Demi Moore lost teeth to stress

Demi Moore blames stress for the loss of her two front teeth.

Update: 2017-06-15 19:07 GMT
Demi Moore

Demi Moore revealed on this week’s Tonight’s Show with Jimmy Fallon that she had lost two of her front teeth and she even had photographic evidence for it! reports that the sportive actress, who did not shy away from the cameras while she had missing teeth, said that the culprit of the misfortune was stress.

“I sheared off my front tooth,” said the Rough Night star to Jimmy, and went on, “I’d love to say it was skateboarding or something really kind of cool, but I think it’s something that’s important to share because I think it’s literally, probably after heart disease, one of the biggest killers in America, which is stress (sic).” The stress that she refers to, one can fathom, must also be from the lawsuit that she is defending herself from as a house guest fell into her pool and drowned.

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