Human life expectancy has a limit despite medical advances: study
Our longevity cannot keep extending forever, scientists say.
If you were hoping to live a really long life, scientists say you can only go as far as 115, according to a report by the Daily Mail.
There is an age limit to out lifespan even though we have better medical, living conditions and nutrition, found a study conducted by Dutch researchers.
The maximum age women can live is 115.7 years and for men is 114.1 years.
Difference between lifespan and life expectancy:
Lifespan - How long an individual lives
Life expectancy - How long individuals in an age group can expect to live
For the study, the team studied data that spanned over 30 years from 75,000 Dutch people whose exact ages were recorded when they died.
"On average, people live longer, but the very oldest among us have not gotten older over the last thirty years," Professor John Einmahl told the Daily Mail.
While Einmahl did point out that life expectancy has increased, the "maximum ceiling itself hasn't changed".
In the meantime, researchers from McGill University are challenge whether there really is a limit to how long we humans can life.