Is this new vodka an aphrodisiac?
The makers claim that it is all in the packaging — the sensuous black bottle and bold red logo, as well as the name itself
Move over oysters and chocolate! There’s a new aphrodisiac in town that claims to overwhelm women with feelings of lust — and it’s a brand of vodka. Appropriately (or unimaginatively?) named “Lust”, the new vodka has been causing quite the storm on the Web for its claims of stimulating women’s desire.
So how does it work? Does it have elements similar to the female Viagra? No, not really. The makers claim that it is all in the packaging — the sensuous black bottle and bold red logo, as well as the name itself. Hmm, we aren’t exactly sold on this line of reasoning, but we’re willing to take a sip or to and gauge the effects. What we do approve of — that this liquid lust inducer is distilled six times and has no artificial additives or preservatives.