Story of partition, subject of new novel

The book brings out the psyche of the people of the two nations;

Update: 2015-11-25 17:12 GMT
The book brings out the psyche of the people of the two nations (Photo: Twitter)

New Delhi: A book entitled through ' Through Orphaned Eyes' was released on Tuesday, which traces the story of India and Pakistan through the eyes of two protagonists - brothers separated at partition.

The book brings out the psyche of the people of the two nations as it takes one through their battles, their culture, cricketing rivalry and their battles within. It traces Pakistan's linkages with the Mujahedeen and brings out how that relationship now threatens to tear it asunder. It also hints at how India's success story can be easily derailed by the rampant corruption and asks pertinent questions of the future of both nations.

The book was released by General G D Singh and General Ata Hasnain, who also spoke on their own experiences. Gen Hasnain said that the book drew strong parallels with his own story since he too had members of his family in both India and Pakistan.

When questioned about the title, the author said that more than the fact that the two principle characters were orphaned at an early age it reflected the fact that the two nations seemed to have been orphaned by their own leadership. 

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