These aren't ghosts, this is world's first hologram protest held in Spain

The historic protest took place outside of the Spanish Parliament

Update: 2015-04-14 18:52 GMT
The group's demonstration serves as a warning of what is to come h/t Twitter
Protests have evolved over the years and in a new wat thes Spanish protesters staged the world’s first hologram protest following the passing of a bill banning demonstrations outside parliament.
The Citizens’ Securities Law Reform, which was passed in March and will go into effect on 1 July, criminalises some forms of protest including gathering outside parliament and taking ‘unauthorised’ photos of police. But No Somos Delito (‘We Are Not Crime’) wouldn’t be beaten that easily, choosing to turn themselves into holograms in order to make themselves seen and heard without breaking any laws.
The website of the Holograms for Liberty project reads - "To respond to this injustice and to show the future will have to face if this bill continues its course, we saw the need to carry out a different kind of protest that would allow our demands to become unstoppable: the first hologram protest in history. A massive protest, through which we will demonstrate, that despite the trammels imposed by the government, they will not silence our voices, and even if we have to turn ourselves into holograms, we will keep on protesting."
Watch the video here:
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