Warning signs you've become dependent on alcohol

Find out if you may need to seek help.

Update: 2017-08-14 09:41 GMT
10 signs you drink too much. (Photo: Pexels)

Do you think you drink too much?  Experts warn that some people may underestimate how much they can actually handle and may not realise they have reached a toxic stage, the Daily Mail reported.

Heavy drinking can cause a variety of issues like depression, liver damage, hurt relationships and so much more.

Many of us believe we can handle that one extra drink. But can we really? The Royal College of Psychiatrists has listed, according to the report the signs to show if your drinking has reached an alarming level.

Warning signs you are drinking too much:

1. Consume alcohol to gain confidence and as a coping mechanism
2. It starts to affect your relationships
3. Spend more time drinking rather that do other things
4. Drinking too much is starting to bleed in your work
5. You’re secretive about how much you drink
6. You may keep drinking even if it may make you feel horrible, suicidal or bitter
7. You need to drink to feel good
8. After a night of drinking, you wake up anxious and your body trembles
9. You can't remember certain times because you had a black out
10. You begin drinking earlier in the day that usual

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