Italian artist gives gritty touch to sculptures with Yakuza inspired tattoos

The arist used models of famous white marble sculptures and added tattoos inspired by Russian gangs as well.

Update: 2017-07-07 08:53 GMT
An new approach (Photo: Instagram)

Sculptures as art forms are an apt artistic representation of an entire era and several classical figures tell stories of different periods in history. While these models are beautiful already, a touch of modern day art forms can only make it better.

An artist in Italy has been giving tattoos to famous sculptures and Fabio Viale is inspired by patterns that Russian gangs and the Japanese Yakuza. The dark tattoos having notorious origins come across as sharp contrast to white marble statues bearing a traditional appeal.




The stunning results show how going beyond traditional purity and experimenting with new ideas is the way forward for building bridges between different eras.

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