Un-toxicated: Detox diet to keep you fit

Going on a detoxification diet can help keep you fit.

Update: 2015-12-09 08:04 GMT

It’s December, and with it comes the annual run-up to Christmas and New Year parties in the city. And while the excessive partying and binge drinking can obviously harm your body, nutritionists say that following a detoxification diet can ensure your body doesn’t take too bad a hit.

Why detox?
Holistic nutritionist Sridevi Jasti says, “The term ‘detox’ is used pretty loosely, so it’s understandable when people wonder whether it really works or not. But it does and we do need to replenish and restore our body. It boosts the energy levels, improves digestion, and helps you lose unwanted weight,” adds M. Gayathri, Clinical Dietician at Apollo Hospitals, “The main purpose of detoxification is to take the load off of organs like kidney, liver and bowels which improves their performance.”

How to detox
Getting on a detox diet, experts add, isn’t something you can do on a whim. “It’s important to do detox only after carefully evaluating your personal lifestyle and health,” Sridevi explains, “It is important to consult with a qualified professional before you do anything too radical, even if it is just food or lack of it.”

While the obvious way to kick start your detox would be to kick out alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants, hydration and anti-oxidant intake is just as important. “A lot of fluid intake and anti-oxidants are very important,” says Care Hospitals' Clinical Nutritionist Dr G. Sushma, “Fresh citrus juices or lemon water will help. Tomatoes have lycopene which is an anti-oxidant so tomato juices are also good.” Gayathri also says that a 45-minute-minimum work out or jog will help you sweat out toxins, as will drinking three to four litres of water infused with ginger or mint.

Mindful partying
However, all agree that the best way to keep your body away from harmful toxins is to be mindful of your diet. “The best thing to do while drinking is to hydrate yourself,” says Sridevi, “Also, have good quality alcohol, and don’t mix sugared drinks into your alcohol.” In addition to fried food, Dr Sushma says smoked dishes can be harmful. “‘Smoked’ foods can lead to development of cancerous cells,” she says, “Baked and grilled foods are okay. Try ordering dishes that are fresh.”

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