Uncan' your palette

You don't have to be an expert at painting to try your hand out at this fun art session.

Update: 2017-01-07 18:30 GMT
A file picture of a previous session

Getting sloshed in order to unwind on a Friday night, has been the trend for quite a while now. But attempting to bring about a comforting and more relaxing change in the city is Rashmi Kothari, a local artist.

Curating an evening of bright colours, high spirits and unlimited fun, this artist has founded Paint-o-Holics Unltd, a fun art session hosted at popular hangouts in the city! And the best part about this – no painting experience is required to be a part of this fun project.

Being an artist for over 20 years, Rashmi wanted to help others express themselves through art. “The reason I started Paint-o-Holics, was because I began to realise that people were actually afraid to start painting. Most art classes and workshops give off a very serious vibe which makes people apprehensive to even trying it out. As a self taught artist myself, I realise that art is a form of therapy and expression,” explains the Bengalurean.

“Through these sessions, I am trying to make art fun for the audience by hosting it at cafes, bars, restaurants and pubs rather than formal art studios to give it an easy-breezy vibe. It’s all about unlimited fun, food and paint,” she goes on to add about the sessions which only last for two hours!

The biggest selling point for most people, is that they need not have touched the paint brush even once in their life in order to be a part of these sessions. “I got dragged to the event by my girlfriend. I have been an art lover but think I lack the talent required to create it. I loved the fact that it was not an instruction based event — like every other workshop. I was able to learn some of the basics and loved that it was a very fun social activity,” says Ashwin Rai who is currently pursuing his PhD. “I loved the fact that we got to create our own pieces of art that we could place in hour houses. I would sum up the evening as a fun social event with colours,” he smiles.

Expressing similar feelings towards painting and art, Sunitha Rane says, “I hadn't painted anything in a year and really wanted to do something with colours. Plus it is a wonderful excuse to meet like minded people.”

Also breaking the stereotype that art is only meant for a particular class of people who have studied the form intricately, is what these sessions hope to do. “There were a number of non-artistes who had a great time as well because it's a whole new concept which hasn't been explored in our city yet, and is very encouraging for people to delve into art,” she adds. “It’s just   a refreshing change from chilling at bars and lounges and spending loads of money,” says Shuchi Mehta, another participant.

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