Stick to 21 days of a routine, says Jaysheel Anand

Jaysheel Anand, a former Mrs India first runner-up and a fitness enthusiast, lets us in on health mantras she follows.

Update: 2016-12-18 18:42 GMT
Jaysheel Anand

1. To me, fitness is largely about 70 per cent diet and 30 percent exercise. Hence, I make it a point to eat a balanced diet and not deprive myself of anything as what you eat has a direct effect on your metabolism levels, energy levels and stamina.

2. In all honesty, it’s all about not following what is trending but rather picking up an activity or workout regimen that works for your body. Currently, I’m doing a healthy mix of both strength training and cardio. And, I’m loving it!

3. My personal mantra to fitness would be to keep short-term goals and be realistic. When you chase rainbows, you end up being disappointed. Be realistic when you start out, and you’ll see things work in your favour!

4. It takes 21 days for a routine to set in. So, no matter what your workout type is, keep at it for the aforementioned period before you begin to evaluate its effectiveness. It also becomes a part and parcel of your day.

5. I start my day with a bowl of oats mixed with nuts and fruits. I absolutely love rice and end up eating a small portion of it for lunch. I believe in a high-protein diet intake with mild carbs. So, I don’t miss out on fish, chicken, eggs and rotis. More than anything, eating healthy and in moderation is important. The key to a fitter mind and body is the perfect mix of everything.

— As told to Pooja Prabhan 

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