6 tips to reduce your child's sugar intake

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Update: 2018-01-15 10:34 GMT
Tips to reduce your child's sugar intake. (Photo: Pixabay)

Public Health England (PHE) has launched a new campaign to urge parents to limit their child's intake of snacks.

The goal, is to reduce the consumption of sugar, the Daily Mail reported.

A recent report revealed sugar could be a big contributing factor in the obesity and diabetes epidemics.

Here are simple tips parent can use to try and reach that goal, according to the report.

1. Get inspired

Pretty colours and fun textures can help your children to get interested in eating better food.

2. Make different choices available

Variety is the spice of life. Keep a number of healthy option for child to snack on. That way they are eating healthy and won't get bored of having only option available. Yogurt, nuts, raisins and healthy roasted vegetable crisps are great options.

3. Say no to sugary drinks

It might sound reduntant to say, but staying away from sugary drinks is a must. Even "healthy options" like fruit juices and smoothies could have more sugar than you realise. Adding a bit of orange or lemon in water or mint and strawberries could be a better option and it could change the way they look at what they consume.

4. Allow for cheat days

Saying no completely to certain foods has been found to make children want it poor, research has found. Let your child a piece of chocolate if they need to now and again. It is also important to explain why foods should not be consumed often.

5. Get ready for meal time

While it is important to monitor what they are snacking on, it is equally important to limit their sugar intake during meal times. Did their breakfast contain too many sweet things? Are you giving offering them desert often after a meal? These are things to be mindful about in order to change the pattern.

6. Lead by example

It is important to be an example of healthy eating for your child. Family meal time is also important inorder for a child to develop healthy habits. Research has found that children are more likely to eat fruit and vegetables if they participate in family meals frequently.

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