Both births are prone to risk for mother and baby
Study shows different sets of risks in both deliveries for mother and baby.
Hyderabad: In the on-going debate on Caesearan section versus normal delivery, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence in Britain has come up with new findings saying there are risks for both vaginal deliveries and C-sections. The study noted that the risks of C-sections are related to any major surgery — such as longer recovery times. It also interferes with initiation of breastfeeding for the baby. Women who have normal vaginal deliveries, on the other hand, face higher risks of blood loss and injuries to the child.
Different sets of risks exist in both the deliveries but gynaecologists advice that C-sections be done only when there is a medical complication during the course of delivery. Normal deliveries are recommended as the mother’s stay at the hospital is limited and there are less chances of infections. Gynaecologist Dr Laxmi Kiran said, “For a first-time mother, it is very important the processes of labour pain, contractions and bringing the child out are carried out properly. The labour pain in women ranges from eight to 20 hours. During the time, there are medical conditions like the baby getting stuck in the upper area of the womb, the head not coming down, the weight of the baby being more then normal and difficulty in ejection. Also, the mother is exhausted after one or two hours. In such cases, a C-section is necessary. Also, if there are existing medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, a C-section is recommended.”
But, these days, doctors find that many women who are leading a sedentary lifestyle are not able to bear with more than four contractions and hence families seek a C-section.
A senior gynaecologist said, “We can’t reject the family’s demand. The complications or risks are not considered by the family. Two decades ago, if a child died during birth, no hue and cry was raised. Now it matters, as the family simply wants a happy and healthy child.” Given this pressure, after a few hours of labour pain, doctors now prefer a C-section. Dr Geeta Naidu, a gynaecologist said, “A C-section is a half hour job while a normal delivery needs doctors to be around for 8 to 10 hours.” The WHO has advised the health ministry to cut down on the number of C-sections, which have touched 10 per cent of all births. And according to a survey, Telangana ranked the highest at 58 per cent. Some 75 per cent of the C-sections in TS were done in private hospitals.
Young couples prefer births during holidays:
Apart from muhurtams, holidays are also playing a role in planning childbirth through Caesearan section. With the arrival of nuclear families, it is very important to have all family members available during birth. Which is why many young couples are opting for a second Saturday of the month and Sundays for a planned C-section.
Senior gynaecologist Dr Bhavani Guda said, “The requests are mostly for childbirth during good muhurtam but we also have requests to conduct the C-section during big holidays. But we make it clear to the family members and the couples that a C-section can also have complications. The relatives and patients are counselled about the same.”
While the outcomes in C-section have been better, experts state that the risk factors can’t be negated and it is important for families to consider them.