'Beer yoga' classes to start off in Australia

Students will get to learn how to perform yoga poses while carrying out 'beer salutations' and even balancing beer bottles on one's head.

Update: 2017-01-18 14:18 GMT
Beer yoga has already made its foray in Germany and is set to hit Australian shores. (Photo: Facebook)

Believe it or not but ‘beer yoga’ is actually a thing. After being a hit with Berlin hipsters, it is now all set to make its first appearance in the land where drinking beer is almost like a religion: Australia. Germany’s BierYoga on its website defines the art of beer yoga as the “marriage of two great loves – beer and yoga. Both are centuries-old therapies for mind, body and soul.”

Two special beer yoga sessions will be held in Sydney this weekend. They will help students to learn how to perform yoga poses while carrying out ‘beer salutations’ and even balancing beer bottles on one’s head.

What’s even better is that would-be attendees are not required to have any prior yoga experience for the class. The event page mentions those interested should just have an “open mind and love of beer.” 

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