Expert reveals best painkiller for severe period pain

Women with higher prostaglandin levels experience terrible menstrual cramps.

Update: 2017-10-02 10:23 GMT
Best painkiller for period pain. (Photo: AFP)

For women, period pain can be excruciating. Menstrual cramps reportedly affects one in five individuals.  

Women with higher prostaglandin levels experience even worse period pain, the Daily Mail reported.

To get some pain relief, women try various methods. Some try natural remedies while some take painkillers.

In a report on Daily Mail an expert recommend a painkiller called ibuprofen for those who severe pain because it is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which helps relive pain “by reducing the production of chemicals” and eases inflammation, the report explained.

It also needs to be consumed with food. The report also warns people with asthma should take caution before taking it.

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