7 reasons why orgasms are good for your health

Experiencing the Big O works better than popping any tablet

Update: 2015-08-13 20:37 GMT
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There are more factors than one that stress the importance of experiencing a satisfied sex life. Apart from heightened sexual pleasure, orgasms are also shown to provide several health benefits giving you all the more reason to spice up things in bed.

There are several reasons that you should be regularly having orgasms: 

1) Orgasms will keep you in good overall health and less likely to visit the doctor.  According to the National Health Service, UK, regular sex and masturbation was just as important for a healthy disposition as a balanced diet of fruits and veggies.

2) An orgasm also makes you more euphoric and blissful, a lot like a real love drug. Oxytocin, which is hormone that is released during childbirth and breast-feeding, is also released after an orgasm. This activates the pleasure circuit in your brain and rewards you with the feel-good chemical dopamine. “It’s the reason sex and orgasm can become so addictive,” opines Dr Linden as reported by Healthista. She also notes that, “Winning money, drinking alcohol, taking cocaine, amphetamines and heroin all light up the very same pleasure circuit.

3) Post-coital radiance can beat all those anti-aging creams and botox treatments any day.  According to cosmetic dermatologist Dr Mervyn Patterson, “The post-sex glow is a real phenomenon in about 75 per cent of women” since an orgasm "naturally releases bucket loads of DHEA, an anti-ageing steroid hormone often sold in supplements and purported as the fountain of youth.”

4) Suffering from headaches? Saying yes to your partner works better than popping any painkillers. A study of 83 women with migraine issues found that over half experienced relief from pain after the big O, reports the Daily Mail.

5) According to a theory by British biologists Robin Baker and Mark Bellis, having an orgasm increases your chances in getting pregnant. Healthista quotes Professor Grossman saying that, “Though it’s not confirmed, the theory is that orgasm produces rhythmic contractions of the uterus that pump the sperm up into it making conception more likely.”

6) People wanting to avoid heart attacks should be having more orgasms. Dr Lisa Turner talks about a study in Israel that found, “that women with higher incidence of heart disease had fewer orgasms and vice versa” reports Heathista.

7) Apparently it’s not just sex that gives you orgasmic experiences. Even wearing high heels would do the trick. We are not making this up. Italian urologist Dr Maria Cerruto conducted a study and found that wearing high heels “directly work the pleasure muscles (pelvic floor) which are linked to orgasm,” quotes the Daily Mail.



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