Screen your emotions

Choice is yours whether you want to cling to positive or negative ones

Update: 2015-05-13 23:00 GMT
Suppressing emotions whether it's anger, hurt or resentment isn't good for your overall health

All big and small diseases were your emotions once upon a time which you ignored or suppressed in your body. Shocking as it sounds, it’s a fact that certain emotions can have a bad effect on us.
We all have been through tough times and we all carry emotional baggage from our past — whether it is a painful childhood, loss of a loved one, failure, guilt, break-ups or any kind of physical or sexual trauma. But we least expect it to have a long-lasting effect on our health.

Our physical body has a subtle energy body, and anything that happens in our physical body, first passes through the subtle body. This energy in the subtle body then takes a physical form. The thoughts and emotions we have every minute, form the health of our subtle body, leading to our physical health. The positive energy makes us stronger and happier, while negative emotions keep feeding into our healthy part. This results in dying or deformation of the energy centers and healthy life cells. Our body starts decaying at the places these thoughts are clinging on to, ultimately leading to diseases and fatigue.

Emotions are form of energy and this energy with varied frequency runs through our body as an electrical current. All negative and positive emotions have different frequencies. The positive electrical current has lighter and softer vibration, while the negative one has dense, heavy and slow vibration. And the quality or type of vibration decides the effect of it on our body. Dr David Suzuki explains that condensed molecules from breath exhaled from verbal expressions of jealousy, hatred and anger, contain enough toxins in an hour to kill 80 guinea pigs.

And why not, after all, emotions are such strong entities, positive emotions strengthen your body, while negative ones weaken it. And gradually these stored negative emotions create blockages in the flow of energy in our bodies to form deadly diseases. Bitterness, pride, hard thoughts, deep hurt, deep secret and long-standing resentment cause deadly diseases. So, every emotion you are experiencing is affecting your body in a positive or negative way. The choice is yours, if you want to cling to positive emotions or negative ones.

Another aspect is when we are confronted with a negative situation or a person, we tend to hold on to ourselves, behave in a certain way, and think we handled the situation well and things are under control. No, you have just suppressed your true feelings by diverting your mind. You feel you have controlled how you felt, but the energy of it is still at work. Which is now working on your subtle body, and unless attended to or taken care of, it will effect your physical health.

Daily meditation, engaging with nature (like walking barefoot on grass), sea salt bath, laughter therapy, physical exercise and staying in the company of positive and inspiring people can help reduce emotional blockages.Most importantly, be watchful of what and how you are feeling in certain situations, don’t suppress your feelings, instead witness them and try to turn them into positive ones. Remember our body is the mirror of the feelings we carry. You are more precious than the price one has to pay for holding on to people, situation and emotions that were not of positive value in your lives.

The writer is a clairvoyant and life counsellor

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