Quartz particles to help regenerate enamel, bone

Once the enamel is lost, it cannot be regenerated in the natural process.

Update: 2018-06-13 20:58 GMT
Here's why it is essential to brush your teeth more than once a day. (Photo: Pixabay)

Hyderabad: Mineralised materials which can help regenerate hard tissues such as dental enamel and bone will be the future of treatment, said city dentists.
Enamel is the outer coating of the teeth and is the hardest tissue in the body; it takes the brunt of acid, foods and drinks and extreme temperatures. Once the enamel is lost, it cannot be regenerated in the natural process.

This new development of growing mineralised materials which will regenerate hard tissues has come as a development of future medicine and practice. Dr K. Satyendra Kumar, prosthodontist, said, “Mineralised materials and stem cells are the two major treatments of the future which are being closely looked at. With mineralised materials, the drilling which is carried out in the tooth could possibly be done away with. It will also help to do away with the procedures which are required to treat tooth decay and other dental problems.”

These findings and experiments, even on the bone, continue to be in the clinical stage. Dr Jagdeesh M., senior dentist, explained, “We need a lot of data to bring this into practice and that will take another 10 years. But this is the future of medicine where the stem cells and also regenerative medicines are going to play a major role in treatments.”

Dentists state that these inventions will make procedures, which are currently time-consuming, easy. The minute details that have to be looked into for dental procedures would be simplified with mineralised products and stem cell insertions.

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