Granola's girl friday

Starting a healthy food business through word of mouth, Prachi Gupta is hoping to change mindsets with her wholesome line of products.

Update: 2017-08-02 18:43 GMT
Prachi Gupta

All we need is love and good food. This is so true, especially for Prachi Gupta, who lives by this motto!

An engineer by profession, Prachi worked in the corporate sector for several years. She also forayed into teaching, but the need to be with her son, and take care of her family’s health gnawed at her even as she dabbled with projects and her students.

The irresistible urge to jump into her well-stocked kitchen and dole out healthy and yummy food, not just for her family and friends, but for others who were willing to try them out, gave birth to Yellow Apron. “It’s a homemade specialty food brand. It’s healthy, yummy and has no preservatives nor any sugar,” announces Prachi.

Yellow Apron serves on-the-go products, like granola bars, cereals that can be eaten without milk, cold pressed juices, honey roasted nuts and more!

“We are all health-conscious at home, including my 11-year-old son. So, I would rack my brains on how I can whip up a healthy breakfast using cereals. The branded ones in the market contain preservatives and sugar. So, I began making cereals and granola bars at first and it clicked instantly with my family,” explains Prachi.

With an aunt who had a catering business for over 25 years, Prachi took the plunge finally in February last year, to start Yellow Apron. As we take our conversation deeper, Prachi talks about how she observes and takes inspiration and ideas from what’s happening around her. For example, when she travelled to the USA, she noticed cold-pressed juices and found them healthy. Once back home, she began working on it, and today she has several cold-pressed juices, from apple, kiwi, pear, pineapple and many more. 

Luckily for Prachi, her business idea and growth were supported wholeheartedly by her family, right from guidance, help in marketing and branding to packaging and official permissions. 

The best part about Yellow Apron is that it’s been marketed only through word of mouth and through social media platforms. Yellow Apron is seen in certain exhibitions and promotions as well. “I consider putting up a stall only in those exhibitions where I am certain that people visiting will appreciate what I have to offer. It’s important that they understand granola bars or cereals, etc,” she points out. With Yellow Apron, Parchi has tried innovative ways of selling her fare. For instance, at Carter Road, a stretch alongside the sea in Bandra, where joggers and fitness freaks abound, she put up a food car pop-up, which attracted many health-conscious residents, who believed in the concept of health food. 

“There have been times, when health-conscious people come and tell me it’s a good concept. But don’t ever pick up anything,” reveals Prachi, adding, “Once, at an exhibition, I was right next to a counter selling French Fries. There were over 50 people thronging at that counter and we had just a handful!”

Today, with over 60 products under Yellow Apron, Prachi admits that at times, with huge orders, things do get stressful. “But, I have never even once felt like calling it quits. I enjoy the hardwork and even the stressful times,” she laughs.

Prachi dreams of a world where people become aware of what they eat. “I want people to know what I am offering and I want them to want more of it — that’s my dream,” she asserts, advising young entrepreneurs to never give up and never hesitate to ask for guidance, support and help!

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