National Gallery of Australia to host first ever nude tour exhibition

What better way to appreciate naked men than getting naked yourself?

Update: 2015-03-29 17:52 GMT
Picture Courtesy: National Gallery of Australia, Canberra's Facebook Page
Washington: The National Gallery of Australia has taken a different route altogether for their first nude art tour wherein people will walk-in and leave exhibition all naked. The Australian Exhibition's tickets have already been sold and there are around 150 art fans who will tour 'James Turrell: A Retrospective' exhibition nude at Canberra, ABC News reported.
Turell is an American artist whose work addresses light and perception and is known for what's referred to as his 'life's work'. 
This nude tour led by naked Stuart Ringholt, an Australian artist, will allow only people with the age of 18 and above. 
This first ever Australian nude tour exhibition will take place from April 1-3. 

Yes, naked Tours of James Turrell: A Retrospective are happening! When visiting Canberra last year, world famous light...

Posted by National Gallery of Australia, Canberra on Monday, March 16, 2015


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