Watch: Ten diseases that could kill you in 24 hours

These diseases can finish you off before you can even get yourself admitted to the hospital.

Update: 2016-01-07 14:47 GMT
Representational Image. (Picture Courtesy: Pixabay)

Although leading an unhealthy lifestyle could drastically diminish your well-being in the long run, there are diseases that can literally knock you dead in just 24 hours. Unlike chronic diseases like heart issues, obesity and cancer, which can be caused by poor diet, obesity and cancer; these diseases can finish you off before you can even get yourself admitted to the hospital.

What’s worse is that most of these diseases come in the form of vicious epidemics that can affect a major chunk of the population before proper medical assistance can even reach. Even in cases in which hospitalization is swift; such terrible illnesses may cause lasting damage to the sufferer.

While some in the list are diseases that have been making headlines in the recent past, like Ebola, there are others that you may probably not have heard of, such as Necrotizing Fasciitis.

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