Strength of self-worth

Arm yourself with knowledge that helps you to examine and understand life better

Update: 2015-11-25 23:01 GMT
Strengthening yourself by prayer will facilitate the flow of grace

A large part of our daily lives involves engaging with people. Living as we do in a society that seems to be getting more dysfunctional, self-centred and ruthless, interactions with a very few may give you that ‘feel good’ feeling while  others, by their own lack of centredness might upset your balance.

Most of the time we are reacting not as we should but negatively to the general behaviour of others, slights heaped, manipulative moves   born out of envy and rivalry or tantrums thrown. We also make things worse for ourselves by defining ourselves by what others think of us and seek approval and likes.  

If we engage with people spiritually we are anchored, aware of our self-worth and very little disturbs us. Arm yourself with knowledge that helps you to examine and understand the drivers of certain behaviours. Get to the root of things and respond intelligently. As a result one is less affected by what transpired and is able to use any interaction for the good of all parties.

Keep your focus on the ‘super consciousness’ and respond at all times from that level. No matter what the provocation, never stoop down. Bear in mind that no one can touch your core — the inner self. Anything that happens is only at the superficial level and will pass over. If you act with a combination of stoicism, compassion and kindness at all times somewhere an imperceptible shift will happen.

Choosing to act and not react, getting a handle on one’s emotions and settling for peace (what is a little give  of some compassion and forgiveness?) over drama or confrontation may help you take  the sting off, in the heat of the moment, tactfully.

Spiritual practices such as  meditation and yoga will help a great deal in any interaction simply because you will be vibrating at a higher level and will be able to look at the reactions of others in total detachment. Blocks in the flow of energy will be removed and you will be shielded.

In a world rife with competition always remember that you have been sent into this universe with a unique purpose and you are expected to work towards realising that. You are a failure only if you don’t make the effort. It may take you longer to reach your destination but even your journey is part of a plan as is whatever happens along that journey.  Strengthening yourself by prayer and communion with the Divine before difficult meetings will facilitate the flow of grace. This doesn’t mean that you will never face any obstacles, it only ensures that even if there are hurdles you will be given the strength to overcome them.

Offering sound advice Swami Kriyananda says, “If someone tries to destroy your work, protect it but be thankful for the reminder that everything is maya, delusion. To those who have spoken against you, say thank you. You have helped me affirm that which alone is real to me. Has someone hurt your feelings? Thank him. Every blow to your ego can boost your soul awareness.”

The writer is a Reiki channel, yoga practitioner and a spiritual seeker



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