Straining eyes can cause headache during exams

Proper lighting is a necessity while studying

Update: 2016-12-22 11:23 GMT
Taking too much pressure during exams can harm eyes and result in poor eyesight. (Photo: Pixabay)

The word 'examination' is a bit scary for everyone. Even the parents are always apprehensive and stressed out about the performance of their kids. A good score will not only open doors for a bright future but assures a rising career. Not many are aware of the fact that during exam time, there is a lot of pressure on the child; studying for long hours may strain the eyes resulting in poor eyesight.

With pre-boards right here, let's have a look at some eye care tips by Dr Saurabh Singh, iTek Vision Center that will help you take care of the eyes of your children while they prepare for their exams. Our diet has a great effect on our body. That's why it is important to make sure that your child's diet is rich in Vitamin A and iron. Fruits and vegetables like amla, spinach, milk, papaya, dry fruits etc. are filled with these nutrients and are good for the eyesight.

Make provisions for sufficient lighting in the study area. The study room should have just the right amount of light. Too less or even highly illuminated lighting may also affect the eyesight adversely. Studying continuously for long hours put a strain on the eyes. Take breaks after short intervals. Blink your eyes at least 20 times during the break. This gives relief to the eye and releases the pressure on the eye muscles.

Do not let children read while lying on the bed. Keeping the books too close to the eyes also put a strain on the eyes and may cause headaches.

In case your child wears glasses, get an eye check-up done before the exams so that you have a fair idea if there is any change in the number of the lens. Even if the child doesn't wear glasses, do not ignore any issues related to the eye as it may aggravate the problem.

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