Man with one inch penis shares his experience with the world
Every year in UK 1,500 procedures take place to correct the body organs.
Many say size matters, hence you might understand why Steve Baker was devastated with his 1 inch penis. Baker from Essex (name changed) thought that he was the only person in the world born with this genital defect, however three years ago at the age of 62, he realised that he wasn’t the only one.
This condition is known as hypospadias. It’s a congenital defect of the penis and affects one in 125 men.
A man with a one inch penis thought he was only person in the world with the genital defect.
Every year in UK 1,500 procedures take place to correct the body organs.
Those affected have a malformed opening in the penis, typically on the shaft or base - reports Mail Online. There are chances they might also have a ‘mircopenis’ which measure smaller than 2 ¾ inches long.
Baker say his penis is a little more than an inch long and when erect it's four inch.
"There is no question it affected my self-confidence and my entire personality because of the importance that society places on the size of men's penises," he told to Mail online.
Baker had an operation at the age of 21 and that only caused more problems.
He also stated how this problem affected his entire personality. As per reports, a specialist Kiwi urologist decided to circumcise Steve accidentally removing the tip of the penis. This mistake made orgasm impossible and mutilated the more.
At 29, he found his love and the couple set up there home in Alberta, Canada and he still lives there. He became father of two sons who are now 30 and 28 respectively and 2001 his marriage collapsed.
Baker said that the sex was so difficult that they weren’t destined to be together.
Today, Baker is retired and is enjoying every moment of his life, hiking, cycling and playing. He feels comfortable after he found out that this condition is quite normal and common.