Here are 5 tips to help you stop checking your mobile phone all the time
Studies show spending too much time with handset also affects person's ability to form new memories, focus and absorb information.;

While they do almost everything for us nowadays, from organizing our calendar, to taking photos or even helping us keep touch with our loved ones, smartphones are still becoming a problem that needs to be addressed.
According to recent studies, adults in the UK check their mobiles 33 times a day while for teenagers the number escalates to 90.
In fact, studies show that spending too much time with the handset also affects a person’s ability to form new memories, focus and absorb information.
In an article published in The Sun, Catherine Price, author of How to Break Up With Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life, shares a few simple tools one can use to develop a healthier relationship with their mobile and be more mindful of how they use it.
Price suggests that one of the first things one should do is setting boundaries and becoming more aware of phone usage.
She suggests one should download apps that monitor when and how long one spends on their mobile. By doing so, they should become more conscious of the things that trigger phone use and, as a result, reduce total phone time.
Furthermore, she says that it is a good idea to establish periods of the day when one can go phone-free.
Another way to tackle this is by determining specific spaces where your phone should be banned. One of the easiest and most effective areas to do this is the bedroom, which studies show can improve sleep.
And if one is worried about waking up, then they should just invest in an alarm clock instead, she says.
Finally, one of the biggest temptations when it comes to phone use is that feel-good feeling we get when receiving a like on one of our various social media apps.
To tackle this, one should regain their power by completely turning off notifications.