believe she has the same opportunities as boys, it makes a big difference to see dad doing the dishes.
Read Sheryl Sandberg's peice titled “How Men Can Succeed in the Boardroom and the Bedroom.”